




The Texas legislature’s purpose in establishing the Faculty Development Leave Program is to improve further the higher education available to the youth at the state-supported colleges and universities and to establish this program of faculty development leaves as part of the plan of compensation for the faculty of these colleges and universities. [§ 51.105(a) TX Educ. Code].

应当设计教师开发假提案,以使教职员工能够从事研究,研究,写作和类似项目,以增加他/本人可用的知识和技能,向学生,机构和机构以及beplay苹果手机能用吗社会一般。“A faculty development leave of absence may be granted for study, research, writing, field observations, or other suitable purpose within the school’s mission, if the faculty member is eligible by reason of service, the purpose is one for which a faculty development leave may be granted, and the granting of such leave does not place on faculty development leave a greater number of faculty members than that authorized.” [§ 51.106 TX Educ. Code].





  1. The faculty member should communicate his/her intent to submit an application for faculty development leave to the school committee prior to submission of an application.
  2. The faculty member should first discuss the proposal with his/her department head. Items to be discussed should be: a) purpose of the proposal; b) benefits of the development leave to the individual, the department, the school, and/or the Health Science Center; c) plans for replacing or covering the applicant’s departmental responsibilities.
  3. 然后,教职员工应将提案的副本提交给部门主席进行审查。
  4. 教职员工将与他/她的部门主席一起转发休假提案;a)批准或不赞成该提案的书面建议和理由,b)建议(如果有)加强向学校委员会提出的提案,以审查教师发展休假建议。
  5. 学校委员会将根据适合其学校任务的标准评估提案,符合健康科学中心教职员工开发假委员会建立的标准。学校委员会对批准或不赞成的书面建议和理由,或其他建议加强提案的建议,以及申请人的提议以及部门主管的建议以及学校主管向学校院长提出审查。
  6. The Dean shall review the proposal and recommendations, and, as deemed necessary, seek clarification of the proposal, make recommendations to improve the proposal, and/or otherwise consult with the applicant or department head. The Dean shall then forward the proposals with his/her written rationales along with the school committee’s rationales for recommending approval or disapproval of the proposals to the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer (EVP/CAO).
  7. The Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer will forward all proposals and respective recommendations to the Faculty Development Leave Committee of the Health Science Center. The Committee will review, evaluate and prioritize the proposals based on the established criteria. The Faculty Development Leave Committee shall then forward its priority scores, written evaluations, and any additional recommendations to the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer. A summary of the committee’s evaluations and recommendations will be forwarded to the candidates at this time.
  8. The Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer shall review all relevant information on each proposal; seek clarification, if needed; and, in the exercise of his discretion, make recommendations to strengthen the proposals. The Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer shall then approve or disapprove the requests for development leave and inform the Dean of the appropriate school.


教师开发获得的离开是一种特权the faculty member’s record of positive contributions to the educational and research missions of the department, school, and Health Science Center. The following criteria will be used by the Health Science Center Faculty Development Leave Committee in evaluating and prioritizing the proposals forwarded to the Committee:

  1. 提案的优点和适当性;
  2. 请假给个人,部门,学校和机构的预期价值;
  3. 提出建议的建议的强度;
  4. the equity of the distribution of the prospective recipients across schools in the Health Science Center; and,
  5. 与健康科学中心的平权行动政策一致。



  1. 一些安排,facu的存在lty member may effectively meet assigned responsibilities without compromising the value of the Leave;
  2. prior development leaves taken;
  3. 该教职员工一直在大学持续全职工作;
  4. 申请人的证书;
  5. 该提案的校外资金存在;和,
  6. 学校和健康科学中心内的资源可用性。

Format of the Application


  1. 开发假的目标;
  2. 请求休假的活动和时间;
  3. 该项目对申请人领域和学术活动的重要性和预期影响;
  4. where the work will be done and written evidence of an outside institution’s willingness to provide facilities for carrying out his/her proposal;
  5. 它与申请人的专业发展和机构有关;和
  6. 申请人在休假期间涵盖其职责的任何建议安排。还应提供USPHS格式的两页传记草图,并不建议提交重印。







Each recipient must, upon leave completion, file copies of a report of leave activities with the Departmental Chair (or equivalent), the Dean, and the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer.



教师发展假Proposals to: 落下
(For a July 1 start date)
学校FDL委员会 November 1 4月1日
学校院长 December 1 May 1
EVP/CAO和HSC FDL委员会 1月1日 6月1日
HSC教师发展休假委员会开始审查 February 1 July 1
EVP/CAO通知院长/申请人 March 1 8月1日


The Charge of the Faculty Development Leave Committee is to disseminate information to the faculty on the institutional Faculty Development Leave Program; monitor the nomination process for the program within the schools; and review nominations and make recommendations to the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer on an annual basis.




Alternate Membership

Term of Membership
