毒品ID Drug Name 药物描述 Drug Group #szgr中的基因
DB00206 休闲 一种生物碱中发现的根源萝芙木属serpentina and R. vomitoria. Reserpine inhibits the uptake of norepinephrine into storage vesicles resulting in depletion of catecholamines and serotonin from central and peripheral axon terminals. It has been used as an antihypertensive and an antipsychotic as well as a research tool, but its adverse effects limit its clinical use. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的 2
DB00246 Ziprasidone Ziprasidone (marketed as Geodon, Zeldox) was the fifth atypical antipsychotic to gain FDA approval (February 2001). Ziprasidone is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for the treatment of schizophrenia, and the intramuscular injection form of ziprasidone is approved for acute agitation in schizophrenic patients. Ziprasidone has also received approval for acute treatment of mania associated with bipolar disorder. [Wikipedia] 得到正式认可的 25
DB00298 Dapiprazole Dapiprazole (U.S. trade name Rev-Eyes) is an alpha blocker. It is used to reverse mydriasis after eye examination. [Wikipedia] 得到正式认可的 3
DB00334 奥氮平 奥氮平is an atypical antipsychotic, approved by the FDA in 1996. Olanzapine is manufactured and marketed by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and Company, whose patent for olanzapine proper ends in 2011. 得到正式认可的|investigational 30
DB00363 氯氮平 三环二苯二氮卓,被分类为非典型抗精神病药。它结合了几种类型的中枢神经系统受体,并显示出独特的药理特征。氯氮平是一种5-羟色胺拮抗剂,与5-HT 2A/2C受体亚型结合强。它还对几种多巴胺能受体表示强的亲和力,但在多巴胺D2受体上仅显示较弱的拮抗作用,多巴胺D2受体(一种通常被认为可以调节神经摄影活性的受体。农业细胞增多症是与该药物的给药相关的主要不利作用。[PubChem] 得到正式认可的 26
DB00391 Sulpiride A dopamine D2-receptor antagonist. It has been used therapeutically as an antidepressant, antipsychotic, and as a digestive aid. (From Merck Index, 11th ed) 得到正式认可的 2
DB00408 Loxapine An antipsychotic agent used in schizophrenia. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的 31
DB00409 Remoxipride An antipsychotic agent that is specific for dopamine D2 receptors. It has been shown to be effective in the treatment of schizophrenia. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的|withdrawn 5
DB00420 Promazine 一种具有类似氯丙嗪的作用,但抗精神病药活性较少。它主要用于短期治疗受干扰行为和抗精神经能。普罗嗪未获得批准在美国使用。 得到正式认可的|vet_approved 14
DB00433 氯吡嗪 一种主要用于恶心治疗的势噻嗪抗精神病药。呕吐;和眩晕。比氯丙嗪更有可能引起腹膜外疾病。(摘自Martindale,额外的药典,第30版,P612) 得到正式认可的|vet_approved 1
DB00450 Droperidol 丁醇具有类似于氟哌啶醇的丁基酮。它与阿片类镇痛药(例如芬太尼)结合使用,以使患者处于平静的神经植酸酶状态,对周围环境冷漠,但仍然能够与外科医生合作。它也被用作预言,用作抗气性和急性精神病的搅动。(摘自Martindale,额外的药典,第29版,P593) 得到正式认可的|vet_approved 2
DB00477 Chlorpromazine The prototypical phenothiazine antipsychotic drug. Like the other drugs in this class, chlorpromazine's antipsychotic actions are thought to be due to long-term adaptation by the brain to blocking dopamine receptors. Chlorpromazine has several other actions and therapeutic uses, including as an antiemetic and in the treatment of intractable hiccup. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的|vet_approved 20
DB00502 Haloperidol 一种主要用于治疗精神分裂症和其他精神病的苯基二吡啶基丁基酮。它也用于精神分裂障碍,妄想障碍,弹性疾病和图雷特综合征(一种选择的药物),偶尔作为智力低下的辅助疗法和亨廷顿疾病的唱片。它是一种有效的抗气性,用于治疗顽固性的打ic。(摘自AMA药物评估年度,1994年,第279页) 得到正式认可的 5
DB00508 Triflupromazine A phenothiazine used as an antipsychotic agent and as an antiemetic. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的|vet_approved 5
DB00623 Fluphenazine 吩噻嗪用于治疗of psychoses. Its properties and uses are generally similar to those of chlorpromazine. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的 3
DB00679 Thioridazine A phenothiazine antipsychotic used in the management of psychoses, including schizophrenia, and in the control of severely disturbed or agitated behavior. It has little antiemetic activity. Thioridazine has a higher incidence of antimuscarinic effects, but a lower incidence of extrapyramidal symptoms, than chlorpromazine. (From Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p618) 得到正式认可的 6
DB00734 Risperidone Risperidone, a benzisoxazole derivative, is an atypical antipsychotic drug with high affinity for 5-hydrotryptamine (5-HT) and dopamine D2 receptors. It is used primarily in the management of schizophrenia, inappropriate behavior in severe dementia and manic episodes associated with bipolar I disorder. Risperidone is effective for treating the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia owing to its affinity for its ?loose? binding affinity for dopamine D2 receptors and additional 5-HT antagonism compared to first generation antipsychotics, which are strong, non-specific dopamine D2 receptor antagonists. 得到正式认可的|investigational 14
DB00767 苯甲酰胺 苯甲酰胺is a discontinued antiemetic compound with antihistaminic, mild anticholinergic, and sedative properties. The mechanism of action is not known, but presumably benzquinamide works via antagonism of muscarinic acetycholine receptors and histamine H1 receptors. 撤销 6
DB00831 Trifluoperazine A phenothiazine with actions similar to chlorpromazine. It is used as an antipsychotic and an antiemetic. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的 5
DB00850 Perphenazine An antipsychotic phenothiazine derivative with actions and uses similar to those of chlorpromazine. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的 3
DB00875 Flupentixol Flupentixolis an antipsychotic neuroleptic drug. It is a thioxanthene, and therefore closely related to the phenothiazines. Its primary use is as a long acting injection given two or three weekly to people with schizophrenia who have a poor compliance with medication and suffer frequent relapses of illness. It is a D1 and D2 receptor antagonist. It is not approved in the United States. 得到正式认可的|withdrawn 5
DB00904 ondansetron A competitive serotonin type 3 receptor antagonist. It is effective in the treatment of nausea and vomiting caused by cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs, including cisplatin, and has reported anxiolytic and neuroleptic properties. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的 5
DB00933 美索嗪 A phenothiazine antipsychotic with effects similar to chlorpromazine. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的 2
DB01038 Carphenazine 敏锐嗪是一种抗精神病药,用于住院的患者,用于治疗慢性精神分裂症。 撤销 3
DB01063 Acetophenazine Acetophenazine is an antipsychotic drug of moderate-potency. It is used in the treatment of disorganized and psychotic thinking. It is also used to help treat false perceptions (e.g. hallucinations or delusions). It primarily targets the dopamine D2 receptor. 得到正式认可的 2
DB01100 Pimozide A diphenylbutylpiperidine that is effective as an antipsychotic agent and as an alternative to haloperidol for the suppression of vocal and motor tics in patients with Tourette syndrome. Although the precise mechanism of action is unknown, blockade of postsynaptic dopamine receptors has been postulated. (From AMA Drug Evaluations Annual, 1994, p403) 得到正式认可的 4
DB01178 Chlormezanone A non-benzodiazepine that is used in the management of anxiety. It has been suggested for use in the treatment of muscle spasm. [PubChem] 得到正式认可的|withdrawn 1
DB01224 Quetiapine Quetiapine is indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia as well as for the treatment of acute manic episodes associated with bipolar I disorder. The antipsychotic effect of quetiapine is thought by some to be mediated through antagonist activity at dopamine and serotonin receptors. Specifically the D1 and D2 dopamine, the alpha 1 adrenoreceptor and alpha 2 adrenoreceptor, and 5-HT1A and 5-HT2 serotonin receptor subtypes are antagonized. Quetiapine also has an antagonistic effect on the histamine H1 receptor. 得到正式认可的 26
DB01238 阿立哌唑 阿立哌唑is an atypical antipsychotic medication used for the treatment of schizophrenia. It has also recently received FDA approval for the treatment of acute manic and mixed episodes associated with bipolar disorder. Aripiprazole appears to mediate its antipsychotic effects primarily by partial agonism at the D2 receptor. In addition to partial agonist activity at the D2 receptor, aripiprazole is also a partial agonist at the 5-HT1A receptor, and like the other atypical antipsychotics, aripiprazole displays an antagonist profile at the 5-HT2A receptor. Aripiprazole has moderate affinity for histamine and alpha adrenergic receptors, and no appreciable affinity for cholinergic muscarinic receptors. 得到正式认可的|investigational 25
DB01239 Chlorprothixene 氯普希烯是硫烷基(三环)类的典型抗精神病药。氯普噻烷通过阻断5-HT2 D1,D2,D3,组胺H1,毒蕈碱和α1肾上腺素能受体来发挥强烈的阻断作用。 得到正式认可的|withdrawn 12
DB01267 Paliperidone Paliperidone is the primary active metabolite of the older antipsychotic risperidone. While its specific mechanism of action is unknown, it is believed that paliperidone and risperidone act via similar if not the same pathways. It has been proposed that the drug's therapeutic activity in schizophrenia is mediated through a combination of central dopamine Type 2 (D2) and serotonin Type 2 (5HT2A) receptor antagonism. Paliperidone is also active as an antagonist at alpha 1 and alpha 2 adrenergic receptors and H1 histaminergic receptors, which may explain some of the other effects of the drug. Paliperidone was approved by the FDA for treatment of schizophrenia on December 20, 2006. 得到正式认可的 17
DB01403 Methotrimeprazine 具有药理学活性的势噻嗪类似于氯丙嗪和异丙嗪。它具有抗组胺药的组胺 - 抗抗突性性质,以及类似于氯丙嗪的中枢神经系统作用。(摘自Martindale,额外的药典,第30版,P604) 得到正式认可的 19
DB01463 Fencamfamine Fencamfamine(glucoenergan,reactivan)是一种刺激剂,在1960年代作为食欲抑制剂而开发,但由于依赖性和滥用问题而被撤回该应用,后来被撤回。它大约是脱氧苯丙胺的效力的一半,并且以10-60mg的剂量处方,尽管该药物的滥用者往往会迅速发展耐受性并升级其剂量。Reactivan仍然很少用于治疗抑郁的日常疲劳,缺乏浓度和嗜睡,尤其是在患有慢性医疗状况的个体中,因为其有利的安全性使其成为某些情况下最合适的药物。[Wikipedia] 得到正式认可的|illicit|withdrawn 1
DB01608 propericiazine 丙氨酸是哌啶基的苯噻嗪。已经显示,它可以减少一些精神病患者的病理唤醒和情感张力,而异常心理整合的症状相对不受影响。它是一种镇静蝶嗪,具有弱抗精性特性。它还具有肾上腺素,抗胆碱能,代谢和内分泌作用以及对锥体外系统的作用。它被用作一些精神病患者的辅助药物,以控制残留的敌对态度,冲动和侵略性。与其他势噻嗪一样,丙嗪可以通过产生所谓的中央肾上腺素能阻断来主要在皮层下区域起作用。 得到正式认可的 3
DB01614 Acepromazine Acepromazine is one of the phenothiazine derivative psychotropic drugs, used little in humans, however frequently in animals as a sedative and antiemetic. 得到正式认可的|vet_approved 6
DB01618 Molindone 一种有效的精神分裂症和其他精神病的吲哚衍生物,可能有助于治疗积极的无社会性行为障碍。与大多数抗精神病药的亲和力相比,Molindone对D2受体的亲和力要低得多,并且对D1受体的亲和力相对较低。它对胆碱能和α-肾上腺素能受体的亲和力仅低至中等亲和力。来自动物的一些电生理数据表明,莫林顿具有某些类似于氯氮平的特征。(摘自AMA药物评估年度,1994年,第283页) 得到正式认可的 4
DB01621 Pipotiazine Pipotiazine has actions similar to those of other phenothiazines. Among the different phenothiazine derivatives, it appears to be less sedating and to have a weak propensity for causing hypotension or potentiating the effects of CNS depressants and anesthetics. However, it produces a high incidence of extra pyramidal reactions. It is used for the maintenance treatment of chronic non-agitated schizophrenic patients. Symptoms of overdose include severe extrapyramidal manifestations, hypotension, lethargy and sedation. 得到正式认可的 4
DB01622 硫代丙嗪 硫代丙嗪是具有抗精神病毒特性的有效神经服役的。硫丙嗪具有明显的催化剂和抗多酚活性,与较小的镇静,低温和痉挛性作用相关。它实际上没有抗血清素和降压作用,并且没有抗组胺性特性。它用于治疗所有类型的急性和慢性精神分裂症,包括对通常的神经疗法反应的急性精神分裂症。躁狂综合征。过量可能会导致严重的腹膜外症状,吞咽困难,明显的唾液性,持续和迅速增加的高温,肺综合征,苍白的冲击状态和大量出汗,随后可能是崩溃和昏迷。小鼠的LD50为70 mg/kg i.v.,120 mg/kg I.p.,500 mg/kg S.C.和830 mg/kg/kg P.O. 得到正式认可的 6
DB01623 噻壳酵母 一种用作抗精神病药的硫嘌呤。它的作用类似于苯噻嗪抗精神病药。[PubChem] 得到正式认可的 3
DB01624 Zuclopenthixol Zuclopenthixol,也称为Zuclopentixol或Zuclopenthixolum,是一种抗精神病药。Zuclopenthixol是一种基于硫烷基的神经肽,其治疗作用类似于苯噻嗪抗精神病药。它是D1和D2多巴胺受体的拮抗剂。Zuclopenthixol的主要品牌是Cisordinol,Acuphase和Clopixol。该药物是液体。该化合物属于硫跨enthenes。这些是含有硫烷基部分的有机聚环化合物,它是通过用硫原子代替氧原子来衍生自黄烯的芳族三轮车。西吡吡辛醇的已知药物靶标包括5-羟基氨基胺受体2A,D(1B)多巴胺受体,D(2)多巴胺受体,D(1A)多巴胺受体和α-1A-1A肾上腺素能受体。众所周知,叶核硫代醇被细胞色素P450 2d6代谢。Zuclopenthixol于2011年获得批准在加拿大使用,但未被批准在美国使用。 得到正式认可的|investigational 7
DB04842 Fluspirilene A long-acting injectable antipsychotic agent used for chronic schizophrenia. 得到正式认可的 2
DB06144 Sertindole Sertindole, a neuroleptic, is one of the newer antipsychotic medications available. Serdolect is developed by the Danish pharmaceutical company H. Lundbeck. Like the other atypical antipsychotics, it has activity at dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain. It is used in the treatment of schizophrenia. It is classified chemically as a phenylindole derivative. It was first marketed in 1996 in several European countries before being withdrawn two years later because of numerous cardiac adverse effects. It has once again been approved and should soon be available on the French and Australian market. 得到正式认可的|withdrawn 8
DB06288 Amisulpride Amisulpride(商业名称Solian)是Sanofi-Aventis出售的一种抗精神病药。它未经批准在美国使用,而是在欧洲和澳大利亚被批准用于治疗精神病和精神分裂症。此外,它在意大利被批准用于治疗心脏病(以品牌名称Deniban)。Amisulpride是一种选择性多巴胺拮抗剂。 得到正式认可的|investigational 4