



General Information


6月,州长格雷格·雅培(Greg Abbott)签署了参议院第11章(SB11),通常被称为“校园携带”法案。该法案通过授权隐藏手枪许可证(CHLS)在高等教育机构建筑物中携带隐藏的手枪来修改现行法律。该法律生效2016年8月1日。

Key provisions of the law include the following.

  • 法律允许只要CHLS许可证的持有人携带concealedhandguns. Long guns (e.g., rifles and shotguns) are not permitted and it is illegal for anyone to openly carry any type of firearm in university buildings. Holders of CHLs must be at least 21 years old and complete an approved training course.
  • University presidents may adopt rules that address the carrying of concealed handguns on their campuses, but the law requires that they consult with students, faculty and staff prior to developing rules.
  • Rules developed by a president may specify certain campus locations as exclusion zones where concealed handguns arenot允许。但是,法律规定,排除区可能不会“通常禁止或普遍禁止” CHL持有人携带的校园。
  • 实施的最终规则必须广泛宣传并发布适当的标牌。

The full text of the bill may be found at


德克萨斯大学系统总理威廉·麦克拉文(William McRaven)已要求UT系统中的所有校园开发工作组,以征集学生,教职员工,员工和其他选民的意见,并协助总统为其校园制定规则。

总理还组成了一个由副总理大卫·E·丹尼尔(David E. Daniel)领导的UT系统工作组。Uthealth总裁Giuseppe N. Colasurdo,医学博士,任命了学术和研究事务执行副总裁George M. Stancel博士,代表Uthealth在系统工作组中代表Uthealth,并主持我们的校园工作组。beplay苹果手机能用吗系统工作组已经通过电话会议开始每周会议。

By Dec. 4, 2015, presidents will submit preliminary campus plans to System leadership. After considering System feedback, presidents will submit final plans by Dec. 18, 2015. In February 2016, the Board of Regents will review campus plans, which the Board may amend by a two-thirds vote. Final implementation must then be completed by Aug. 1, 2016.

UTHealth plans



As part of each “Campus Carry” update provided on the intranet, students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to submit comments, including support and suggestions for implementing campus carry provisions as well as suggestions for exclusion zones. Town Hall meetings have also been scheduled to receive UTHealth community feedback.
