


导演:穆罕默德·H·拉赫巴尔(Mohammad H. Rahbar)博士 -mohammad.h.rahbar@uth.tmc.edu- 713-500-7901

BERD provides leadership, expertise, and advice in biostatistics, epidemiology, and research design to investigators in the CCTS. BERD’s mission is to promote-within our CCTS-affiliated institutions as well as across CTSAs nationwide-innovative, state-of-the-art clinical and translational research of maximum public health benefit and scientific impact. BERD provides the resources required to pursue the following objectives in support of the overall goals of the CCTS.

  • Contribute to the enhancement and further development of the clinical and translational research infrastructure both within the CCTS and across CTSAs nationwide
  • 在临床和转化调查员以及我们的CCTS生物统计学,流行病学和研究设计专家网络之间建立短期和长期合作beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • Contribute to the formal training of clinical and translational investigators in biostatistics, epidemiology, and research design
  • 在生物统计学,流行病学和研究设计方面的方法学进步对临床和转化研究的益处beplay苹果手机能用吗

To achieve these goals, BERD will seize every opportunity (e.g., through informal consultations as well as classroom instruction) to develop a collaborative relationship with clinical and translational investigators (primarily within our CCTS-affiliated institutions) to promote the rapid development of innovative research ideas and the rapid dissemination of valid research findings. Typically, this is a long-term process that begins with providing assistance with study design and epidemiological and statistical methods in the development of a research proposal, proceeding (most often iteratively) with the acquisition of funding and, over the course of actually conducting the study, producing findings and publications (most often iteratively). The goals of BERD include collaboration with investigators to optimize the often complex trade-offs between the research innovation, its potential medical and public health impacts, and the required investments of time and resources. BERD aims to reduce the number of iterations required to successfully obtain research funding and to publish research findings.




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自2008年2月1日以来,穆罕默德·拉赫巴尔(Mohammad Rahbar)博士一直担任临床和转化科学中心的BERD主任。2012年,Rahbar博士还被任命为德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(UTHEALTH)MCGOVERN医学院内科医学系临床和转化科学系(DCTS)主任Beplay体育中心Berd教师的初级学术住所。



  • Mohammad H. Rahbar, PhD




Dr. Rahbar’s bibliography:


  • Xu Zhang, PhD

Associate Professor of Biostatistics




  • Resmi Gupta,博士

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics


Dr. Gupta’s bibliography:


  • Wen Li,博士

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics




For additional information about the BERD/DCTS faculty, please see thedivision websitefor faculty profiles.


Manouchehr Hessabi, MD, MPH






Amirali Tahanan,MS



Mr. Tahanan is a bioinformatician and works as a quality-control specialist and data analyst in BERD. Since 2010, he has been working with Dr. Rahbar and has gained extensive experience in handling complex informatics tasks in BERD, particularly on various NIH-funded projects. Mr. Tahanan has worked on several data coordinating center projects and contributed to their data management activities and data quality assurance procedures. He has worked as the data manager for several studies, developed several secure web-based databases using REDCap, and generated and developed several SAS programs for data cleaning and data quality assurance of data. He has extensive experience in harmonization and integration of multisite data that have been collected in different study sites. In 2020, Mr. Tahanan completed his master’s degree in Biomedical Informatics from School of Biomedical Informatics at UTHealth with a minor in Biostatistics. He is working as a data-quality specialist on several projects and is responsible for many aspects of data management and data analysis, including multivariate and longitudinal data analysis. Since 2010, he has collaborated on several projects that led to 10 collaborative publications.

Mr. Tahanan’s bibliography:


Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs)

BERD provides opportunities to GRAs to gain real-life experience by applying their theoretical knowledge in biostatistics and epidemiology to solve real-life problems. For example, Master’s or PhD level students who are interested in learning about clinical studies, data management, data quality assurance, and data analysis can get involved in various projects in BERD. Some GRAs use data in BERD for their thesis or dissertation research and develop manuscripts in collaboration with BERD faculty. Current GRAs in BERD include:

  1. Sepideh Saroukhani, MD, MS, Epidemiology PhD candidate
  2. Jing Zhang,MS,生物统计学博士候选人
  3. Sori Kim,BS,生物统计学博士生
  4. Yuansong Zhao, MS, Biostatistics PhD candidate
  5. Sheikh Farzana Zaman,流行病学MPH候选人


R01ES022165-01 (PI: Rahbar)
09/12/2013 - 04/30/2024

在这个项目中,UTHealth与一个团队of multidisciplinary researchers in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston, Jamaica, to develop and evaluate the capacity for creating a database of genetic and phenotypic information in Jamaica among ASD cases and their family members. This is a population-based etiologic study of autism in Jamaica, with a particular focus on genetic and environmental factors, including six heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, manganese, and aluminum), polychlorinated biphenyls, and organochlorine pesticides as environmental contaminants and their potential interactions with the GST genes in relation to ASD.

R03NS111178(PI: Rahbar)
01/01/20 - 12/31/21

该项目的目的是通过提出一种创新且灵活的关节建模方法来更好地理解中风的进展和复发,以分析多元复发事件数据。它旨在通过将重新启动数据与预测性工具开发的预测标记结合在一起来提高生存结果的预测准确性。这些新的模型和策略将有可能为统计学家和临床医生提供与医疗和健康有关的研究的宝贵工具,重点是预测疾病进展,复发和死亡的风险。beplay苹果手机能用吗博士。Wen Li和Resmi Gupta在这项研究中充当共同评估者。


The goal of the CCTS is to facilitate clinical and translational research at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley, Rice University, and the Memorial Hermann Hospital System, by providing resources and expert advice to investigators. Dr. Rahbar serves as the Director of the BERD component in this Center. Other BERD faculty also contribute to this project.

临床和转化科学中心(CCTS)(Administrative Supplement: RAD-X-UP)
UL1 TR003167-02S1(PI:McPherson)
09/24/20 - 06/30/22

这项研究的目的是利用长期和学术社区互动的合作伙伴关系来检查SARS-COV-2感染模式,并确定动态疾病热点和测试德克萨斯州三个地区种族多元化社区的沙漠(休斯顿/哈里斯县,南德克萨斯州,以及德克萨斯州东北部)。这项研究还将评估弱势人群中多层干预策略的快速适应和部署,以增加严重的Covid-19感染风险。由Rahbar博士领导的Berd教职员工(Xu Zhang博士)和工作人员(Manouchehr Hessabi博士,Amirali Tahanan先生和Sori Kim女士)担任本研究的区域数据协调中心。

Feasibility Study of Innovative Fiber Optic Technology to Suppress Inappropriate Discharges from Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators (Phase 1 STTR)
1R41HL156482 - 01A1(多个PIS:Cheng,Kee)
07/01/21 – 3/31/2022

这个新阶段我STTR应用程序的目标是to integrate a fiber optic sensor into an existing implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD) system to assess hemodynamic stability during arrhythmias to potentially prevent inappropriate shocks (IAS). This novel design that incorporates fiber optic sensor technology to differentiate arrhythmias with and without hemodynamic significance to prevent IAS, would significantly impact patient morbidity and quality of life and reduce unnecessary health care costs. Dr. Rahbar serves as a Co-Investigator and biostatistician on this project.

Expanded Medical Home, Expand Patient Navigation, Chronic Care Management Lower Valley, Evidence Based Health Promotion Program (DSRIP)
10001646 Sub-in(PI: McCormick)

The goal of this project is to implement medical homes in Health Professional Shortage Areas and other rural and impoverished areas in Texas in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Dr. Rahbar serves as a Co-Investigator and biostatistician on this project.

04/15/17 – 03/31/22

The major goal of this project is to develop a carrier (echogenic immunoliposomes) with novel ultrasound delivery methodologies that have the ability to incorporate therapeutics and enhance delivery to stabilize atherosclerotic beds at the time of intervention. Dr. Rahbar serves as a Co-Investigator and biostatistician on this project.

Hemophilia Inhibitor PUP Study (HIPs)
X01TopMed grant (PI: Brown)
04/01/21 – 03/31/23
NIH/NHLBI/Baxter Healthcare Corporation

这是一项多中心,纵向和观察研究,旨在评估血友病患者用FVIII产物替代疗法后预防VIII(FVIII)抑制剂。Dr. Rahbar serve as Co-PI and Director of the Data Management and Statistical Analysis Core on this project. Other BERD faculty (Dr. Resmi Gupta, Co-PI and Biostatistician) and staff (Dr. Manouchehr Hessabi, Mr. Amirali Tahanan) also contribute to the data management and statistical analysis tasks in this study.

02/01/21 – 01/31/23

The objective of this pilot study is to assess the feasibility of such a trial by comparing the impact of revascularization and optimal medical therapy (OMT) on the extent of severely reduced coronary flow capacity (CFC). The study focuses on extent of severely reduced CFC because it correlates with the risk of death and myocardial infarction and has been shown to be reduced with revascularization. Dr. Rahbar serves as Director of the Data Management Center on this project. Other BERD staff (Dr. Manouchehr Hessabi, Mr. Amirali Tahanan) also perform data management and data quality assurance tasks in this study.

Road to Discovery for Combination Probiotic BB-12 with LGG at Different Doses in Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders
07/01/19 – 06/30/23

This clinical trial will determine the safety, tolerability, and dose of BB-12+LGG in a Phase 1 placebo-controlled randomized trial and determine the effect size of probiotic treatment on gastrointestinal symptoms, maladaptive behavior, gut inflammation, and the fecal microbial community and its metabolites. Dr. Rahbar serve as Co-I and Director of the Data Coordination Center on this project. Other BERD staff (Dr. Manouchehr Hessabi, Mr. Amirali Tahanan) also perform data management and statistical analysis tasks in this study.

SELECT 2: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Optimize Patient's Selection for Endovascular Treatment in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Clinical Trial: NCT03876457 (PI: Sarraj)
Stryker, Inc.

该项目的主要目的是在30个地点2 - 3年内注册560名患者,并评估与仅在急性缺血性中风患者中仅医疗管理相比,血管内血栓切除术的疗效和安全性。将分析成像谱与血栓切除术临床结局的相关性和治疗效果。Rahbar博士担任该项目的Co-I和数据管理中心主任。本研究中的其他BERD员工(Manouchehr Hessabi博士,Amirali Tahanan先生)也执行数据管理和统计分析任务。

Identification of Key Tumor Cell-Released Factors that Induce Cachexia
2R01AR063786-06A1(Multiple PIs: Li, Jafri)
04/13/20 - 03/31/25


19TPA34860013 (PI: Govindarajan)

The goal of this project is to extend an in-house developed finite element (FE) and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) algorithm to simulate mitral valve function and left ventricular flow dynamics across cardiac cycle, automating the workflow for image-FE/FSI evaluation, and create patient-specific mitral. Dr. Rahbar serves as a Co-Investigator and biostatistician on this project.

UM1 DK095710 (PIs: Inge, Jenkins)
09/01/2016 - 08/31/2021

The goal of Teen-LABS is to facilitate coordinated clinical, epidemiological and behavioral research in the field of adolescent bariatric surgery, through the cooperative development of common clinical protocols and a bariatric surgery database that will collect information from participating clinical centers performing bariatric surgery on teenagers. Dr. Resmi Gupta serves as a biostatistician on this project.

Level and Timing of Diabetic Hyperglycemia in Utero: The Transgenerational Effect on Adult Morbidity(团队学习)
R01 DK109956 (PI: Khoury)
09/01/2017 - 08/31/2022

Exposure to maternal diabetes mellitus, regardless of type, in utero increases the risk of obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, renal compromise, and cardiovascular disease in offspring. The goals of this study are (1) To demonstrate the transgenerational effect of the hyperglycemic intrauterine environment on metabolic health of adult offspring of women with type 1 diabetes, by identifying sensitive gestational periods of hyperglycemia predictive of specific metabolic morbidities in the adult offspring; and (2) to demonstrate the transgenerational effect of the hyperglycemic intrauterine environment on cardiac and peripheral vascular structure and function in adult offspring of women with type 1 diabetes. Dr. Resmi Gupta serves as a biostatistician on this project.


该项目的目的是研究多发性硬化症中扩散异常的白质的演变,并确定其与局灶性病变的关系。Xu Zhang博士担任该项目的生物统计学家。

Feasibility and Effectiveness of Home-Based Telerehabilitation Program for Recovery of Upper Limb Functions in Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury (A Telerehabilitation Program for SCI)

这项研究的目的是评估一项使用远程监督的家庭疗法来改善因脊髓损伤不完整而导致的四肢的肢体自愿运动。Xu Zhang博士担任该项目的生物统计学家。

K23NS106054 (PI: Blackburn)
09/15/18 - 08/31/2022

这项研究的目的是确定HAPTOGOLOBbeplay苹果手机能用吗IN HP基因型在障碍性蛛网膜下腔出血后预测临床结果的作用。Dr. Wen Li serves as a biostatistician on this project.

Target Tumor Microenvironment

Dr. Wen Li serves as a biostatistician on this project.


The BERD component has successfully completed many other projects that can be viewed这里
