Integrating Special Populations


Integrating special populations into clinical research.


Director and Contact person:医学博士Holly 713-500-6628

For geriatric populations, the CCTS has access to diverse older adults across its catchment areas with significant burden of chronic illness. Recent advancements include a study led by Dr. Holmes evaluating whether a pharmacist-led deprescribing intervention can decrease adverse drug reactions, healthcare utilization, and cost. The CCTS has also funded pilot studies for new investigators, such as one conducted by Dr. Jessica Lee in collaboration with UTMB and UT San Antonio, examining the effects of intranasal oxytocin on sarcopenic obesity. Other studies include the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trial with co-investigators Dr. Lee and Dr. Carmel Dyer. Dr. Lee is a site PI and supervisor for a trial of statins for primary prevention of dementia and disability (PREVENTABLE). Dr. Lee has also formed unique partnerships with community organizations. She is conducting an exercise clinical trial for homebound older adults in collaboration with the community organization Meals on Wheels. Another longitudinal study in Brownsville, with the CCHS, has recruited more than 400 primarily elderly participants which has helped uncover new associations between chronic diseases in older people, for example diabetes and osteoporosis. Dr. Rianon works in close collaboration with the UT SPH in Brownsville in these studies.


UTHealth的老年医生Jessica Lee博士正在进行III期临床试验,以评估潜在的疫苗是否有效预防有症状的Covid-19。(贡献/Uthealth)

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Uthealth Joan和Stanford Alexander老年医学分部



导向器:乔恩·泰森(Jon Tyson),医学博士, 713-500-5651

乔恩·泰森(Jon Tyson)博士领导CCTS研究人员团队,为从胎儿阶段到18岁的患者进行创新和严格的研究。在他们的贡献中,克劳迪娅·佩德罗扎(Claudia Pedrozbeplay苹果手机能用吗a),博士学位,查尔斯·格林(Charles Green),博士和泰森(Tyson)博士一直是开拓性领导者贝叶斯设计和分析临床试验,尤其是围产期和小儿研究的使用,以解决传统频繁统计的局限性,并量化医疗或外科手术干预措施受益/危害的概率和幅度。这项工作包括协助由医学博士肖恩·布莱克韦尔(Sean Blackwell),医学博士Suneet Chauhan和其他孕产妇医学专家领导的围产期研究。另一位CCTS调查员,医学博士MS乔伊斯·塞缪尔(Joyce Samuel),导致促进使用N-1-1试验作为确定对个别患者的最佳治疗方法的方法,包括患有高血压的儿童,其对不同药物的反应是可变且无法预测的。。医学博士Ricardo Mosquera和MBA医学博士的Elenir Avritscher和MBA的Elenir Avritscher开发了一项针对医学复杂儿童的全国知名计划,并在逐渐降低了其严重疾病和卫生系统成本的速度方面证明了其有效性和成本效益。


Dr. Mosquera works with a patient through telemedicine.

博士。Tyson, Pedroza, and Green have been leaders in randomized trials and cohort studies of the NICHD Neonatal Research Network that are needed to resolve major controversies in the care of high-risk newborns and are often published in新英格兰医学杂志and贾马。其中包括对Tyson博士和Green的研究,该研究开发了一种互联网工具,以评估新生儿略有可行的新生儿的预后,并协助为这些婴儿的父母提供咨询。医学博士Matthew Rysavy和Tyson博士最近更新了该工具,该工具每年被新生儿学家和家长在全球发达国家访问30,000次。博士。泰森(Tyson)和里萨维(Rysavy)现在正在领导几项主要的网络研究,包括一项循环光疗法的试验,以增加生存的可能性,而不会在极早的婴儿中损害。



The online neonatal estimator allows provides detailed information on an infant's prognosis.

Hispanics with Cancer

Directors and Contact persons:苏珊·P·费舍尔·霍奇(MD); Joseph B. McCormick, MD 956-755-0605

A unique feature of the CCTS is the large representation of a low-income Hispanic population. Houston is 37.4% Hispanic, and the CCTS Brownsville CRU region is over 90% Hispanic. The CCTS utilizes this strong relationship with the Hispanic community to support the Cameron County Hispanic Cohort (CCHC, N>5000). This randomized cohort of mostly Mexican-Americans, mostly underserved in terms of both education and health, is actively recruited for clinical research at the Brownsville Clinical Research Unit (CRU).

这项研究beplay苹果手机能用吗由C的合作成为可能CHC participants has resulted in broad based and unique medical discoveries. Among the most important is the incidence of liver disease and cancer mostly associated with diabetes and obesity. Collaborative research with Dr. Laura Beretta of M. D. Anderson Cancer Center has revealed a high prevalence of liver disease, a precursor to liver cancer driven by obesity, and poorly controlled diabetes and a lack of access to health care. Underlying genetic predisposition is also being explored.


这项研究提beplay苹果手机能用吗供了有关人群中各种潜在慢性病的稳固数据,包括肥胖,糖尿病,高血压,心血管疾病,心理健康和认知功能等。这样已发表的数据支持健康教育和疾病管理计划的工作,例如Salud y Vida,这有助于患者管理不可控制的糖尿病和高血压。慢性疾病的高流行和获得初级卫生保健的机会较低,也刺激了远程医疗计划的发展,向没有初级保健提供者的人提供初级保健。


CRU和实验室团队SPH Brownsville校园

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ (LGBTQ+) Community

Director and Contact person:Vanessa Schick, PhD


Inappropriate engagement of the community is a major barrier to participation in research. Specifically, LGBTQ+ members are often lost to studies when the questions asked do not accurately capture their sexual orientation or gender identity. The CCTS is a resource for individuals with questions about how to properly ask these questions. The team, including the UTHealth LGBTQ+ student group, developed a 1-pager for researchers and clinicians on how to address these issues. A draft version is available here:LGBTQ+ Research & Clinical Practice Recommendations

Individuals within the LGBTQ+ community are often hesitant to engage in research for a variety of reasons (e.g., historical distrust). For this reason, the community may be better engaged by offering needed services outside of research. Dr. Schick and her team worked with community partners to scale a tailored, interactive resource guide (Personalized Assessment List (PAL)) to provide individuals with a list of local, available resources related to COVID-19, healthcare, and social determinants of health (e.g., housing, food insecurity, housing) designed to meet their individualized needs and characteristics:

休斯顿LGBTQ+ PAL [个性化评估清单]您是有兴趣参与临床试验或研究的LQBTQ+社区的成员吗?beplay苹果手机能用吗许多机会将为您的时间和参与提供经济补偿。PAL可以选择在可用时注册临床试验。

