


Uthealth IRB可能是多站点研究的IRB审查。CPHS已成为多项临床试验XPRESS试验的记录IRB。当一项研究涉及其他机构中的其他研究人员协作角色,例如beplay苹果手机能用吗作为研究的一部分,将样本发送给另一家机构进行分析。beplay苹果手机能用吗

对于多站点研究,在同意成为记录的IRB之前,请确保Uthealth IRB正在努力,并能够成为IRB的审查。


必须通过IRIS对Uthealth IRB进行审查IRB的请求。该请求可以在初次提交时或以后作为更改请求提出。要求Uthealth IRB为审查IRB的提交数据包应包括每个依赖网站:

  • 依赖机构的许可信
  • Completed添加PI形式对于每个依赖机构
  • Consent forms with local PI information (if applicable)
  • 本地上下文信息(如果由Uthealth IRB要求)

The IRB staff will check whether UTHealth has an agreement with the relying institution(s). If not, the IRB staff will work with the relying institution to enter into an IRB reliance agreement. UTHealth IRB will issue a letter that indicates that the addition of the relying institution is approved. With this approval, UTHealth IRB will assume IRB oversight for the research study at the relying institution. The requirements for submission and review may also vary depending on the terms of the agreement between UTHealth IRB and the relying institution.

有关管理IRB通信的更详细的指导,Uthealth Pi是铅PI,而Uthealth IRB是审查IRB,请点击这里
