
Executive Vice President & Chief Academic Officer




Currently, only applications for Visiting Students (residing in the USA) are being processed. All other categories of Visiting Scholars (Observers, Professional Trainees, and Visiting Scientists) are suspended until further notice, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Updates will be provided as new guidelines are made available.


The Office of the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer (EVP/CAO) oversees this process at the institutional level.

Please note this is only a brief outline of the application and intake process for Visiting Scholars. For more details, refer to申请说明和过程概述访客.

  1. Applicant确定教师的赞助商,教师赞助商同意接待申请人。
  2. Applicantcompletes the applicant’s section of the应用并将其提交给教师赞助商,并提供所需的支持文件。
  3. 教师赞助商完成了该部门的申请部分,并获得了部门主席的批准。
  4. 教师/系赞助商将适当健康表的申请提交给UT健康服务(UTHS)for health review. UTHS sends a health clearance emailto Faculty/Department Sponsor.
  5. 教师/系赞助商sends application with supporting documentation, health clearance email and payment (if applicable) to the Office of the EVP/CAO (by email:otvs@uth.tmc.edu)。
  6. EVP/CAO办公室将申请转发给Human Resourcesto initiate a background check. Upon successful completion of the background check, Human Resources signs off on the application and forwards it to the Office of the EVP/CAO.
  7. The Office of the EVP/CAO and the Office of Legal Affairsdetermine whether an additional agreement (such as an affiliation agreement, program agreement, visiting agreement) needs to be signed between the Applicant’s home institution and UTHealth. If required, the agreement will be sent to the Faculty/Department Sponsor for forwarding to the Applicant and Applicant’s home institution.申请人家庭机构的官员sign the agreement and returns it to the Faculty/Department Sponsor, who forwards it to the Office of the EVP/CAO for final signature.
  8. The Office of the EVP/CAO审查申请。如果获得批准,EVP/CAO将签署申请和任何其他协议。
  9. The Office of the EVP/CAOnotifies the Faculty Sponsor of the application’s approval or denial, and forwards copies of the approved application to the Faculty Sponsor and Human Resources (as well as the Office of International Affairs for foreign[1]nationals for visa advising).
  10. Once an application is approved, the教师赞助商的系/学校sends an录取通知书给申请人(提供批准的日期和进气口说明。)申请人签署了这封信,并将其退还给教师/部门的赞助商。
  11. 外国国家申请人将收到国际事务办公室(OIA)的电子邮件,以提供签证建议。外国申请人必须安排OIA到达后的签证许可。
  12. Before the visit can start, all Applicants must check-in withHuman Resources获得访客的Uthealth ID徽章。此外,外国国家申请人必须先获得OIA的签证许可UTHealth ID badge.
  13. Only after receiving their visa clearance (if applicable) and badge, Applicants may begin their visit.
  14. 教职赞助商/部门负责确保观察申请人的批准结束日期,并收集申请人的Uthealth ID徽章。
