
Event Presentations

Update on the Principle of Intraoral Biopsy, Including the 'Dos and Dont's' of the Paperwork|Presented by:Kalu U.E.Ogbureke,BDS,DMSC,JD,MSC |一小时的演示文稿


本课程将为参与口面损伤活检的牙医和其他临床医生提供更新和复习Biopsy Request Form。本课程还旨在使临床医生对由于次优活检要求可能发生的潜在诊断陷阱(一些有法律后果)的态度敏感。将使用临床案例场景/示范和迷你车间格式。口腔和上颌面/头颈病理学家经常接受活检标本,被认为是“不足”的组织病理学诊断。

In additional to issues of thesize自然of submitted materials, shortfalls are related to inadequately completed活检请求表。由于病理学家的任务是组装所有拼图拼图(历史,临床发现,放射线学和组织病理学发现)以进行明确诊断的责任,因此通常有必要要求临床医生要求病理学报告/诊断。提供相关信息以补充组织病理学发现。当临床医生未能提供与特定案例有关的关键信息,或者未能遵守活检的基本原理时,可能会缺少重要的难题。结果,病理学家无法为临床医生提供足够的诊断来提供管理指南,或者病理学家可能会被带到错误的道路,这有时可能导致错误或不确定的诊断较远的临床诊断对临床医生及其患者的影响。


  • Your role as a dentist and/or other clinician involved in the biopsy of orofacial lesions, on the basic procedures for obtaining optimal biopsy specimens
  • 了解与不充分或不当的组织采样和标本收集有关的各种问题,并了解这些问题如何干扰组织病理学解释
  • 确定有关选择适当的活检站点,适当的标本收集,保存和运输方法的有用技巧。为临床医生与病理学家之间有效沟通提供有用的技巧
  • 说明如何在活检请求表中提供/完整的相关信息
  • 对潜在的诊断陷阱(有些具有法律后果)的敏感,这可能是由于次优活检要求而发生的
  • 使用临床案例场景/示范和动手格式来实践完整的活检请求的必需品。

Chemotherapy for Oral Cancer|Presented by: Alan Myers, PharmD, PhD, RPh | One-Hour Presentation




  • 回想用于管理口服癌症的主要抗肿瘤
  • Describe the fundamental biological mechanisms of how each antineoplastic works
  • 确定与使用口腔癌抗肿瘤相关的主要全身性不良影响
  • 解释在口腔和周围地区表现出的口腔癌抗塑料的不良影响。

OPMD和早期口腔癌的诊断和管理的新方法|提出:Ann Gillenwater,医学博士|两个小时的演示文稿


Oral cancer is a major global health problem, ranking as one of the ten most common malignancies. Oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) often precede development of oral cancer. This provides us with an opportunity to identify persons at high risk for development of oral cancer and possibly intervene to prevent oral cancer development. In this lecture, we will review features from standard white light and autofluorescence examination of OPMD suggestive of high grade vs. low grade disease. We will also describe innovative new approaches to optimize location of biopsy sites in patients with wide-spread OPL, and biopsy techniques that best facilitate definitive surgical management of early cancer.

Finally, we will discuss management options of patients with OPMD and early oral cancer, including description of several new clinical trials currently emerging for patients with these conditions.


  • 从标准的白光和自动荧光检查中识别出高级与低级疾病的OPMD的特征
  • 审查用于优化OPL病变活检的方法
  • 讨论OPMD和早期口腔癌患者的管理。


$ 136-牙医或联合牙科人员
Course fee is due at time of registration.


医学博士Ann Gillenwater,is a board-certified Otolaryngologist and a head and neck surgeon with over 33 years of experience in the medical field. She completed her medical degree program at the University of Virginia, her medical residency in the department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery at the UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry, and her clinical and research fellowships at the head and neck surgery at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences where she is currently a professor of Head and Neck Surgery and the director of the Oral Cancer Prevention Clinic. She has been at the graduate school since 1994, where she specializes in the treatment of patients with head and neck cancer; including oral and oropharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer, thyroid, salivary cancer, and skin cancer. Her research interests include the detection and treatment of early oral cancer and precancer, Merkel cell carcinoma, and developing optical imaging for oral cancer detection.

Alan L. Myers,PharmD,PhD,RPH,是德克萨斯大学健康科学中心诊断和生物医学科学系的药理学副教授,休斯敦牙科学院。他于1999年获得了费城科学大学的药学博士学位(PharmD),并于2005年在西弗吉尼亚大学药学院的药学博士学位(博士学位)获得了哲学博士学位(PHD)。2007年,马里兰大学药学院的药理学。在加入UT健康科学中心之前,他担任德克萨斯大学安德森癌症中心的临床药房研究专家。beplay苹果手机能用吗迈尔斯博士对药理教育,精密医学和癌症研究充满热情。beplay苹果手机能用吗他的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗兴趣包括抗癌剂的临床药代动力学和药物遗传学,新颖的排毒机制和致癌物和抗肿瘤疗法的毒性机制,药物废物处理,天然产物药物相互作用,以及槟榔滥用和毒理学。迈尔斯博士撰写并与人合着了许多同行评审的科学文章,并在国际和国家科学会议上介绍了他的研究。beplay苹果手机能用吗在他的职业生涯中,迈尔斯博士获得了许多赠款奖,以资助他的研究。beplay苹果手机能用吗

Kalu U. E. Ogbureke, BDS, DMSc, JD, MSc,is a tenured Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial/Head and Neck Pathology, and former Chair of the Department of Diagnostic and Biomedical Sciences at UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry. Ogbureke holds several visiting professorships at institutions in the United States and abroad. He earned his dental degree from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, a master’s degree in medical science from the University of Glasgow, a doctor of medical sciences (DMSc, Molecular/Oral Biology) from Harvard University, and a juris doctorate (JD, Law) from Suffolk University Law School. He earned the fellowship in dental surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FDSRC),格拉斯哥皇家医师和外科医生学院(FDSRCP)和爱丁堡皇家外科医生学院(FDSRCSE)。Ogbureke还获得了研究生证书医学业务from Johns Hopkins University. He completed a 2½-year clinical research fellowship at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland. He is a board-certified diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (饱满),皇家病理学家学院的院士(frcpath)英国,美国医疗事故委员会的董事会认证外交官(ABMM) and the American Board of Legal Medicine (ablm),以及美国法律医学院的会员(ACLM). Ogbureke underwent training in法医牙科通过麦吉尔大学法医牙科计划。他已入选美国牙医学院的团契(FACD). Ogbureke is the principal investigator studying the role of the SIBLLING family of proteins in oral cancer and pre-cancers. His clinical practice is in the specialty of Diagnostic Oral and Maxillofacial Histopathology, Head and Neck Pathology, and Clinical Oral Medicine. Ogbureke has received several awards, including the inaugural尼尔·奇尔顿(Neal W. Chilton)临床研究奖学金beplay苹果手机能用吗by the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) and the新兴科学家award by from Augusta University (AU) Research Institute. He was named a富布赖特学者(2010;拉各斯大学,尼日利亚)和富布赖特杰出椅子(2018年;伯明翰大学,英国),并获得了Certificate of Congressional Recognition美国众议院。Ogbureke是一个2016年国王詹姆斯四世教授of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He is an attorney admitted to practice law in three United States Jurisdictions (Georgia, Massachusetts, District of Columbia) and the United States Supreme Court. His interest is in健康法律和阿宝licy, and法医牙本质学,并且是美国法律医学学院年度会议上法律与医学之间界面之间界面方面的经常邀请发言人。Ogbureke在高影响期刊和书籍章节中撰写并共同撰写了许多同行评审的科学文章。他是《口腔癌》一书的编辑。


730口腔医学,口腔诊断,口腔病理 - 讲座:小时-4




Introduction | 8:25 AM (CST)

表示|上午8:30 - 12:30 (CST)


Webinar attendance | Cisco Webex


UTHealth School of Dentistry
7500 Cambridge St., Suite 6152
Fax: 713-486-4037

