

Founded in 1989, The University of Texas Genetic Counseling Program (UTGCP) offers a challenging and unique program in genetic counseling administered through the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in association with the Division of Medical Genetics in the Department of Pediatrics at the McGovern Medical School.




The UTGCP is a two-year specialized Master of Science training program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling (current full accreditation 2014-2022) whose vision is to be the leader in the education of genetic counseling students who support and advance genetics in healthcare. The UTGCP excels in the training of versatile genetic counselors by facilitating competency-based learning, supporting personalized growth and immersing students in the depth and breadth of genetic counseling practice. The first time board pass rate over the previous 3 years is 96%. As of 2020, about 5,000 certified genetic counselors work in the U.S., according to the National Society of Genetic Counselors; an increase of 75% since 2006, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the field will grow 29% by 2024. To learn more about this exciting career, visitwww.nsgc.org


“I would attend the UTGCP again because the quality of education you receive, especially compared to the cost, is unmatched. Even four years out, the program still supports me by filling out licensure-related documents, and by helping me expand my professional network. In fact, I credit the UTGCP for the connections that landed my current GC role. The program faculty are constantly changing and adapting to student and alumni needs. I have always been deeply impressed at how quickly they respond to feedback in order to continuously improve the program. You’re in good hands here!” -Ellen Jarret,MS,CGC,UTGCP 2017班

“我对UTGCP最喜欢的是能够完成我的核心旋转并专注于我感兴趣的领域,而这些领域恰好在这些核心旋转之外(实验室)。该计划支持我的努力,以获得尽可能多的实验室经验,这有助于我完成理想的工作。我会向其他人推荐该计划,因为该计划允许进行全面的GC培训,并能够量身定制您的经验以满足您的个人兴趣。”-Emily Thoreson,MS,CGC,UTGCP 2019班

“The UTGCP Cancer Rotation at MD Anderson Cancer Center well prepared me to be a cancer counselor because of the high quality of unique, interesting cases I was able to participate in. Seeing patients who travel to MDA from all over the world allows students to practice counseling complex cancer indications so they feel confident to take charge as independent GCs after graduation. I would recommend this program to others who are looking for a high quality, balanced psychosocial training program to learn the skills to best be able to support their future patients.” -莎拉·伯克(Sarah Burke),MS,CGC,UTGCP班级2020年


遗传咨询Training Program



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Meagan Cheates,MS,CGC



For updates, announcements, educational opportunities and more, follow the UTGCP:



Research Newsletter (October 2020)

