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CPRIT grant awarded to train new cancer prevention researchers

October 01, 2021
Wendi Hawthorne和Erik McKenny

癌症预防研究培训计划主管的Uthealth-Crit创新。beplay苹果手机能用吗(L到R:MariaE.Fernández,PhD; Cui Tao,PhD; Patricia Dolan Mullen,Drph,MLS; Natalie Sirisaengtaksin,Phd。

一项创新计划,旨在增加预防癌症的科学家的数量,并在休斯敦的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心专家领导的全州范围内促进癌症健康公平(UthealthHouston) has been awarded a nearly $4 million grant from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT).

Headed by玛丽亚·费尔南德斯(MariaE.Fernández),博士,主任Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Researchat UTHealth School of Public Health in Houston, the UTHealth-CPRIT Innovation in Cancer Prevention Research Training Program uses a systematic method to teach career skills, problem-solving skills, team science, and transdisciplinary communication to produce more innovative scientists and research products. Trainees are encouraged to pursue cancer research that will result in dramatic advances in the field.

“Our center has an excellent track record of providing cancer prevention and control research training going back over two decades,” said Fernández, who is also a professor of health promotion and behavioral sciences and the Lorne Bain Distinguished Professor in Health and Medicine at UTHealth School of Public Health. “We’re excited to leverage our existing infrastructure to bolster the cadre of diverse and innovative cancer researchers in Texas, particularly scientists from underrepresented minority groups.”

“This an especially important vote of confidence because it is the second time the training program has been refunded after a competitive process,” said帕特里夏·多兰·穆伦(Patricia Dolan Mullen),DRPH,MLS,UTHealth-Crit创新癌症预防研究培训计划的联合主任,以及Uthealth公共卫生学院的健康促进与行为科学教授。beplay苹果手机能用吗

该大学的预防癌症教师将为学员提供多方面的指导经验。该计划将包括来自休斯顿Uthealth几所学校的研beplay苹果手机能用吗究人员,包括Uthealth公共卫生学院,外围beplayUthealth生物医学信息学, andMD安德森癌症中心Uthealth生物医学科学研究生院,协作以帮助受训者开发多学科的研究方法。beplay苹果手机能用吗该计划的每所学校合作的联合主任也提供了对现代癌症和预防科学的最新课程和证书计划以及职业指导和其他支持服务的访问权限。

Another goal of the program is to recruit a diverse range of trainees to increase the number of cancer prevention researchers from underrepresented minority groups developing innovative studies addressing cancer control equity.


在现有的Uthealth Cancer研究培训计划的基础上,计划领导力不仅旨在使得beplay苹果手机能用吗克萨斯州的研究社区受益,而且对预防癌症的预防产生影响。



其他计划主任包括库伊·陶(Cui Tao),博士学位,生物信息学教授和Uthealth Biomedical Informatics的Doris L. Ross教授,以及Uthealth Biomedical语义和数据情报中心主任,以及Natalie Sirisaengtaksin,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,Phd,alumnaMD安德森癌症中心Uthealth研究生院学术事务的培训计划和计划经理。

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