UTHealth Harris County Psychiatric Center


精神分裂症的类型CausesSigns and Symptoms神话TreatmentsLiving with SchizophreniaHow Family and Friends Can Help


People with schizophrenia go through periods of getting better and worse --- remission and relapse. They can go for long periods of time without any symptoms, but because schizophrenia is often a chronic illness, it requires ongoing medical attention, like hypertension or diabetes.

精神分裂症是一种既非“分裂”的个性也不multiple personality disorder, a different and extremely rare problem. Though often stigmatized for the behaviors caused by the illness, people with schizophrenia did not bring the illness upon themselves by becoming involved with the "wrong" crowd or interests. And, contrary to the beliefs that are reinforced by movies, television and books, people with the disorder are more likely to withdraw into isolation or become victims of crime than they are to hurt anyone else.

Much less common than other chronic diseases, schizophrenia occurs in around 150 of every 100,000 people, or about one to one and a half percent of the population, and usually appears during adolescence or young adulthood. However, it can be one of the most catastrophic illnesses because it can cause devastating impairments, emotional and financial loss and the need for long-term, intensive medical and supportive care.




Research has not yet identified the cause of schizophrenia. However, most experts agree that a serious of factors combine with a genetic risk to contribute to the start of the disorder.

Just as the risks for diabetes and heart disease are thought to run in families, the risk to develop schizophrenia is often thought to have a genetic link. For example, if one identical twin develops schizophrenia, the other twin has a 50 to 60 percent chance of developing the illness as well.

Exactly what triggers the illness in those with a family risk for schizophrenia is not yet known. Some theories suggest that because schizophrenia most often first occurs during the hormonal changes of puberty, these changes in biochemistry set off the illness in those who are at risk. In addition, viral infection, severe stress such as poverty or violence, and other similar external factors are all viewed as possible causes of the disorder.

Signs and Symptoms


  • prolonged feelings of tension
  • sleeplessness
  • 浓度不佳
  • 社交退出
  • personality change

As the disorder progresses, the symptoms become more intense and bizarre. The person develops peculiar behavior, begins talking nonsense and has unusual perceptions. These more severe symptoms are usually the reason for seeking treatment.

Delusions are unusual beliefs that are not based in reality. For example, people suffering from schizophrenia might believe that someone can hear their thoughts or control their feelings, actions or impulses.


Preoccupations are thoughts that take on more importance in the sufferer’s mind than they normally would. The same though returns often and can become unrealistic. This may include a preoccupation with health, or “doing the right thing”.

Disordered thinking interferes with planning, motivation and communication. For example, a person may use words that make no sense, or jump from one thought to another unrelated thought.


Lack of motivation and emotion as well as apathy are symptoms, which are troubling for family members to see in their loved ones. Few people experience all these symptoms at once. Some may occur during the remission phase and may worsen in the most active phase of the disorder.


"Any person with schizophrenia is incapable of making life decisions and requires the help of a legal guardian.”

The diagnosis of schizophrenia does not mean that the person will always be dependent upon others to make decisions and care for them. In fact, most people with this illness handle their own affairs successfully. However, just as people with other medical conditions may have symptoms that cause periods when their ability to make decisions is impaired, people with schizophrenia may require the appointment of someone to handle their affairs for a specified length of time.

"Smoking ‘pot’ can help sometimes more than regular medicine.”

This is a myth. The use of any illicit drug is dangerous and illegal, no matter who uses them. For people with schizophrenia, such use can impair judgment, worsen symptoms and cause interactions with medications. People with schizophrenia often have difficulty with healthy social interaction. Being with people who use or sell drugs can place an already vulnerable person in a potentially dangerous position.


"People with schizophrenia are violent.”





As with all medications, antipsychotic medications have side effects. Some, such as dry mouth, dizziness, drowsiness and constipation, go away with time. Other side effects include restlessness, tremor and muscle spasms, cramping or stiffness. An irreversible side effect is tardive dyskinesia, which causes abnormal movements in the mouth, face and later in the arms and legs.

Many of these side effects can be helped or avoided when reported to the psychiatrist. It is important not to abruptly stop taking the medications, increase the medications or take additional medications without consulting a doctor. Such changes can cause relapse or other serious problems.

Medication is usually prescribed through the remission phase of the illness to prevent relapse. Though relapse may occur even when medication is taken as prescribed, taking the medication provides the best protection from future relapse.

Psychotherapy and other supportive therapies address the emotional and practical responses to these illnesses and are typically recommended in addition to medication.

The hallucinations, delusions and isolation caused by schizophrenia can impair a person’s relationships with other people, daily living, spiritual growth and job skills. Individual psychotherapy helps patients to understand their emotions and deal with life’s problems in a more confident, healthy way. Group psychotherapy allows patients to learn social skills and gain emotional support for the difficult times as well as offer support to others.


Living with Schizophrenia


How Family and Friends Can Help



Speak clearly and simply. Because the illness can cause problems with thinking, it is helpful to limit conversation to the most simple statements and questions. Recognize delusions and hallucinations as symptoms. The perceptions are real to the patient; do not argue that the delusion is true or false. Pointing out that he or she does not have to listen to the voice or wait for the voice to speak again can be helpful.


Provide structure. Help the person recovering from the illness to plan the days to include plenty of sleep, healthy food, fresh air, time for exercise, cleanliness and social interaction.

Family and friends should plan ahead and be prepared for possible crises. Medications, phone numbers and other important information and materials should be kept readily available.

Dealing with a relative or friend with schizophrenia can be tremendously stressful. Family and friends can find emotional support, understanding and hope from outreach, education and advocacy groups. Whether you are the victim, a family member or friend, everyone who is affected by this mental illness should seek help.