
Handbook of Operating Procedures

Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities






Office of the Executive Vice-President & Chief Academic Officer
Executive Vice-President & Chief Academic Officer




Accordingly, University employees may not have a direct or indirect interest, including financial and other interests, or engage in a business transaction or professional activity, or incur any obligation of any nature that is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of the employee’s duties for the University. In addition, activities on behalf of outside entities or individuals must not interfere with a University employee’s fulfillment of his/her duties and responsibilities to the University. Such conflicts of commitment may arise regardless of the location of these activities (on or off campus), the type of outside entity (individual, for-profit, not-for-profit, or government), or the level of compensation (compensated or non-compensated).




临床医生:Healthcare providers and trainees (healthcare students, interns, residents, and fellows) in any patient care discipline, including specialties of medicine, dentistry, nursing, and allied health sciences.


承诺冲突:A situation in which the time or effort that a University employee devotes to an outside activity directly or significantly interferes with the employee’s fulfillment of his or her University responsibilities, or when the employee uses State property or other resources without authority in connection with the employee’s outside employment, board service, or other activity.

Conflict of interest:大学雇员(或该员工的家庭成员之一)的外部活动或经济利益,可能直接或显着影响员工的大学职责。如果外部就业,服务,活动或利息,可以直接或显着影响员工的大学职责:

  • Might influence the way the employee performs his or her University responsibilities or the employee knows or should know the interest is or has been offered with the intent to influence the employee’s conduct or decisions;
  • 可以合理地期望损害员工在其大学责任的履行方面的判断;或者
  • 可能需要或诱使员工披露通过大学责任获得的机密或专有信息。


  • 配偶;
  • 受抚养子女或继子或其他抚养人(为了确定披露声明所涵盖的期限内联邦所得税责任的目的);和
  • 相关或非相关的,未婚的成年人与个人居住在同一家庭中,并且个人在财务上相互依存,例如通过维护联合银行帐户,抵押或投资。








  1. 大学执行官;
  2. 被授权代表大学执行合同的雇员或由于其在大学担任工作职责而有权对裁决合同或其他金融交易行使酌处权;
  3. 参与采购的员工(15,000美元或更多);
  4. 参与合同管理的员工;
  5. 教师,行政和专业(A&P)员工(A&P)员工(HOOP 150, Administrative and Professional and Classified Job Appointments,,,,except for General A&P employees with a less than 50% appointment;
  6. 大学员工,无论职权或身份如何,他们都作为首席研究人员,共同研究人员或其他角色参加研究,并已在任何研究项目中指定为“覆盖个人”,即负责设计,行为或负责beplay苹果手机能用吗报告所定义的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗箍政策94,研究冲突beplay苹果手机能用吗

总统是每州法律要求文件sonal Financial Statements with the Texas Ethics Commission. In lieu of filing the information listed above, the President shall file a duplicate copy of his or her Personal Financial Statement with the Office of the Chancellor of U.T. System Administration at the time that it is filed with the Ethics Commission. If the President seeks an extension of the time to file a Personal Financial Statement with the Texas Ethics Commission, the President must also notify the Chancellor’s Office of the extension.

The following outside activities and financial interests shall be disclosed (includes both U.S. and non-U.S. activities and financial interests):

  1. 所有外部就业或其他补偿活动,包括获得的赔偿;
  2. 与员工大学教学领域相同的学科相关的任何外部(现场或距离)教学;
  3. 不管赔偿金如何,外部董事会上的所有服务;
  4. 在学术,研究或医疗保健领域业务的实体中的任何财务利益;beplay苹果手机能用吗
  5. 如果从大学以外的任何实体获得收入,则持有的知识产权收入以及与这些权利有关的特许权使用费的任何协议;
  6. 所有对员工或他/她的家人价值超过250美元的礼物,这些礼物似乎与员工的大学责任或员工的专业培训或专业知识有关;
  7. Outside activities and financial interests of family members if they could reasonably appear to affect decisions or actions related to the employee’s University responsibilities or the employee’s professional training or expertise;
  8. 有关研究资金的信息,包括所有资金来源beplay苹果手机能用吗,旅行报销和赞助商信息;
  9. 除了涉及员工大学工作职责的一部分的交叉任命外,除了大学以外的机构以外的机构的所有任命(支付或无薪);
  10. Any other activity, regardless of compensation, that would reasonably appear to create a conflict of interest or a conflict of commitment.

A financial disclosure statement must be submitted online on the form (在线财务披露声明表)由执行副总裁兼首席学术官办公室(“ EVP/CAO”)代表机构冲突委员会(ICOIC)维护。财务披露声明应不迟于初始大学就业后的第30天提交。在此初步报告之后,应在3月31日之前提交财务披露,并在获得需要披露的新财务利益后的30天内。

B. Prior Approval of Outside Activities


所有员工在从事外部活动之前必须先获得事先批准,除非如下所述,否则在EVP/CAO办公室维护的在线系统中(外部活动请求表)。需要事先批准的活动包括所有外部工作或其他补偿活动;无论是否获得赔偿,在某些外部董事会上的服务(第三节中指出除外);以及任何无偿的活动,这些活动似乎会合理地造成利益冲突或承诺冲突。For part-time employees with less than a 50% appointment, the requirement to obtain prior approval for outside activities is at the discretion of each school or operating unit, provided that such activities do not cause a substantial conflict with proper discharge of the employee’s duties for the University. Compensation for these activities must still be disclosed in accordance with this policy. Employees requesting prior approval for outside employment with another state agency must follow the additional guidelines and requirements set forth inHOOP 21, Dual Employment with Texas State Agencies


某些外部活动不需要事先批准,因为它们明确促进了大学的使命和/或提供与大学职责相关的员工发展的重要要素。但是,某些活动可能会在全职教职员工的每财年限制30个工作日(240小时),全职非教职雇员每财年的12个工作日(96小时)的限制。时间限制是针对兼职教师和非教师员工的。参考HOOP 20 Decision Matrix




The employee’s supervisor or other authorizing party has the responsibility to limit an employee’s outside activities or rescind approval if the activities are deemed to constitute a conflict of commitment or conflict of interest that the ICOIC determines cannot be managed with an appropriate Management Plan (“Plan”). In rare instances, approval may be granted retrospectively when an employee is called upon to assist in an emergency or urgent situation where it would be impossible or unreasonable to obtain advance approval. In such cases, the activity must be fully disclosed and approval sought from the appropriate authorizing party as soon as reasonably possible. In this situation, the employee should notify his/her supervisor or other anticipated authorizing party as soon as possible if the situation will cause him/her to miss any assigned responsibilities.


拒绝要求批准外部活动的雇员,或者不同意相关计划的条款和条件,可以书面要求决策机构重新考虑该决定。决策机构必须向员工提供有关其审查的书面摘要。如果员工对该决定不满意,他或她可以访问适用的大学申诉程序(HOOP 127 Faculty Grievances,,,,箍146员工不满)。



1. ICOIC的角色


  1. Establishing mechanisms to identify real, perceived, and potential conflicts of interest due to a University employee’s individual financial interests that pose risks of undue influence on the University’s decisions, functions, and actions or those of its employees, related to its mission; and
  2. 根据要求向总统,CCO,ECC,EVP/CAO,COO和EVC提供其他信息,指导和建议。

2. ICOIC审查过程

The ICOIC will identify real, perceived, or potential conflicts of interest of individuals based upon review of the required financial disclosures, outside activities approved by the individual’s supervisor and any associated financial relationships, and any other disclosures or reports required by this policy. Based upon its review of these materials, the ICOIC will recommend elimination or management of the conflict. If management is recommended, the ICOIC will develop a Plan after consultation with the individual.


Plans must be approved by the EVP/CAO and/or designee, COO, and the employee’s supervisor. The employee is responsible for meeting at least annually with the supervisor, or more frequently if the employee’s conflict changes significantly (see also Section III.A above regarding reporting of new financial interests). These meetings should include review of his/her compliance with the plan, any difficulties encountered and any suggested changes. Any changes to the plan should be submitted to the ICOIC.




员工应参考HOOP 20 Decision Matrixfor applicable time limits and restrictions.






Employees who perform work in a private capacity must ensure that the name of UT System and the University are not in any way connected with the employer’s name, or imply in any way that the University or UT System is involved in the business or activities of the outside employer. For instance, employees may not use University stationery, give any University location as a business address in connection with outside work, or use a University email address or IT resources for outside employment, except as permitted for occasional use (箍180,可接受的大学信息资源)。



6. Use of Professional Opinions for Advertising

发表专业意见的员工必须保护大学和UT系统免受广告目的的使用。在所有情况下,必须清楚地表明,与员工的私人工作有关的任何意见都是与大学或UT系统无关的个人意见。If the employee does work in a private capacity, the employee must make it clear to those who employ him/ her that the work is unofficial and that the name of the University and UT System may not in any way be connected with the employee’s name, except when used to identify the employee as the author of work related to the employee’s academic or research area or as an indicator of the employee’s professional credentials (与媒体的Hoop 5通信)

7. Acceptance of Gifts

有关员工接受礼物的准则,可以在行为标准指南 - 礼物部分



Guidance is provided in the行业关系指南。可能禁止与行业的一些互动,以避免出现利益冲突。下面提供了禁止活动的摘要。如果未列出特定活动,则可以预期临床医生将采取适当的行动以避免实际和潜在的冲突,并将向其部门主席,院长或EVP/CAO办公室寻求指导。

  • 临床医生可能不接受行业的礼物或促销项目;任何其他员工也不能代表临床医生接受此类物品。看行业关系指南有关在校外会议上为临床医生提供的最低价值促销项目的指导。
  • 行业可能不会直接为与临床活动或医学教育有关的任何校园活动提供餐食或食品/饮料项目。看行业关系指南通过不受限制的大学赞助。行业不得直接为诊所,临床医生办公室或与患者护理活动有关的其他领域提供餐食或食品/饮料。但是,按照每个部门的政策确定,行业可以在预定的东方临床医生对特定产品或设备的东方临床医生预约期间提供茶点。
  • 行业不得向个别临床医生提供免费的药物,装置或产品样本;任何其他员工也不能代表临床医生接受此类物品。根据每个部门的政策确定的大学适当收到的样本只能分配给患者。
  • Industry representatives are not allowed in patient care areas when patient care activities are occurring, except as required to orient personnel to a specific product or device. Industry promotional materials and product-specific advertisements may not be left in patient care areas. In addition, industry representatives may not interact directly with trainees solely for the purpose of promoting professional products or for distributing materials.
  • Clinicians may not receive compensation for passive activities such as attending a conference or listening to a sales presentation.
  • 禁止参与“幽灵写作”(正式归功于材料作家以外的人的书面材料)。




  1. 对所有外部就业和补偿活动的描述,包括董事会服务;
  2. 不管赔偿金如何,所有外部活动都可能代表现实,潜在或感知的利益冲突或承诺冲突;
  3. The total amount/value of compensation anticipated for an outside activity in the next 12 months (prior approval of outside activities system);
  4. 过去12个月内的任何补偿活动收到的总金额/价值(财务披露系统);
  5. 描述,包括企业实体中任何财务利益的赔偿金额或利息;
  6. A description of gifts valued greater than $250 to the individual or his or her immediate family members, that could reasonably appear to be related to the employee’s University responsibilities or the employee’s professional training or expertise.

G. Non-Compliance

不遵守本政策的任何部分,适用的联邦法规,德克萨斯大学董事会,UT系统政策,大学政策和/或批准计划条款的州法律,规则和法规可能会导致总计withdrawal of, or limitations to, the University’s approval of the employee’s outside activities. Further, such failure may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Civil and criminal penalties may also apply under certain circumstances.

Employees should report any suspected noncompliance to their immediate supervisors or to the Office of the EVP/CAO. Employees may also anonymously report suspected violations through theCompliance Hotline。依据箍政策108保护免于报复,将不容忍关于可疑违法行为的善意报告的报复。有关报告可能违规行为的详细信息,可以在大学中找到行为标准指南



