


Policy Number: 133





Responsible Office:


终止休斯敦德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(“大学”)的一名教职员工,他们在规定任命期限到期之前已被授予所有其他类型的教职员工的任期或终止否则提供了Rule 31007, Section 5德克萨斯大学系统摄政委员会的规则和法规的Texas Education Code Section 51.943,或通过辞职或退休,仅出于充分的理由。看Rule 31008。如果是被录取事实或重罪定罪的事实的无能或严重不道德的情况,则下文所述的听证程序不适用,总统驳回教职员工。

In cases of termination as a result of academic program closure or abandonment, refer to篮球政策120放弃学术职位或计划


A. Review of Allegations and Recommendation to the President

1.相关院长将通知执行副总裁兼首席学术官(“ EVP/CAO”)对被告的教师的指控。EVP/CAO反过来将通知总统。


3. The EVP/CAO will review all allegations against a faculty member that involve the potential for termination. In cases of alleged incompetence, the EVP/CAO will review the allegations to ensure they are based on job performance and job-related conduct.

4.被告人将以书面形式获悉对他或她的指控。作为指控主题的教职员工应有机会接受采访,并有权亲自或通过代表向EVP/CAO提出申诉,以与与指控有关审查。这种申诉应认为是根据本政策而不是根据HOOP 127, Faculty Grievances




6. The EVP/CAO will recommend to the President whether to proceed with termination for cause.

7. If the President determines the allegations are supported by evidence that justifies the initiation of the termination for cause process, he or she will meet with the faculty member, explain the allegations and supporting evidence, and give the faculty member a reasonable amount of time, as determined by the President, to respond either orally or in writing. After receiving the faculty member’s response, the President may decide not to move forward with the termination for cause process. If he or she decides to proceed:



B. Hearings

The President will appoint a tribunal of at least three faculty members to hear the accusation, giving reasonable notice to the individual concerned.

总统将从常设小组中选出个人听证会的成员。该小组的成员将由九名终身任教成员组成,由教职员工委员会(“ IFC”)和总统选出的6名成员组成。


The nine tenured faculty members shall be selected as follows:

  • IFC选出的六名:每年两年两年(最初分配了两年,两年为两年,三年三年)。
  • Three by the President: one per year for three-year terms (initially one for one year, one for two years, and one for three years).




The accused faculty member will be notified of the names of the faculty members selected for the tribunal and of the date, time and place for the hearing. Such notification shall be made at least eight business days prior to the hearing. The accused may challenge the ability of any member or members to serve fairly or objectively. The challenge from the faculty member must be made in writing to the tribunal at least three business days prior to the first scheduled meeting of the tribunal.

Each appointee who is challenged in this way must determine whether he or she can serve with fairness and objectivity. If a member voluntarily disqualifies himself or herself, the President will appoint a substitute member from the panel. The accused has no right to disqualify anyone from serving on the tribunal.


3. Conduct


The accused has the right to confront and to cross-examine witnesses who may appear; the right to testify, though he or she may not be required to do so; and the right to introduce all evidence, written or oral, that is relevant and material to the defense.

A representative of the university may appear before the tribunal to present witnesses and evidence against the accused and in support of the charge. This representative has the right to cross-examine the accused (should the accused exercise the right to testify) and the witnesses offered on behalf of the accused.

The university has the burden to prove good cause for termination by the greater weight of the credible evidence.

A transcript or verbatim electronic recording of the proceedings will be kept by the university and will also be filed with the UT System Board of Regents (“Board”). The record will be made accessible to the accused.



  • 关于重大事实的书面发现,
  • 建议继续或终端tion of the faculty member's appointment, and
  • 与案件的处理有关的补充建议(如果有)。



  • 决定驳回此事或没有终止制裁。在这种情况下,总统的决定是最终决定,董事会将不会审查此事。
  • Decide to recommend termination to the Board, if the allegations are supported by evidence that constitutes good cause for termination. If so, the President shall forward the findings and recommendations of the hearing tribunal, the original transcript of the testimony, the exhibits and the President’s report to the Board for its review. If the President's recommendation is not the same as the majority recommendation of the hearing tribunal, the President shall state the reasons for the President's decision to recommend termination in his or her report. The accused faculty member may, within seven business days after receiving the President's report, submit a written response to the Board. The response must be based solely on the evidence of record in the proceeding.

The Board, by a majority of its total membership, will approve, reject, or amend such findings, recommendations, and suggestions, if any, or will recommit the report to the same tribunal to hear additional evidence and reconsider its findings, recommendations, and suggestions. Reasons for approval, rejection, or amendment will be stated in writing and communicated to the accused. The decision of the Board is final.


    • 执行副总裁兼首席学术官办公室
    • 713-500-3062
    • //www.tjghsg.com/academics/
