
Handbook of Operating Procedures

Solicitation on Campus

Policy Number: 165


Solicitation on Campus


Anyone who attempts solicitation activities at the university, including, but not limited to, employees, students, residents and university contractors

April 2021
Responsible Office:
Office of Legal Affairs; Auxiliary Enterprises


除非该政策允许,否则在德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(“大学”)的校园内不得进行任何招标。在Permissible Solicitation Activities Guidelines根据本政策,本政策禁止的招标不应被视为HOOP Policy 174 Speech and Assembly和withRule 80103 of The University of Texas System Board of Regents.


  • does not disturb or interfere with the academic programs or administrative activities of the university or any program or activity conducted by or authorized by the university;

  • does not interfere with entry to or exit from a building, structure or facility;

  • does not interfere with the flow of pedestrians or vehicular traffic on sidewalks, streets, or at places of entry to and/or exit from property, buildings or facilities;

  • 不会骚扰,尴尬或恐吓被征求的人或个人;和

  • does not violate applicable state, federal or local laws or regulations.


Solicitation is defined as:

  • the sale, lease, rental, or offer for sale, lease, rental of any property, product merchandise, publication or service, whether for immediate or future delivery;

  • 口头声明,印刷材料,商品或旨在鼓励购买,使用或租金的产品,产品,产品,商品,出版或服务的产品;

  • the oral or written appeal or request to support or join an organization other than a registered student or employee organization;

  • the receipt of or request for any gift or contribution;

  • the request to support or oppose or to vote for or against a candidate, issue, or proposition appearing on the ballot at any election held pursuant to state or federal law or local ordinances; and,

  • Permissible Solicitation Activities Guidelines.


A. Approval of Solicitation Activities

Auxiliary Enterprises is responsible for coordinating the review and approval of solicitation on campus. For detailed procedural information and approval forms see theAuxiliary Enterprises Solicitation/Event Guidelines.

B. Reporting of Impermissible Solicitation Activities

Impermissible solicitation on campus by unauthorized agents should be reported immediately to the Vice President and Chief Auxiliary Enterprises Officer. Solicitation on campus by authorized agents or members of registered employee or student organizations conducted in a manner which violate this policy should also be reported immediately to the Vice President and Chief Auxiliary Enterprises Officer.

The Vice President and Chief Auxiliary Enterprises Officer will consult with the appropriate dean to investigate any authorized individual or registered organization that solicits in an unapproved manner. If, after reasonable investigation, it is determined that impermissible solicitation is being or has been conducted or permissible solicitation is being or has been conducted in a manner which violates this policy, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken as follows by the Vice President and Chief Auxiliary Enterprises Officer or the appropriate dean:

  1. students and employees will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with university policy;

  2. students' associations or registered student or employee organizations will be prohibited from solicitation for such period or periods of time as may be appropriate - in the case of repeated violations, the registered status of the organization may be cancelled or other appropriate penalties may be imposed.

C. Advertisement on Community Bulletin Boards

Students and employees may post advertisements for roommates, subleases and sales of used goods the seller has personally owned and used on specified community bulletin boards subject to the authority and approval of the appropriate dean or unit head or the Vice President and Chief Auxiliary Enterprises Officer. Any posting considered to be obscene or libelous or that is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action will be withdrawn at their discretion.


Within 30 days after the beginning of each long semester, the Student InterCouncil and each registered student organization must file a statement with the Executive Vice President & Chief Academic Officer through the applicable student affairs office disclosing the sources and amounts of money obtained from solicitations and the purposes and amounts of the expenditures made during the preceding semester or summer session.


该大学与药品和医疗设备供应商互动的政策将针对受影响的员工和学生管理这些类型的互动。看行业关系指南for more information on these interactions.


    • Office of Legal Affairs (questions regarding the definition of solicitation)
    • 713-500-3268
    • //www.tjghsg.com/legal/contact-us.htm
    • Auxiliary Enterprises (questions regarding the approval of solicitation activities)
    • 713-500-8400
    • //www.tjghsg.com/auxiliary-enterprises
