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Uthealth Houston的Cizik护理学院学生Ashley Edgar,RN



1853年,英格兰和俄罗斯在奥斯曼帝国之间的战争爆发时,英格兰人民因忽视生病和受伤的士兵而感到愤怒,他们缺乏足够的医疗护理,并在令人震惊的不卫生条件下苦苦挣扎。佛罗伦萨·夜莺(Florence Nightingale)也许是历史上最著名的护士,组织了一支护士队,并航行到克里米亚。

在医务人员在晚上退休后很久以来,她倾向于病假,并在凌晨受伤,并赢得了她的绰号“带灯的女士”。她的富有同情心的护理加上她解决不卫生状况的决心,将医院的死亡率降低了三分之二,在返回英格兰后,她资助了建立了夜莺护士培训学校 - 第一所护理学校。


“在高中时,我开始在附近的一家医院志愿服务,并真的很喜欢护士,因为我觉得他们更深入地了解了患者,” RN的Ashley Edgar叙述了她自己的故事。“我喜欢成为护士的这一方面,与患者及其家人建立了无与伦比的关系。”


“As an ICU nurse, sometimes by the time I’m taking care of patients, they are dying from preventable chronic conditions that they didn’t even know they had, or no one educated them on how to treat it,” explains Ashley. “I want to become a family nurse practitioner so that I can educate these people and help them manage their conditions so they don’t end up like that in the ICU.”

With a looming nursing shortage that will only grow more pressing as 25% of nurses in the workforce reach retirement age within the next 10 years, nursing education at all levels—from undergraduate to advanced practitioners—is integral to ensuring the health of our communities over the coming decades.


"Exacerbating the nursing shortage is a scarcity of nurse faculty, which has been intensified by the pandemic,” says Diane M. Santa Maria, DrPH, RN. “Advanced degrees play an important role in preparing nurse faculty to educate students. Without an investment in growing our faculty, we will perpetuate the nursing shortage and have growing gaps in health care."


她说:“休斯顿乌西顿始终是我的首选。”“我在纪念赫尔曼 - 德克萨斯医疗中心工作,该中心由休斯顿的Uthealth员工组成。从那里的从业者,护士和医生的质量给我留下了深刻的印象。就在德克萨斯医疗中心的中心,您就是尖端的医学和技术所在。”

然而,许多学生努力负担学校的费用,让有抱负的护士没有能够追求自己的梦想的手段,而当前的护士没有资金获得专业培训。Ashley很幸运能获得Crawford和Hattie Jackson基金会的奖学金。她现在正在完成家庭护士从业者计划的第二年。



“If I need to work less to focus on school for that week, I can because my tuition is partially paid for with this scholarship,” says Ashley. “It gives me that extra comfort knowing I can spend more time studying rather than forcing myself to work to pay my tuition.”

当她进入她的最后18个月的临床轮值表tions, the scholarship will take on even greater importance when it allows her to drop down to part-time work.

“I wouldn’t be able to do that without this scholarship,” she says. “It’s comforting knowing that I’m not spreading myself too thin, and I was super worried about that when considering getting an advanced degree.”

在整个许多面孔。一个任务。Cizik护理学院的竞选活动,本科生和研究生已获得包括Albert和Ethel Herzstein慈善基金会,休斯顿牲畜表演和Rodeo™以及John P. McGovern基金会等组织的年度奖学金支持。

一些捐助者,例如谢里·亨里克森(Sheri Henriksen),已经利用他们的慷慨大方来赋予遗产奖学金的财产承诺,而另一些捐助者,包括简和已故的罗伯特·西齐克(Robert Cizik)在内的其他人都向支持学生的各种计划提供了慷慨的捐赠。像这样的承诺使我们的护理毕业生能够携带一盏灯,以帮助患者在最黑暗的日子里坚持不懈,就像夜莺一样,几十年来就做了。

“当您支持护理教育时,您不仅在为一名护士做出贡献或投资,” Ashley说。“这项奖学金将朝着我将作为护士从业者视为护士的所有未来患者。奖学金在未来几年内在社区中有所作为。”

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