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UTHealth Houston vascular neurologist Sunil Sheth, MD, with patient Rich Majeres


UTHealth Houston stroke experts harness ingenuity and philanthropy to save lives


在整个休斯顿,临床医生和研究人员正在共同努力,以更深入地了解如何预防,诊断和治疗beplay苹果手机能用吗中风,但时间至关重要。遭受中风的可能性不断增加,我们的社区需要更好地获得精英中风护理。在慈善事业的推动下,休斯顿中风专家Uthealth Procects通过利用新技术和数据来挽救和恢复生命,这一时刻正在开会这一刻。

As soon as Rich Majeres started losing vision—a hallmark of the migraines he has endured since childhood—he reached for the medication in his office desk. One quick dose could always clear things up and prevent a blitz of head-splitting pain that could blot out his day. But this time, the drum in his brain only pounded stronger as his surroundings blurred.

“I think I need to go home and sleep this one off,” he told his wife, Kasi, who worked part-time at his accounting firm. It was an unusual comment; Rich often amassed 80 hours per week building business at his new firm, and he rarely missed time, with or without a migraine.



卡西(Kasi)认识到里奇(Rich)遭受了中风,称为911。响应者派遣了乌索顿休斯顿(Uthealth)休斯顿移动中风部队,该单元在五分钟内到达。多亏了该单元的板载CT扫描仪,休斯顿的Uthealth Care团队很快得知Rich患有缺血性中风,这是由凝块阻断大脑血液流动引起的,并管理了凝块溶解的药物,组织纤溶酶原激活剂(TPA)。

Once Rich arrived at the hospital, Sunil A. Sheth, MD, vascular and interventional neurologist at UTHealth Neurosciences and McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston, discovered the clot still blocked precious oxygen from reaching Rich’s brain. With time running out, he needed surgery to remove the clot in order to survive.

Rich learned he had a stroke when nurses removed his breathing tubes after the 4.5-hour surgery. He remembers thinking it farfetched that this could happen to him: a healthy, active 53-year-old who lacked most of the associated risk factors like obesity, smoking, and diabetes.

“I grew up working long days on my family’s dairy farm, and I’m accustomed to hard work and leading an active lifestyle,” he says. “While my job was demanding and frequently required late nights, I managed the stress by exercising and playing in a weekly softball league. Having a stroke was like being struck by lightning.”

A stroke can strike anyone at any time, and response time often means the difference between life and death. The quick reactions from Kasi, the UTHealth Houston Mobile Stroke Unit, and Sheth led to a nearly full recovery for Rich, aside from some weakness and pain in his left arm.


Although rapid diagnosis and intervention saved Rich’s life, many patients live in areas that lack immediate access to elite stroke response and care. In fact, 84 out of 254 counties in Texas do not have a hospital.



The infographic depicts a map of Texas that highlights the 84 counties that do not have a hospital.

Embedded text: 84 out of 254 counties in Texas do not have a hospital.

在整个休斯顿,整个休斯顿,研究人员正在进行创新研究beplay苹果手机能用吗,以对中风患者和幸存者的生活产生有意义的影响 - 无论他们生活在城市还是农村社区。Sheth与Houston Houston生物医学信息学学校的Luca Giancabeplay苹果手机能用吗rdo和研究人员合作,通过人工智能加快中风的诊断和治疗。



Sheth和Giancardo等专家是休斯顿乌索顿中风和脑血管疾病研究所的一部分。休斯顿的乌西顿休斯顿(Uthealth Houston)与纪念赫尔曼·特克斯医学中心(Hermann-Texas Medical Center)一起,是世界上第一个中风中心之一,领导着海湾地区中风计划,这是美国最大的国立卫生资助中风网络之一。与中风研究所,Uthealth Houston,Memorial Hermann Health System和Texas beplay苹果手机能用吗Medical Center的临床医生和研究人员合作,共同理解和治疗中风和其他脑血管疾病。

In stroke research—just like in stroke treatment—time proves crucial. Philanthropy can ignite collaborations like those at the Institute for Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease and spark innovative research programs that lead the way for comprehensive stroke care across the full spectrum—from prevention to rapid response and recovery.


从2017年12月,一个实质性的贡献the Huffington Foundation enabled Louise D. McCullough, MD, PhD, to launch the BioRepository of Neurological Disorders Registry and Tissue Repository. The BioRepository stores genetic information, blood samples, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and brain biopsy tissue from patients who suffer stroke or other neurological conditions, enabling researchers across the university to launch innovative projects to discover molecular pathways of diseases and develop new treatments.

The BioRepository stands out not only because of the samples it holds, but also because of who runs it: medical students and gap-year students—those between undergraduate studies and graduate or medical school.


对于麦戈文医学院的二年级学生Yashee Munshi而言,在差距一年中在Biorepository工作是一种了解影响她家人的状况的一种方式。这也巩固了她从事医学职业的决定。


In addition to serving as a launch pad for neurological research, the BioRepository also contributes to UTHealth Houston’s COVID-19 response efforts. At the onset of the pandemic, McCullough rapidly converted the BioRepository to collect samples from patients hospitalized for COVID-19 after a positive test. It now holds samples from more than 700 patients that researchers from around the world can study.


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