Conversations from the Leather Lounge: Ron Hayter, M.D., ’79

January 23, 2018

住院医师:Orthopedic Surgery, Medical College of Georgia
Fellowship:Joint Replacement, Ohio State University
Current Job Title:President, Florida Knee and Orthopedic Pavilion

What is your fondest memory of your time at McGovern Medical School?

The whole experience of learning about the human body and mind

What are your hopes for today’s McGovern Medical School students?

,他们将体验ence taking care of patients as opposed to doing paperwork.

What inspires you?

My patients; they are so courageous

What’s a day on the job like?

Up at 5, go to gym, work from 7 to 5:30-6, relax with my beloved wife, bed at 9.

What skill is most vital to your job?

Eye-hand coordination and ability to visualize in 3 dimensions

What is the one thing you can’t live without and why?

Other than my wife, a sports car I guess. Too much fun.

What fulfills you most?

Helping a fellow human recover the ability to walk

Who would you most like to meet (alive or deceased) and why?

William Shakespeare. I want to ask him how he came up with all that stuff

What has been your greatest adventure?

Being married to Becki.

What are your three all-time favorite books/magazines/blogs for leisure reading?

  1. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
  2. Lee Child books
  3. F-1 Racing magazine

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