Residency Program


Residency Program Director, Anesthesiology Residency Program
Travis Markham, MD

Welcome to the Department of Anesthesiology residency program at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth where our goal is to demonstrate excellence through innovative education, clinical training, and research. The Department of Anesthesiology is a comprehensive residency program situated in the world’s largest medical center. Our residents train at some of the nation’s leading institutions including The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston Methodist, Harris Health System’s Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital, and Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center. Currently, we have 27 residents per class in the intern to CA-3 years, and fellowship opportunities in numerous subspecialties.

任何教育机构的卓越表现取决于其教职员工的能力及其临床培训的严格性。有了我们的定位,我们为居民无与伦比地获得了拥有多种学习环境,病理学和索引病例的著名医院系统。此外,我们的教职员工和辅助教师因其对研究,教育和临床培训的奉献精神而受到全国认可。beplay苹果手机能用吗我们以心力衰竭和移植服务(包括肝脏,肾脏,肺和心脏),骨科麻醉和神经刺痛而闻名。此外,我们是美国最繁忙的创伤中心,也是休斯顿仅有的两个1级创伤中心之一。今年1月,纪念赫尔曼医院(Memorial Hermann Hospital)庆祝了我们全新的萨罗菲姆馆(Sarofim Pavilion)的开幕式。这是纪念赫尔曼医院的创伤部分,包括30个全新的手术室以及该市唯一的综合烧伤中心。这种经验的多样性,再加上强大的教学法和创新的模拟,产生了能力,经过董事会认证,全面的麻醉师,他们准备成为医疗保健和患者安全的未来领导者。

I graduated from this residency program in 2015, completed a fellowship in Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, and have served in the role of Assistant Program Director for the previous three years. On January 1, 2020, I was appointed the role of interim program director. I sought out and accepted this role because of my desire to educate, mentor, and mold future anesthesiologists. With the support of the assistant program directors, we strive to seek ways to continually improve our resident’s experience both inside the operating room and outside the hospital. Examples of this in the last six months include strengthening our mentoring/mentee groups, new rotation experiences related to chronic pain and private practice for CA2s and CA3s, and an increased individual resident education fund. I view my roles as program director as serving as a mentor for residents, being a voice and advocate for each individual resident, and implementing changes to the program based on resident feedback.

Thank you for taking the time to explore our website. I look forward to getting to meet you during the upcoming interview season. Please feel free to reach out to me via e-mail with any questions.

Travis H. Markham,医学博士

Photo by Dwight C. Andrews/McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Office of Communications

Anesthesiology Residency Class of 2020-2021