Resident Research (DART)

The Residency Program Office supports and requires participation in an academic project during the Clinical Anesthesiology years of our residency curriculum. These projects range from participation in grant funded clinical trials, to quality improvement projects at one of our clinical sites. Academic research projects are collaboratively and supportively reviewed by the Resident Research Committee, chaired byDr. George Williams. Residents seeking projects may utilize an internal secure website, known as DART (Departmental Anesthesiology Research Trade), to easily connect with faculty mentors directing projects that align with their interests; this site is hosted onUTH Canvas. At any point in time, our residents on average have collectively between 30-40 separate projects. Many of our resident projects proceed to publication in a peer-reviewed medical journal. Additionally, the department is supportive of resident presentation at state and national meetings when posters are accepted.

George Williams, M.D., F.A.S.A., F.C.C.P.
Director, Resident Research