记住MD的Carmel Bitondo Dyer,医学博士,著名的老年医生和麦戈文医学院的老年人冠军

记住医学博士Carmel Bitondo Dyer,著名的老年医生和老年人冠军

Carmel Dyer博士
Carmel Dyer, MD

医学博士Carmel Bitondo Dyer,一位国际知名的老年医学家和德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Uthealth)(UTHealth)衰老联盟的执行主任,于5月4日星期二去世。她今年62岁。Beplay体育中心

With passion, vision, and an innovative spirit, Dyer dedicated her career to preventing elder abuse, training the next generation of geriatricians, and revolutionizing access to specialized health care for older adults.

“博士Dyer leaves a tremendous legacy that will carry on at UTHealth through our initiatives to dramatically improve health and health care at every stage of life,” saidGiuseppe N. Colasurdo,医学博士, UTHealth president and Alkek-Williams Distinguished Chair.

Dyer于2007年加入McGovern医学院,担任老年医学和姑息医学系的首位主任,建立研究,教育和临床计划,并为其巨大的增长设定了步伐。beplay苹果手机能用吗在这个角色中,她在Uthealth的小学教学医院,纪念馆Hermann-Texas医疗中心和Harris Health Health Lyndon B. Johnson医院领导了住院和门诊老年医学和姑息医学计划的设计。她创建了老年单位的急性护理以及住院的老年和姑息治疗咨询服务。她还开发了两个老年和姑息治疗团队,为他们的家中的老年人提供出色的护理,并努力建立老年和姑息研究金计划。

“由于她对患者的热情以及对他人教导的鼓舞人心的承诺,戴尔博士影响了许多医疗保健专业人员,从而从事老年医学和老年医学的生活。”医学博士Holly Holmes,MS,琼(Joan)副教授,琼(Joan)和斯坦福·亚历山大(Stanford Alexander)的老年学主席,以及新命名的琼(Joan)和斯坦福大学(Stanford Alexander)的老年医学和姑息医学局长。“通过我们在Uthealth致力于健康衰老的计划以及她许多受训者的成功职业的计划的巨大成长,可以看到她对我们领域众多职业的影响。她是一位杰出的医生,曾是针对整个人的榜样。”

Dyer went on to lead and expand the UTHealth Consortium on Aging, inspiring collaboration among all six schools at the university. Exemplifying her tremendous gift for bringing people together to work on behalf of vulnerable patients, membership quickly grew to more than 200 professionals from various disciplines and community partners. Consortium members established centers of excellence in elder abuse and mobile and connected health, and distributed seed grants to new investigators. This foundational work inspired Dyer’s novel geriatric health care delivery model that greatly increases the quality of care for older adults while reducing costs.

In 2010, Dyer became the first medical director of the UT Physicians Center for Healthy Aging, which promotes a circle of care concept to deliver comprehensive, age-appropriate care to older adults. A testament to Dyer’s leadership, focus on inter-professionalism, and commitment to the highest level of care, patients and their families routinely express their gratitude for the extraordinary care provided by the center’s team of specialists.

“博士Dyer’s unwavering service to the patients, learners, faculty, and staff of Internal Medicine was unparalleled,” saidDavid McPherson, MD, professor and chair of the Department of Internal Medicine at McGovern Medical School. “As the division director of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, she developed a robust program from scratch, bringing health care for the aging to a new level at UTHealth.

“博士Dyer’s personal light shone brightest through the care of her beloved patients and their families, all of whom will miss her dearly,” said McPherson, the James T. and Nancy B. Willerson Chair and Francine and Frederick Pevow Distinguished Professor in Cardiology. “This is an unbelievable loss of an admired colleague, respected physician, cherished mentor, servant leader, and dear friend.”

Nancy GuineeUthealth Development委员会执行委员会的成员回应了McPherson的观点。“博士戴尔(Dyer)给了我最大的礼物,不仅是我自己和已故丈夫的完美医生,不仅是一个朋友,”吉恩说。“她通过我很荣幸做的工作和贡献来激发我的余生,并通过衰老财团继续拥护。”

Dyer以前曾担任Harris Health LBJ的参谋长,最近担任执行副主席Department of Internal Medicine- 招募和指导教师担任关键领导职务,并在总统办公室担任特别助理。当Roy M.和Phyllis Gough Huffington的老年学主席以及Nancy P.和MD的Vincent F. Guinee担任杰出主席时,她继续进行了合作工作,以改善老年人的健康。Dyer与Uthealth生物医学学院的Amy Franklin博士合作,旨在改善老年人的远程医疗访问权限,并创建一个大学范围内的患者研究注册表,以为老年人提供一个直接贡献突破性的机会,以改变生活beplay苹果手机能用吗。

“博士Dyer was often described as the voice for the older patient population,” Colasurdo said. “May we continue to serve as her voice for the vulnerable and reflect with gratitude on the honor to forever count Dr. Dyer as one of theUthealth的许多面孔。”

为了记忆,大学正在建立老年医学和姑息医学主席的Carmel Bitondo Dyer。

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to UTHealth, 7000 Fannin, Suite 1200, Houston, TX 77030 benefiting the Carmela and Salvatore Bitondo Graduate Fellowship in Elder Mistreatment. Donations also can be made online athttps://giving.uth.edu/memorial
