
Welcome to your Emergency Medicine Rotation at Lyndon Baines Johnson Hospital. We’re looking forward to working with you and want you to have a great experience here. Below you will find some general information concerning your rotation as well as how scheduling works.

Where is LBJ?

LBJ Hospital is located at 5656 Kelley St, Houston, TX 77026. You can park at entrance 6 on Kelley St, just before you reach the hospital on your right. Please do not park in the Employee Lot F as parking is limited for full-time staff. The Emergency Department is at the East end of the hospital facing Kelley Street.

When you enter the Emergency Department, ask to be directed to the appropriate “Pod” where you will meet your preceptor. There is a physician work area in each Pod where the providers congregate. On your first shift you may want to arrive a few minutes early to orient yourself to the hospital. You can access thehospital website直接以获取有关该设施的更多详细信息。

How will my schedule look?

您在LBJ的日程安排将在繁忙的社区ED中模仿练习应用程序的日程。期望努力工作并长期转变。您在急诊室的转变将包括白天,夜晚和周末。大多数轮班是12小时,从上午6:00开始(上午或下午)。如果“ d”或“ n”跟随您的轮班,则表示“白天”或“夜晚”。有一些“中移”,有时也有八个小时的转变。这些将在您的日程安排上专门标记。您的主持人的名称将跟随轮班。您将在住宿期间与几个不同的受体一起工作,但通常每班相同。如果轮班重叠,您可能会在与两个不同的受体一起工作的位置变化。 You will receive your schedule at least a week before your start date with any last-minute updated information regarding the rotation.

Regarding your schedule, sometimes things change (preceptors change shifts, you/they may become ill) and you may be asked to switch some days around to give you the best experience. We will work together to make up shifts for a smooth rotation. The emergency department (ED) is a fluid environment, and we’re all required to be flexible.

In some circumstances the schedule can be manipulated in the event you have predetermined obligations during your rotation (i.e., professional conferences, presentations or program-granted time away); however, we need to know about these in advance to adjust your schedule accordingly. Please contact me directly or have your Clinical Coordinator inform me in advance if there may be a scheduling conflict. Once your schedule is complete, it becomes difficult to change it due to the high volume of rotating students and limited preceptor availability.


During your first shift you will receive your badge and parking permit ($10). In order to expedite your registration, badge and parking, please fill out all the documents required by Medical Staff Services and email it back to them at least one week prior to your rotation start date. You can email the documents (Harris Health受训者注册数据包2017年6月Request for Medical Exemption For Influenza Vaccination医务人员服务. Harris Health requires that you provide proof of your influenza vaccination at the start of your rotation or the hospital will not allow you to begin until you have received.

How do I get Epic access?

Once you have your badge and ID information, you can call the IT Helpdesk at 713-566-4357 to obtain network access for the EPIC system. You can also call the testing center that first day to schedule your exam time. You can access the attached documents which outline the steps for EPIC training for both PA and NP students. Testing is on Thursdays, and I have worked the testing into your schedule for that week (for PA students). It is very important that you test that first week to have access during your rotation.


  • Epic 2014 Ambulatory Provider Training (All Provider Roles).
  • 2014年史诗Inpatient Provider Training (Students).
  • EPIC 2014急诊中心提供商培训(学生).

Students are required to complete the following course curriculum for Nurse Practitioner:

  • EPIC 2014急诊中心提供商培训(学生)



  • 根据您的角色和服务领域完成所需的培训后,您将需要在9250 Kirby的Epic培训中心.
  • Provider Competency Exams are typically offered on a walk-in basis Mondays from 8:00 a.m. through 3:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m. Appointments are not necessary* but if you know when you will be coming in, kindly respond in email your the date and time.
    *请在6月的贝勒和UT House员工涌入时安排日期和时间进行测试。
  • PA Students will be tested on the Ambulatory, Inpatient and EC environments in Epic. Please allot 60 minutes for each exam (3 hour total testing time).
  • EC NP Students will be tested on the EC environment in Epic. Please allot 60 minutes for the exam (1 hour total testing time).
  • 请相应地计划。如果您在考试前未完成所需的培训模块,则将要求您稍后再返回。
  • 成功完成测试后,测试监督员将在离开测试室之前授予您的访问权限。
  • Questions regarding related topics may be directed to IT Education Operations at extension 713-634-1590 between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
  • 请确保带上您的Harris Health徽章。


获得史诗允许您收集information on your patients including past clinic or ED visits, imaging, labs and procedures. You can also see their current vital signs, lab and imaging results as well as medications. You will not be charting electronically on the patients, but Epic is a window into their care otherwise not attainable to you. Being able to review their chart allows you to have a better understanding of individual patient care. The training is intended to give you access to this information however you will learn the nuts and bolts of how to navigate Epic when on rotation. Your preceptor will be able to assist you in familiarizing yourself with what you need to know on Epic.


There is no specific preparation for this rotation. You can throw a dart at any organ system or disease process and likely run into them on a daily basis during rotation. Any reading you do will benefit you. Big subjects are abdominal pain, chest pain, electrolyte imbalances and neurologic emergencies just to name a few.


I’ve provided anLBJ Emergency Medicine Procedure Log Sheet可以打印并用来跟踪您所做的工作以及您需要表演的机会。这些过程日志可供您保留以备将来参考。如果您有另一种跟踪程序的方式,请这样做;如果您需要,这些仅是为了您的利益。


For your evaluations, I suggest you choose the preceptor(s) you have worked with the most. It is always wise to ask them early in the rotation if they are willing to fill out your evaluation and do not wait until your last shift to have this done. We cannot be responsible for scrambling to fill out an evaluation that was due yesterday.

Do I have to fill out an evaluation for LBJ?

我创造了LBJ-Emergency-Medicine-Rotation-Evaluationfor you to fill out to tell us how we’re doing. These are not mandatory but give you a candid platform to tell us what you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy about the rotation. These are important for us to ensure you and future students are having a good experience here. Please turn them in at the end of the rotation. You can fill them out for specific preceptors and/or the rotation in general. We are always striving to make this a better rotation site and evaluations are a great way to do so. You can always contact me to discuss things that are working or not working. I’m happy to hear from you and work with you to improve your experience here.

Who do I get in touch with if I have an unexpected emergency?



If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at the information below. In my absence, you can emailAnne Ervineor利兹·柯蒂斯有关您轮换的任何问题。


ENP Janice Lee
Assistant Director of Advanced Practice Providers
6431 Fannin Street,2楼JJL