Our Purpose

To improve the working environment and morale of the employees at McGovern Medical School through effective communication, recognition, education and events.

Meeting Dates

All meetings are held on the First (1st) Thursday of each month at 12:00pm Noon (Various Locations)

加入the ERC…and Have Fun!

We strive to put “fun” into our workday with social events, contests, special events and much more. New ideas are welcome! We would love to hear yours. Please feel free to call a member or sit in on a future meeting.
Enjoy Viewing Pictures from ERC Events!

Toner & Cartridge Recycling Program

Toner & Cartridge Recycling Program – Presented by ERC &UCSCin partnership with TODAY’s Business Solutions & Clover Environmental SolutionsSign Up Your Drop Off Location

For those interested in joining the ERC, please contactValerie.A.Buchanan@uth.tmc.edu。谢谢你!