约翰·p·麦戈文和四g . UTHealth医学院 https://med.uth.edu 麦戈文医学院 星期二,2022年2月01 19:50:06 + 0000 en - us 每小时 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.1 COVID定于2月10日纪念独奏会 https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/02/01/covid-memorial-recital-scheduled-for-feb-10/ rpetrowski 星期二,2022年2月01 19:50:05 + 0000 Covid-19 新闻 COVID-19 恩典旷 杰夫•金 招生和学生事务办公室 瑞安Huebinger 麦戈文中心人文和道德 蒂莫西·乔治。 https://med.uth.edu/?p=46813 < p >麦戈文人文中心的伦理和学生事务和招生办公室提供了一个COVID纪念独奏会的音乐表演麦戈文社区,2月10日。独奏会是由蒂莫西·乔治,可以,将荣誉……< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/02/01/covid-memorial-recital-scheduled-for-feb-10/ " > COVID纪念独奏会定于2月10日< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/02/01/covid-memorial-recital-scheduled-for-feb-10/covid-memorial-recital-3-4/ " rel = "附件wp -丙氨酸- 46814 " > < img加载=“懒惰”class =“size-full wp -图像- 46814 alignright src = " https://med.uth.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Covid-Memorial-Recital.jpg " alt =“Covid纪念独奏飞行”宽度= " 300 "高度= " 464 " / > < / > < a href = " https://med.uth.edu/mcgovern/ " >麦戈文人文伦理中心< / >和< a href = " https://med.uth.edu/admissions/student-affairs/ " >学生事务办公室和招生< / >提出了Covid纪念独奏会的音乐表演麦戈文社区,2月10日。< / p > < p >独奏会是由<强>盖乔治,组织可以< / >强,并将荣誉失去生命和牺牲,以及周边COVID-19持续的挑战。乔治会与同学<强>优雅旷,MS3 < / >强;和<强>杰夫•金可以< / >强;马里兰州以及<强>瑞安Huebinger < / >强,助理教授< a href = " https://med.uth.edu/emergencymedicine/ " >急诊医学部门< / >。< / p > < p > "这是一个长期的目标我的独奏音乐会在学校在毕业之前,”乔治说。“大约一年前,我想穿上“post-COVID”采访赛季后独奏会,但回想起来这是有点天真的考虑的大流行。我想要荣誉的独奏会失去生命和牺牲了很多在大流行期间。因此,我改变它COVID纪念独奏会。" < / p > < p > COVID纪念馆将举行独奏会中午在混合格式limited-attendance现场表演在五楼画廊和网上可以通过< a href = " https://uthealth.webex.com/uthealth/j.php?MTID=m9f02418c0a0dba2054bf8a998ebd833b " > Webex < / >。现场演出是有限的50个与会者和午餐后将提供独奏会。从肖邦Chaminade作品,拉赫玛尼诺夫将出现在独奏会。

“My program takes the audience through a whirlwind of emotions in an attempt to reflect our experience traversing through the pandemic,” George said. “The first piece is a battle between tranquility and chaos, with chaos succeeding in the end. The second is a journey towards triumph, with a touch of reminiscence. The final piece in an elegy filled with somber passion, ending in a funeral march.

“It is important to have this recital for our McGovern community, because it gives people a chance to pause and reflect on all that we have endure: the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is also a special opportunity for us musicians in medicine to share our craft with our colleagues.”

The post COVID Memorial Recital scheduled for Feb. 10 appeared first on John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern Medical School at UTHealth.

戴尔,伯内特授予终身贡献打击虐待老人 https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/31/dyer-burnett-honored-for-lifelong-contributions-combatting-elder-mistreatment/ rpetrowski 星期一,2022年1月31日20:36:32 + 0000 新闻 老龄协会 内科 https://med.uth.edu/?p=46803 < p >杰森·伯内特博士和卡梅尔末Bitondo代尔,医学博士,是全国公认的贡献虐待老人和成人保护服务领域的实践为全国成人保护服务协会(NAPSA)。伯内特是德州的主管虐待老人……< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/31/dyer-burnett-honored-for-lifelong-contributions-combatting-elder-mistreatment/ " >代尔,伯内特授予终身贡献打击虐待老人< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > <图id = " attachment_46804 " aria-describedby =“标题-附件- 46804”风格=“宽度:400 px”class =“wp-caption alignright”> < a href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/31/dyer-burnett-honored-for-lifelong-contributions-combatting-elder-mistreatment/012522-cc-burnet-square-1/ " rel = "附件wp -丙氨酸- 46804 " > < img加载=“懒惰”类= " size-full wp -图像- 46804 " src = " https://med.uth.edu/wp - content/uploads/2022/01/012522 cc -伯纳广场- 1. jpg”alt =“杰森·伯内特博士打击虐待老人”宽度= " 400 "高度= " 400 " / > < / > < figcaption id =“标题-附件- 46804”class = " wp-caption-text " >杰森·伯内特,博士和卡梅尔代尔,医学博士,被国家授予成人保护服务领域的协会工作的虐待。伯内特是乔·斯奈德合影NAPSA公共政策的椅子上。(图片由保罗李约瑟/ NAPSA) < / figcaption > < /图> < p > <强>詹森•伯内特博士< / >强,和已故的<强>卡梅尔Bitondo代尔,MD < / >强,是全国公认的贡献虐待老人和成人保护服务领域的实践为全国成人保护服务协会(NAPSA)。< / p > < p >伯内特的主任< a href = " //www.tjghsg.com/aging/centers-of-excellence/team-institute/ " >德州虐待老人和虐待研究所< / >(团队)< a href = " //www.tjghsg.com/aging/centers-of-excellence/team-institute/ " > UTHealth休斯顿财团老龄< / >以及老年病学的副教授< a href = " https://med.uth.edu/internalmedicine/geriatric-palliative-medicine/ " >琼和桑福德亚历山大老年分工和姑息医学< / >。< / p > < p >伯内特也接受了荣誉代表戴尔。国际知名的老年医学专家和前执行董事和老龄协会的创始人,UT和医学主任医师健康老化中心于2021年5月4日死亡。< / p > < p >伯内特被授予著名的罗莎莉狼纪念奖他多年的专门研究预防虐待老人和改善成人保护服务实践。beplay苹果手机能用吗该奖项每年NAPSA会议上展示了一个人的奉献和承诺在预防虐待老人的实例通过研究、教育、政策、实践,和公众意识。beplay苹果手机能用吗< / p > <图id = " attachment_46805 " aria-describedby =“标题-附件- 46805”风格=“宽度:400 px”类=“wp-caption alignleft”> < a href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/31/dyer-burnett-honored-for-lifelong-contributions-combatting-elder-mistreatment/050521-dyer-square-med/ " rel = "附件wp -丙氨酸- 46805 " > < img加载=“懒惰”类=“wp -图像- 46805”src = " https://med.uth.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/050521-Dyer-square-med.jpg " alt = "博士。卡梅尔Bitondo代尔”宽度= " 400 "高度= " 400 " / > < / > < figcaption id =“标题-附件- 46805”class = " wp-caption-text " >卡梅尔Bitondo代尔,MD。(图片由UTHealth休斯顿)< / figcaption > < /图> < p >在过去的十年里,伯内特扮演了关键角色在关键的虐待老人的研究和撰写多个出版物支持研究,教育、临床护理,和公众意识的努力旨在改善脆弱的老年人的生活经历虐待、忽视和剥削。beplay苹果手机能用吗< / p > < p >代尔被授予一个特别委员会奖她终生贡献虐待老人,成人保护服务和脆弱的老年人的护理。NAPSA认可戴尔的终身贡献作为一个冠军的他不知疲倦的工作改善条件脆弱的老年人,倡导专业老年保健和改善成人保护服务实践。< / p > < p > & # 8220;最伟大的荣誉意外,”伯内特说。 “Receiving the Rosalie Wolf Award is truly a great honor to me, but even more so was to be recognized along with my late mentor and unwavering friend, Dr. Carmel Dyer, who taught me through instruction and observation that when doing work that serves others, the only approach is to put your head down and get it done. Find reward in the process, and you will make a difference. NAPSA recognized the lasting difference Dr. Carmel Dyer made to the field of elder abuse.”

Dyer’s influence in the development of multidisciplinary teams to combat elder mistreatment and provide enhanced services gained national recognition and brought attention to the issue. NAPSA leadership spoke of Dyer’s collaborative nature, generous spirit, and unequalled passion that made her a leader in the field.

The post Dyer, Burnett honored for lifelong contributions combatting elder mistreatment appeared first on John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern Medical School at UTHealth.

纪念失去生命 https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/honoring-lives-lost/ rpetrowski 星期四,2022年1月27日18:26:01 + 0000 Wildart https://med.uth.edu/?p=46778 < p >确保保存日期,2月10日中午,麦戈文COVID纪念独奏会以音乐表演的医学院教师和学生。蒂莫西·乔治,可以;恩典旷,MS3;杰夫•金可以;和瑞安Huebinger博士将治疗…< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/honoring-lives-lost/ " >尊重生命损失< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > < p >确保保存日期,2月10日中午,麦戈文COVID纪念独奏会以音乐表演的医学院教师和学生。蒂莫西·乔治,可以;恩典旷,MS3;杰夫•金可以;和瑞安Huebinger博士将与会者肖邦的作品,Chaminade,拉赫玛尼诺夫。< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/honoring-lives-lost/ " >尊重生命损失< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > 希望在不确定性 https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/hope-amidst-uncertainty/ rpetrowski 星期四,2022年1月27日15:54:14 + 0000 Wildart https://med.uth.edu/?p=46736 < p >麦戈文医学院学生迈克尔Talanker和玛丽莎McDow的艺术特色& # 8220;希望在不确定性# 8221;人类关系的特别版消化。Talanker& # 8217; s片(上)《& # 8220;前线# 8221;作为封面形象出现的消化,而McDow& # 8217;年代艺术……< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/hope-amidst-uncertainty/ " > < / >希望在不确定性首先出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/hope-amidst-uncertainty/marisa-mcdown-photo-copy/ " rel = "附件wp -丙氨酸- 46738 " > < img加载=“懒惰”class =“alignnone size-full wp -图像- 46738“src = " https://med.uth.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Marisa-McDown-Photo-copy.jpg " alt =“学生艺术在人类关系”宽度= " 600 "高度= " 1068 " / > < / > < / p > < p >麦戈文医学院学生迈克尔Talanker和玛丽莎McDow的艺术特色& # 8220;希望在不确定性# 8221;特别版的< em > < a href = " https://pub.lucidpress.com/HumanTiesDigestWinter2021/ xNATEhjXCUny " >消化人类关系< / > < / em >。Talanker& # 8217; s片(上)《& # 8220;前线# 8221;作为封面形象出现的消化,而McDow& # 8217;年代艺术(底部)& # 8220;无论多么糟糕的一天,太阳依然升起强生的# 8221;< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/hope-amidst-uncertainty/ " > < / >希望在不确定性首先出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > 不要错过校友的周末 https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/dont-miss-alumni-weekend/ rpetrowski 星期四,2022年1月27日15:42:15 + 0000 Wildart https://med.uth.edu/?p=46732 < p >视频由校友办公室参与确保保存的日期校友周末,3月25日至26日。校友周末特性开始接待以及2020年和2021年杰出校友奖周五接待和仪式,随后……< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/dont-miss-alumni-weekend/ " >不要# 8217;t小姐校友周末< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > < p > < iframe加载= "懒惰" title =“保存日期:校友周末”宽度= " 640 "高度= " 360 " src = " https://www.youtube.com/embed/g6kD36jLz20?feature=oembed" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

Video by the Office of Alumni Engagement

Be sure to save the date for Alumni Weekend, March 25-26. Alumni Weekend features a kickoff reception as well as the 2020 and 2021 Distinguished Alumnus Award Reception and Ceremony on Friday, followed by an action-packed Saturday with events ranging from a Culinary Brunch CME Course to McGovern Medical School Student-Led Tours and more.

For more information visit go.uth.edu/AW22.

The post Don’t Miss Alumni Weekend appeared first on John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern Medical School at UTHealth.

3月4 - 6冲击研讨会的回报 https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/shock-symposium-returns-march-4-6/ rpetrowski 星期四,2022年1月27日15:18:08 + 0000 新闻 中心高级心肺治疗和移植 休斯顿冲击研讨会 赫尔曼纪念 https://med.uth.edu/?p=46723 一年的中断之后,< p >由于COVID-19大流行,先进的心肺治疗和移植中心麦戈文医学院和赫尔曼纪念医院心脏& # 38;血管研究所——德州医学中心主办第四届休斯敦震惊……< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/shock-symposium-returns-march-4-6/ " >冲击研讨会返回3月4 - 6 < / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > 一年的中断之后,< p >由于COVID-19大流行,< a href = " https://med.uth.edu/cahf/ " >中心高级心肺移植治疗和麦戈文医学院< / >和< a href = " https://memorialhermann.org/locations/heart-and-vascular-institute-texas-medical-center " >赫尔曼纪念医院的心脏,血管研究所——德州医学中心< / >主办第四届休斯敦休克研讨会,3月4 - 6,在酒店开业的希尔顿休斯顿——林荫道路广场。< / p > < p > 60多个国家和国际专家领域的心原性休克一起分享,促进知识、专业知识、和视觉帮助拯救生命和降低冲击是不可接受的高死亡率。研讨会旨在涵盖评议人员,先进的心力衰竭的心脏病专家,重症监护医生,和工程师分享知识和专业技能。< / p > < p >每年在美国大约有40000 - 50000新病例的心原性休克,出现更普遍的老人,妇女,糖尿病患者。心原性休克死亡的主要原因是与急性心肌梗死患者住院。< / p > < p >休斯顿冲击研讨会的议程功能正式演讲,案例插图,小组讨论和Q&一个会话。参与的专家小组,鼓励与会者和口头演讲不超过10的幻灯片可以提交< a href = " mailto: houstonshock@uth.tmc.edu " > houstonshock@uth.tmc.edu < / >。讨论报告类别是:< / p > < ul > <李>急性心肌梗塞并发休克李< / > <李>急性失代偿性心力衰竭李< / > <李>心切开术后心原性休克李< / > <李>文章使用房车失败< /李> <李>经皮机械循环辅助装置在冲击李< / > <李>经皮或手术MCS设备失败< /李> <李>小说利用MCS设备或药物治疗。李< / > < / ul > < p >周五的会议功能一双技能实验室会话运行从早上9点到中午和下午1 - 5点休斯顿冲击技能实验室允许注册的参与者执行:< / p > < ul > <李>大孔经皮管子,李< / > <李>经皮动脉关闭,李< / > <李> Trans-septal穿刺,李< / > <李>插入经皮机械辅助装置包括Impella TandemHeart, VV / VA ECMO经皮支持设备,李< / > <李>牛心使用中空李< / > < / ul > < p >注册休斯顿冲击研讨会是免费为所有参与者。 To register for the event or for more information on the symposium, visit the Houston Shock Symposium website. Separate registration for the Skills Lab is required and can be submitted via email to houstonshock@uth.tmc.edu.


The post Shock Symposium returns March 4-6 appeared first on John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern Medical School at UTHealth.

医生的工具,居民:伊莎贝尔Pro帮助诊断复杂的情况下 https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/tool-for-physicians-residents-isabel-pro-helps-diagnose-complex-cases/ rpetrowski 星期四,2022年1月27日14:23:52 + 0000 新闻 史诗 伊莎贝尔职业 https://med.uth.edu/?p=46717 < p > UTHealth休斯顿有一个工具来帮助医生和居民在诊断患者具有挑战性的症状陈述或那些没有回应治疗。这台电脑和移动资源,叫伊莎贝尔Pro,可以通过一个链接…< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/tool-for-physicians-residents-isabel-pro-helps-diagnose-complex-cases/ " >工具医生,居民:伊莎贝尔Pro帮助诊断复杂情况下< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/27/tool-for-physicians-residents-isabel-pro-helps-diagnose-complex-cases/011422-rsp-isabel-pro/ " rel = "附件wp -丙氨酸- 46718 " > < img加载=“懒惰”class =“wp -图像- 46718 alignright src = " https://med.uth.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/011422-RSP-isabel-pro.jpg " alt =“伊莎贝尔Pro”宽度= " 325 "高度= " 325 " / > < / > UTHealth休斯顿有一个工具来帮助医生和居民在诊断患者具有挑战性的症状陈述或那些没有回应治疗。< / p > < p >这台电脑和移动资源,叫做< a href = " https://www.isabelhealthcare.com/products/isabel-pro-ddx-generator " >伊莎贝尔箴< / >,可以通过一个链接找到史诗电子健康记录系统,这也将显示一个二维码的手机版下载到他们的移动设备。< / p > < p >系统易于使用,需要最少的输入,并产生一个调查清单在几秒钟内鉴别诊断。beplay苹果手机能用吗它提供的可能性降低了诊断的机会。< / p > < p >,每年研究估计,大约5%的患者误诊,相当于大约在20例,根据美国国家科学院医学。这些误诊可以对病人的健康有严重的影响和长期健康,甚至导致患者损害。伊莎贝尔Pro可以有助于帮助提供选择复杂的案件。< / p > < p >初步研究表明,beplay苹果手机能用吗该系统可以提高诊断的准确性进行绝对5%即使是最有经验的诊断,并且是特别有用,当诊断老年病人,经常有大量的并发症。伊莎贝尔Pro是目前使用在初级保健和内科医学实践,以及< a href = " https://med.uth.edu/ " >麦戈文医学院在休斯敦UTHealth < / >内科居民,但可用于任何医生对史诗EHR的访问。< / p > < p >程序计算机诊断决策支持系统覆盖10000多名不同年龄和专业条件。使用病人的年龄、性别、地区和临床特征,伊莎贝尔专业生产相关,rank-ordered清单医生考虑的鉴别诊断。与微分输入只需要不到两分钟,马上生产。< / p > < p >排名差了病人的临床特征的顺序匹配上市条件的科学文献。 UpToDate is one of the reference sources used to research a specific condition. Isabel Pro will produce a differential listing of relevant diagnoses with the option, without reentering any data, to research each diagnosis using UpToDate, the Merck Manual, Google, PubMed, or other well-researched resources.

Isabel Pro also is the subject of a study to assess the utility of diagnostic decision support in routine clinical practice. A brief questionnaire scheduled for the end of February 2022 will seek users’ opinions following their use of the system in their practice.

For questions about the system or the study, contact Joe M. Bridges, doctorate of health informatics program candidate at UTHealth Houston School of Biomedical Informatics at Joe.Bridges@uth.tmc.edu.

The post Tool for physicians, residents: Isabel Pro helps diagnose complex cases appeared first on John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern Medical School at UTHealth.

妇女和女童在科学研讨会将于2月11日 https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/26/women-and-girls-in-science-symposium-set-for-feb-11/ rpetrowski 0000年结婚,2022年1月26日14:53:23 + 新闻 急诊医学部门 Faillace精神病学与行为服务的部门 国际妇女和女童日的《科学》杂志上 曼迪山 帕特里夏·巴特勒 https://med.uth.edu/?p=46711 < p >麦戈文医学院女教师论坛邀请所有学生和员工在德州医学中心虚拟版的第四届国际日妇女和女童在科学研讨会从4:30-6点2月11日。国际…< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/26/women-and-girls-in-science-symposium-set-for-feb-11/ " >妇女和女童在科学研讨会定于2月11日< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > 麦戈文医学院< p > < a href = " https://med.uth.edu/administration/women-faculty-forum/ " > < / >女性教师论坛邀请所有学生和员工在德州医学中心虚拟版第四届国际科学研讨会的妇女和女童从4:30-6点2月11日。< / p > < p >妇女和女童在科学的国际日由联合国成立于2015年,是全世界公认的。事件为卫生保健专业人员和学员提供了一个机会来庆祝成功的女性在学术界。< / p > < p > 2022主讲人是<强>钢铁洪流哈里斯,MD < / >强,机构的副教务长多样性,股权,和包容,学生和学员服务和精神病学教授,行为科学、儿科学、家庭和社区医学贝勒医学院。Harris还作为美国医学协会的主席女性在医学和科学大学的小组。< / p > < p >《会饮篇》也强调完成麦戈文医学院教员包括:< / p > < p > <强>曼迪希尔认为,迈< br / > < / >强副教授兼人口健康< br / > < a href = " https://med.uth.edu/emergencymedicine/ " >急诊医学部门< / > < / p > < p > <强>帕特里夏·巴特勒荣誉退休教授< br / > < /强> < br / > < a href = " https://med.uth.edu/psychiatry/ " >路易斯·a·Faillace医学精神病学和行为科学系的< / > < / p > < p >注册事件,请访问< a href = " https://uthtmc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8vmGsi0x7QFzWZM?jfefe =新" > Webex事件页面< / >。< / p > < p > < >强加入网讯:< br / > < /强>网络研讨会号码:2620 841 6338 < br / >网络研讨会密码:WFF1从手机(9331)< / p > < p >加入通过电话:+ 1-415-655-0001或1-415-655-0001(免费)< br / >访问代码2620 841 6338 < / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/26/women-and-girls-in-science-symposium-set-for-feb-11/ " >妇女和女童在科学研讨会定于2月11日< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > 现在可以在线财务披露声明 https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/25/online-financial-disclosure-statement-is-now-available-2/ rpetrowski 星期二,2022年1月25日19:30:44 + 0000 新闻 财务信息披露声明 https://med.uth.edu/?p=46701 < p >这个年度报告要求为什么重要?所有教员和员工都必须在线提交披露财务利益和外部活动每年由德克萨斯大学系统政策和UTHealth利益冲突,…< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/25/online-financial-disclosure-statement-is-now-available-2/ " >网络财务信息披露声明现在可以< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > < p > <强>这个年度报告要求为什么重要?< br / > < /强>所有教员和员工都必须在线提交披露财务利益和外部活动每年由德克萨斯大学系统政策和UTHealth < em >的利益冲突,冲突的承诺和课外活动政策< / em > (< a href = " //www.tjghsg.com/hoop/policy.htm?id = 1447888 " >箍20 < / >)。在某些情况下,披露也可能是其他州或联邦法规所要求的(按照国家卫生研究院的指导),以及提交拨款申请。< / p > < p > < >强需要提交财务披露声明是谁?< br / > < /强>在一般情况下,你必须提交一份财务披露声明如果下列适用于你:< / p > < ul > <李>你是教员,李< / > <李>你是一个管理和专业(第一部;p)员工(< a href = " //www.tjghsg.com/hoop/policy.htm?id = 1448148 " >箍150 < / >,< em >行政和专业和分类工作任命< / em >); < /李> <李>你是一个大学的执行官;< /李> <李>你或执行合同的谈判代表UTHealth; < /李> <李>你会参与采购(15000美元或更多);< /李> <李>你参与合同管理;< /李> <李>你是一个“个人”在一个UTHealth研究项目的主要研究者指定的项目,按< em >研究的利益冲突政策< / em > (< a href = " //www.tjghsg.com/hoop/policy.htm?beplay苹果手机能用吗id = 1448036 " > 94 < / >)。<强> < em > < / em > < /强> <强> < em > < / em > < /强> < /李> < / ul > < p > <强>如何提交财务披露声明?< br / > < /强>指令,常见问题,和所需的形式,访问< a href = " https://inside.uth.edu/coi/financial-disclosures.htm " > < / >财务披露的信息网站。最后期限提交年度财务信息披露声明<强> 3月31日2022 < /强>。< / p > < p > < >强问题吗?< br / > < /强>请联系的利益冲突办公室< a href = " mailto: research_coi@uth.tmc.edu " > researcbeplay苹果手机能用吗h_coi@uth.tmc.edu < / >如果你有任何问题或想帮助完成表单。c < / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/25/online-financial-disclosure-statement-is-now-available-2/ " >网络财务信息披露声明现在可以< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > 一位在大脑解剖研究发表在《分子精神病学》上 https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/24/selvaraj-review-on-postmortem-brain-studies-published-in-molecular-psychiatry/ rpetrowski 2022年1月24日,星期一,21:38:25 + 0000 新闻 路易Faillace医学精神病学和行为科学系的 Sudhakar一 https://med.uth.edu/?p=46686 < p >死亡的大脑最近的一次回顾和荟萃分析的研究从实验室Sudhakar一,医学博士,博士,副教授路易斯·A . Faillace医学博士、精神病学和行为科学系的,发表在1月版的《分子精神病学》....< / p > < p > post < rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu/blog/2022/01/24/selvaraj-review-on-postmortem-brain-studies-published-in-molecular-psychiatry/ " >一大脑解剖研究发表在《分子精神病学》< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " https://med.uth.edu " >约翰·p·麦戈文和四g .医学院UTHealth < / >。< / p > < p >死亡的大脑最近的一次回顾和荟萃分析的研究从实验室的<强> Sudhakar一,医学博士,博士< / >强,副教授在< A href = " https://med.uth.edu/psychiatry/ " >路易斯·A . Faillace医学精神病学和行为科学系的< / >,发表于1月版的< em >《分子精神病学》< / em >。< / p > < p beplay苹果手机能用吗>研究考察了矛盾的各种研究结果上执行多个突触蛋白参与导致双相(BD)和重度抑郁障碍(MDD)。MDD和BD影响近20%的人口,是最普遍的情绪障碍。< / p > < p > " MDD和双相障碍被认为是异构条件与多个潜在的病理生理机制,包括遗传、免疫、突触,细胞应激和氧化反应途径,”作者说。“然而,情绪障碍的病理生理学仍不清楚,但可能是多因素的。" < / p > < p >后期大脑研究BD和MDD患者与突触形态和细胞功能紊乱导致的大脑区域的变化。这些变化包括减少胶质细胞密度和前额叶皮层神经元大小,眼窝前额皮质、杏仁核,海马,和前扣带皮层,表明突触的突触function-related function-related基因和基因减少这些疾病的患者。< / p > < p >然而,在其他各种后期MDD和双相障碍患者的研究显示差异相比其他的发现,包括增加、减少,没有突触蛋白的变化。< / p > < p > "考虑到这些差异,我们的主要目标是系统综述和荟萃分析合成的证据改变突触蛋白的MDD和BD和确定改变局部脑区,”作者说。“我们推测,突触蛋白质和mrna会减少大脑额叶和边缘区域在两个MDD和BD。”< / p > < p >使用多个生物医学数据库的全面搜索3954条记录,该组织缩小了搜索范围为主要和次要24独特的研究分析。这些研究,在BD六个研究SNAP-25蛋白水平,而八个研究synaptophysin蛋白质含量在BD和六个研究synaptophysin蛋白质含量在MDD中。< / p > < p beplay苹果手机能用吗> synaptophysin周围的研究,蛋白质与受体(陷阱)复杂,相关和突触后密度蛋白95 (psd - 95)。根据作者,网罗复杂的蛋白质所必需的水泡对接并与突触前膜融合,同时为突触的兴奋性psd - 95是必要的。

“Given the importance of these proteins in synaptic communication, understanding the levels of these proteins in BD and MDD is important in understanding the pathophysiology of these mood disorders,” the authors said.”

The group’s finding were consistent with previous literature in finding that SNAP-25 protein levels present lower in patients with bipolar disorder and that no differences were round in the localization at certain brain regions. They also found that due to PSD-94’s critical role in stabilization of receptors and regulation of synaptic strength, a decrease in the protein could be a cause for dendritic spinal loss.

“To our knowledge, this is the first systematic review and metanalyses of synaptic protein studies in MDD and BD to evaluate the localization and levels of synaptic proteins and mRNAs in these mood disorders,” the authors said. “While exploratory, this analysis may guide further research and inquiry into these critical synaptic proteins.”

The paper titled “Alterations in brain synaptic proteins and mRNAs in mood disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis of postmortem brain studies” was co-written by first authors Edison Leung, MD, PhD; Ethan W. Lau; and Andi Liang; as well as Constanza de Dios, PhD, postdoctoral research fellow; Robert Suchting, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry; Linda Östlundh; Joseph C. Masdeu, MD, PhD; Masahiro Fujita, MD PhD; Marsal Sanches, MD, PhD; Jair C. Soares, MD, PhD; professor and chair of psychiatry; and Selvaraj.

The post Selvaraj review on postmortem brain studies published in Molecular Psychiatry appeared first on John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern Medical School at UTHealth.
