Infectious Disease Fellowship Program

Clickherefor ID Fellowship Brochure

Based in the Texas Medical Center, the largest medical complex in the world, the Division of Infectious Diseases at UTHealth’s McGovern Medical School (formerly, the University of Texas Medical School in Houston), jointly with UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, offers ACGME accredited Infectious Diseases fellowship training which includes a broad exposure to the complete spectrum of clinical infectious diseases via staffing of a large公立医院(Lyndon B. Johnson综合医院,其独特而高等教育的资源和移民人口具有独特而高等教育);A私立医院(纪念赫尔曼医院,美国最繁忙的创伤医院之一和德克萨斯州最大的私立医院网络的旗舰转诊医院,拥有多个ICU,一个烧伤单位,实心器官移植);和一个著名的cancer hospital(UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, the #1 ranked oncology hospital in the US with its highly immunocompromised population. Clickhere有关MD Anderson传染病的更多信息,将奖学金计划结合在一起)。培训还包括调查的机会,从基础研究到在医院进行门诊环境的临床研究。beplay苹果手机能用吗奖学金计划旨在为受训者准备传染病实践或学术职业。临床医生,临床研究人员和基础研究人员可以使用途径。beplay苹果手机能用吗有兴趣的研究员可以使用得克萨斯大学公共卫生学院的资源,UT还为临床研究课程提供了硕士学位。beplay苹果手机能用吗

除了获得ACGME认可的奖学金外,得克萨斯州医学委员会批准,研究生医学教育/ECFMG兼容一年fellowships are offered in HIV medicine and in Transplant Infectious Diseases同样批准的第三年先进的传染病研究也取决于研究导师和可用资金的接受。beplay苹果手机能用吗

While ours is a single educational program, two tracks are available and should be ranked separately. The “Traditional Track” includes time in both highly specialized and general settings as well as with cancer and immunocompromised hosts. The “Immunocompromised Track” enables fellows to focus their education more heavily on cancer and immunocompromised hosts.

For clinical rotations, all fellows spend one month in clinical microbiology during their first year and one month in Transplant Infectious Diseases during their second year. The rest of the clinical time is divided as follows according to the two tracks: In the Traditional Track, fellows see approximately 70% of their ID consults on general ID services at Memorial Hermann (MHH) and Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) hospitals, and 30% at UT MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC). In the Immunocompromised Track, fellows sees a little over 50% of their ID consults at MDACC, and the remainder on general ID services at MHH and LBJ. All fellows are guaranteed a minimum of a month of exposure to each of the four major MDACC services (solid tumors, leukemia, stem cell transplant, intensive care).

对于ACGME规定的连续性诊所和艾滋病毒经验,所有研究员都通过托马斯街健康中心(Thomas Street Health Center)旋转至少12个月(第一个专门用于全国门诊艾滋病毒/艾滋病护理的独立式设施,仍然是全国最大的公共艾滋病毒诊所之一美国),由专门从事艾滋病毒护理和临床研究的ID专家组成。beplay苹果手机能用吗该诊所也是美国国立卫生研究院的艾滋病临床试验小组(NIH ACTG)网站之一,用于艾滋病毒临床研究,主要研究者是我们UT的教职员工之一。beplay苹果手机能用吗所有研究员在门诊HCV管理中至少都有一个月的培训。在第二年,根据同伴的偏好,在可能的情况下分配了6个月的连续性诊所(更多HIV,更多HCV,一般ID,癌症ID,移植ID)。

We guarantee at least 6 months of research for all fellows. Infectious Diseases Fellows are encouraged to pick a research mentor early in their fellowship, with the hope that they will complete a project during their first year in time to submit an abstract to either the fall IDWeek (the annual meeting of the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA), HIVMA, SHEA and the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society) or the spring ASM Microbe meeting (including the former Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC)); fellows’ abstracts are frequently accepted for presentation and travel grants are generally provided. Fellows with a proven research trajectory or wishing to develop more bench-related or clinical research skills can be accommodated for additional research time. This conversation is usually carried out during the career counseling session we hold with each fellow in the spring of their first year. The fellowship aims to be as flexible as reasonably possible to foster each fellow’s career goals and interests. Regardless of which clinical educational track a fellow is on, one’s research mentor can be from either institution, although the expectation is that a fellow would generally pick a mentor based on the educational track with which they matched. For fellows wishing additional research training, the program offers an ACGME/ECFMG compliant year of “Advanced ID Research”, subject to available funding.

Application Process FAQ

  • How do I submit an application?
  • 是否有申请提交截止日期?
    We do not have a set submission deadline. We review applications continuously throughout the interview season. The majority of invitations to interview are sent out in July, and our interview season runs from August–October.
  • Do you require a United States Internal Medicine Residency?
  • 您赞助哪些签证?

For additional information on our fellowship, please contact the fellowship coordinator Sandra Warrie atSandra.R.Warrie@uth.tmc.eduShe can send you a up-to-date brochure that has additional information including Meeting Attendance and Support, Resources and Additional Benefits.

笔记:Information on benefits and policies for residents and fellows can be foundhere


Graduation 2017

艾哈迈德·阿尔·哈马迪(Ahmed Al Hammadi),莫哈纳德·奥巴伊迪(Mohanad Al Obaidi),奥诺瓦·哈比卜

Graduation 2016

Zeinab El Boghdadly,Nagakrishnal Nachimuthu,William Miller,Chanunya Srihawan,Farida Malik

Graduation 2015

Quanhathai Kaewpoowat, Masayuki Nigo, Bhavarth Shukla, Meena Sunil

Graduation 2014

Roshni Daver, Rodrigo Lopez, Nobuyoshi Mori, Jose Munita, Jakapat Vanichanan

Graduation Year 2013

Abdussalam Alburki,Nada Fadul,Vandana Karanda,Lior Nesher

Graduation Year 2012

Madiha阿什拉夫,吉尔伯特El Helou艾琳El ZakhemSiraya Jaijakul, Sweeya Ramireddy, Tina Shenouda*

Graduation Year 2011

Lizbeth Cahuayme-Zuniga,Maria Nina Chitasombat,Jairo Eraso,Nabil Khoury,Jorge Zuniga

Graduation Year 2010

Fadi Al Akhrass, Leyla Best, Javier Cairo, Marcela Campo*, Sujatha Krishnan, Nicolas Melgarejo, Karen Vigil*, Clay Watson

Graduation Year 2009

Saud Ahmed, Marcela Campo, Jose Flores Figueroa, Georgiana Georgescu*, John Granger, Clinton Haley, Christelle Kassis, Roshan Lewis*, Sherri Onyiego*

Graduation Year 2008

Cesar Arias, Georgios Chamilos, Georgiana Georgescu, Solomon Ghide, Elizabeth Ramos, Karen Vigil

Graduation Year 2007

Danny Ghannam,Kevin Grimes,Andrea Holmes,Roshan Lewis,Harrys Torres,Souad Yousseff

Graduation Year 2006

Halim Aboufaycal,Cesar Arias,Mona Kapadia,Ghazi Ghanem,Charles Sims

Graduation Year 2005

Stephanie Lee, Lisa Armitige, Shoaib Ansari, Gabriel Aisenberg, Padma Kumashi, Mallika Kamana, Samuel Maghidman*


MSB 2.112
6431 Fannin Street
Houston, Texas 77030
Phone: (713) 500-6767