Research in Dragoi lab on cortical populations published in Neuron

January 20, 2022

Photo of Dr. Chelaru and Dr. Dragoi

Research from the lab ofValentin Dragoi, PhD, Rochelle and Max Levit Distinguished Professor in theNeurosciences, studying neuronal interactions in visual and prefrontal cortical areas has been published inNeuron.

First author for the paper, titled “High-order interaction explain the collective behavior of cortical populations in executive but not sensory areas,” isMircea Chelaru, PhD. Co-authors includeSarah Eagleman, PhD;阿安德烈博士;拉斯el Milton; andNatasha Kharas, MD, PhD.

“Information in neural populations is believed to be encoded in the collective activity of highly interconnected neural networks,” the authors wrote. “Describing the collective behavior of neural populations is a challenging task whose complexity is exacerbated by the combinatorial explosion of possible cell responses as the size of the population increases.”

Read more on theMcGovern Medical School news page.

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