
WHO WE ARE:Since 2006, UTHealth Department of Neurology has provided telestroke/acute teleneurology services throughout Southeast Texas. With a boost of philanthropic support in 2010, the program expanded to sites throughout Texas. Currently, the network supports acute teleneurology services at 8 hospitals, and routine neurology consults at three hospitals. We are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year by board-certified neurologists, and most are vascular neurology board certified as well. Our director,Dr. Amanda Jagolino-Colehas been with the program since 2014 and along with colleaguesDr. Andrew Barreto,Dr. Aidan Azher,Dr. Bharti Manwani, andDr. Sunil Sheth是主要的teleneurology教员delivering care to our network, with support from the experienced UTHealth Department of Neurology Stroke Team. Our core team consists of UTHealth faculty with world-renowned medical expertise in clinical, educational, and research leadership. Our mission as part of UTHealth is to provide outstanding teleneurology care to patients throughout Texas, and to collaborate with hospitals to educate our communities on stroke and neurology.

WHAT WE DO:Our service provides acute neurological consultative services anywhere, anytime. We are not limited to the emergency department; a neurological emergency can happen anywhere in the hospital. Telemedicine is mobile, and so are we. Our team of physicians work directly with your onsite doctors to assess and consult, making sure your local team are 100% informed and satisfied with the plan of care. Example consults include evaluation and management of Code Strokes or potential IV-tPA, intra-arterial thrombectomy, cerebral hemorrhage, status epilepticus, or any new onset of altered mental status. Our team works with your current transfer pathways to ensure that patients are properly admitted or transferred to the appropriate facility of your and your patient’s choice.

EDUCATION & RESEARCH:As an academic teleneurology service, we put the mission and core values of our medical school first. Our program will deliver education to your staff in topics related to acute neurology, as well as provide opportunities to participate in webinars and symposium hosted by our institution. We also have opportunities for our partners to participate in research, either registry-based or through clinical trials delivered straight to your patients.

FOR MORE INFORMATION:If you would like more information about our teleneurology services, please contact our Program Administrator,Abigail Betner.