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What are Gliomas?

神经胶质瘤are brain tumors that develop in the brain or spinal cord from the glial cells that form brain tissue. Glial cells are the most common cells found in the brain, and they surround and support neurons. When glial cells divide and multiply rapidly, a glioma forms.

神经胶质瘤are primary brain tumors; they form in the brain and are not a result of cancer spreading from another area of the body. They are often malignant and can be difficult to treat depending upon their location in the brain.

There are three main types of glial cells that form gliomas – astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and ependymal cells. Each of these types of cells produce gliomas with distinctive characteristics.

Astrocytomasaccount for about 75% of all gliomas, and are classified as Grade 1 through 4, according to how fast they grow and how aggressive they are, which defines the level of malignancy.


少突胶质瘤s develop from oligodendrocyte glial cells, which form the protective myelin coatings around the nerve cells. Oligodendrogliomas are rare.


What You Can Expect at UTHealth Neurosciences


We first investigate options for nonsurgical treatment, including medical management, pain management, physical therapy, rehabilitation, and watchful waiting. When surgery is needed, our neurosurgeons routinely employ innovative minimally invasive techniques. Throughout the treatment process, our team works closely with the doctor who referred you to ensure a smooth transition back to your regular care plan. While you are with us, you can expect expert care, excellent communication, and genuine compassion.


There is no known cause for gliomas, although they occur more frequently in adults.

Early Signs of Glioma and Diagnosis


神经胶质瘤的诊断和分期可能涉及眼睛,视力,肌肉力量和反射的神经检查;MRI或者CT扫描;位置排放断层扫描; and biopsy to remove a sample of tissue for pathological testing.


The standard treatment for brain tumors is surgery,辐射,chemotherapy, and/or targeted therapies. Your treatment team will recommend the best treatment for glioma depending on the location of the tumor, whether it has spread, its grade, and your general health and fitness. At UTHealth Neurosciences you can expect the latest advancements in diagnosis and treatment, as well as access to international multicenter clinical trials.

一些肿瘤可能需要警惕waiting as neurologists and neurosurgeons track changes, while higher-grade tumors will require surgery and/or radiation and chemotherapy, high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplant, targeted therapy that attacks cancer cells without harming normal cells, immunotherapy, or new types of treatments being tested in clinical trials.




