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This rare neurological disorder causes nerves and nerve roots to swell, which can destroy the myelin sheath that protects nerves. This inhibits their ability to transmit signals to limbs, resulting in fatigue, pain, weakness, numbness, and paralysis in the arms and legs. About 30,000 Americans are diagnosed with CIDP, one of the most common forms of neuropathy.

What You Can Expect at UTHealth Neurosciences

在Uthealth Neurosciences,我们的专门团队使用最新技术来准确诊断和治疗您的病情。我们在分享见解的专家组成的多学科团队中工作,从而做出更好的治疗决策和结果。在整个治疗过程中,我们将与医生紧密合作,该医生向您推荐您,以确保顺利过渡到您的常规护理。当您与我们在一起时,您将获得专家护理,出色的沟通和真正的同情心。

Causes of CIDP

While its cause is unknown, CIDP is considered an autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack the peripheral nervous system. Males are twice as likely as females to be affected. Unlike other similar conditions, CIDP doesn’t typically tend to follow a viral infection. There is no known genetic link.

Signs of CIDP

CIDP可能很难诊断。症状 - 疼痛,无力,瘫痪,刺痛和感觉干扰 - 缓慢扩散至少两个月,通常会在臀部,肩膀,手和脚周围引起对称弱点。患者可能会遇到疲劳,笨拙和吞咽困难。



Your doctor will assess your symptoms through a physical examination. A nerve conduction study or electromyography may be conducted to reveal demyelination. A spinal tap may be ordered to look for elevated protein without elevated white blood cells. An MRI might also help with a diagnosis. There isn’t a single reliable test to diagnose CIDP, so your doctor will likely work to rule out other conditions through blood and urine tests and other exams. If your doctor suspects CIDP, they may begin treatment for CIDP to see how your symptoms respond.


Early treatment is recommended to limit symptoms and to help ensure a full recovery. Medications, including corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs, are available as approved treatments for CIDP. Intravenous immunoglobulin and plasma exchanges are also extremely effective in modifying or enhancing the immune system. Immunotherapy and stem cell transplants may also be considered. Clinical trials are underway to use certain antibodies to treat the condition. Some patients may experience residual weakness or numbness as part of CIDP, and physical therapy may be recommended to assist with recovery.

Nerve Disorders


At UTHealth Neurosciences, we offer patients access to specialized neurological care at clinics across the greater Houston area. To ask us a question, schedule an appointment, or learn more about us, please click below to send us a message. In the event of an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.
