Laboratory of H. Alex Choi, M.D.


H. Alex Choi,医学博士是Uthealth McGovern医学院的助理教授和神经化学家。他的工作重点是改善急性脑损伤后患者结局的beplay苹果手机能用吗研究,尤其是动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)。他有兴趣采用统计,信息学和机器学习方法来解决神经科学重症监护病房(NICU)中的一些关键问题。主要的研究兴beplay苹果手机能用吗趣集中在(a)SAH后(b)了解急性脑损伤后神经炎症性异常的次要并发症(例如延迟脑缺血(DCI))的预测上。目前,该实验室专注于使用网络信息学方法来建模和分析免疫剖面。免疫反应是复杂的,动态的,涉及数百种相互作用,细胞和分子。常规统计方法无法解释这种复杂性。开发的新型生物信息学工具将寻求揭开这种复杂性,并提供对免疫特征性质以及(c)与SAH有关的临床研究/试验的更深入的见解;beplay苹果手机能用吗与临床前研究的实验室(Pramod Dash博士)协同合作,以测试急性脑损伤后新型抗炎治疗剂。beplay苹果手机能用吗CT扫描


1) Machine Learning techniques for prediction of secondary complications after SAH
Some SAH patients in the ICU are at increased risk of developing dangerous secondary complications such as delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI). In patients with DCI, there is a sudden loss of blood flow to vital brain regions that can result in severe morbidity or mortality. If these at-risk patients are identified early on, a physician can prophylactically treat and monitor them diligently to mitigate symptoms. Currently, there are no effective methods to asses a patient’s risk of developing DCI. We will develop novel machine learning algorithms that can predict whether or not a patient will develop DCI by utilizing easily available data such as lab reports, vital signs and admission


3) Cerebral Edema
Cerebral Edema (CE) after SAH is associated with poor outcomes. The pathomechanism of GCE is unclear. GCE may represent vulnerable tissue status to microcirculatory ischemia. Patients with CE are at risk of developing DCI and vasospasms. We will develop a novel cerebral edema scoring system based on admission status with the idea of building a predictive system for DCI and vasospasm.


5) Pharmaceutical studies Steroid and Statins
This study is focused on determining if administration of steroids and statins improve outcomes.


7) Quantification of Vasospasm


H Alex Choi, M.D. Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator
Jude Savarraj, Ph.D. Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Fellow
Sungho Ahn, M.D. Visiting Fellow
Jin Park, M.D Visiting Fellow
韦斯·琼斯(Wes Jones),医学博士神经外科居民
Mubashir Pervez,M.D神经病学居民
Elena Espino, B.S. Research Assistant
Sophie Samuel D. Pharm Pharmacy Research
Glenda Torres B.S Research Coordinator

Office Phone:713.500.6128


    1. Choi HA,KO SB,Chen H,Gilmore E,Carpenter AM,Lee D,Claassen J,Mayer SA,Schmidt JM,Lee K,Lee K,Connelly ES,Paik M,Badjitia N. Nimodipine对大脑脉管和大脑脉管体的急性影响高级蛛网膜下腔出血患者。神经关怀。2012年6月; 16(3):363-7。pmid;22262041
    2. Ko某人,崔哈,帕里克说,施密特JM,李K, Badjatia N, Claassen J, Connolly ES, Mayer SA. Real time estimation of brain water content in comatose patients. Ann Neurol. 2012 Sep;72(3):344-50. PMCID: PMC3464349
    3. Ko SB, Choi HA, Parikh G, Helbok R, Schmidt JM, Lee K, Badjatia N, Claassen J, Connolly ES, Mayer SA. Multimodality Monitoring in Comatose Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke. 2011 Nov;42(11):3087-92.
    4. Choi HA, Ko SB, Presciutti M, Fernandez L. Carpenter AM, Lesch C, Gilmore E, Malhotra R, Mayer SA, Lee K, Claassen J, Schmidt JM, Badjatia N. Prevention of shivering during therapeutic temperature modulation: The columbia anti-shivering protocol. Neurocritical Care. 14(3): 389-94, June 2011.
    5. Choi HA, Badjatia N, Mayer SA. Hypothermia for acute brain injury–mechanisms and practical aspects. Nat Rev Neurol. 2012 Feb 28;8(4):214-22. PMID: 22371279
    6. Hong JM, Lee JS, Song HJ, Jeong HS, Choi HA, Lee K. Therapeutic hypothermia after recanalization in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Stroke. 45(1):134-40, January 2014.