Dong Kim博士担任休斯敦医学院(Uthealth)医学院的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心神经外科维维安·史密斯系教授。Beplay体育中心金博士也是该部门的前主席,他从2007年到2021年。

After attending college at Stanford University, he attended medical school at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Medical School. He underwent training in general surgery at Harvard University, followed by an internship at Harvard University. He completed his residency at UCSF and went on to a fellowship at the University of Florida. He is board certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery and a member of The Society of Neurological Surgeons.

Dr. Kim joined the Mischer Neuroscience Institute in October 2007, where he served as Director until 2021. He has also held faculty and hospital appointments at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Cornell University Medical College, The New York Hospital and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.




University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California

Areas of Interest

Clinical Interests




  1. Kim, DH and Kulick, MI: An in vivo- in vitro investigation of the effect of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents on collagen synthesis. Surgical Forum. 36:1985.
  2. Kim DH,Fields HL,Barbaro NM:吗啡镇痛和急性身体依赖性:两个相对剂量相关的过程的快速发作。脑部。516:37-40,1990。
  3. Kim DH,Mohapatra G,Bollen A,Waldman FM,Feuerstein BG:通过比较基因组杂交检测到的多形和神经胶质瘤细胞系的染色体异常。国际癌症。60:812-815,1995。
  4. Mohapatra G,Kim DH,Feuerstein BG:通过比较基因组杂交检测十个神经胶质瘤细胞系中的多重增益和损失。基因,铬,癌症。13:86-93,1995。
  5. Kim DH, Gutin P, Noble LJ, Nathan D, Ross G, Yu JS, Nockels RN: Genetically engineered fibroblasts secreting nerve growth factor or brain-derived growth accelerates recovery from acute, traumatic spinal cord injury in the rat. Neuroreport. 7:1996.
  6. Mohapatra G,Moore DH,Kim DH,Grewal L,Hyun WC,Waldman F,Pinkel D,Feuerstein BG:对脑肿瘤细胞系的分析证实了荧光原位杂交,DNA指数,DNA指数和比较基因组杂交之间的简单模型。基因,铬,癌症。20(4):311-9,1997。
  7. Mautes Aem,Kim DH,Sharp FR,Panter S,Sato M,Maida N,Bergeron M,Guenther K,Noble LJ:在大鼠的柱状脊髓中诱导血红素 - 氧合酶-1(HO-1)。大脑研究。beplay苹果手机能用吗795(1-2):17-24,1998。
  8. Nates J,Aristizabal J,Kim DH,Fife C:仰卧颅切开术期间动脉瘤的静脉空气栓塞:高压氧疗法的作用。国际麻醉学。4(2):2000。
  9. Morgenstern LB, Demchuk AM, Kim DH, Frankowski RF, Grotta JC: Rebleeding leads to poor outcome in ultra early craniotomy for intracerebral hemorrhageNeurology. 56 (10):1294-9, 2001.
  10. Kim DH,van Ginhoven G,Milewicz DM:200名患者的家族性颅内动脉瘤的发生率:白种人,非裔美国人和西班牙裔人群之间的比较。神经外科。53(2):303-8,2003。
  11. Kim DH, Mathew J, Ziadi S, Nates J, Dannenbaum M, Malkoff M: Increased cardiac output or mean arterial pressure, but not hypovolemia, can reverse the decrease in CBF from vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurosurgery. 53(5):2003.
  12. Yeh P,Kim DH,Nates JL:后窝的指甲。新兴和重症监护医学的int J。5(1):89-97,2004。
  13. Kim DH,Tu C,Cassacia-Bonnefil P,Chao M:神经营养蛋白通过通过信号传导通过该神经元损伤后的凋亡,但不能在神经元损伤后死亡。trk受体J Neurosurg。100:79-87, 2004.
  14. Pannu H, Kim DH, Seaman R, Van Ginhoven G, King T, Vollmer DG, Shete SS, Milewicz DM: The ACE insertion/deletion polymorphism is not associated with intracranial aneurysms in a U.S.-derived Caucasian population. J Neurosurg. 103(1):92-6, 2005.
  15. Kim DH,Haney CL,Van Ginhoven G:SAH使用肺动脉检导的血液动力学管理方案减少了肺水肿。神经关怀。3(1):11-15,2005。
  16. Kim DH, Van Ginhoven G, Milewicz DM: Familial aggregation of both aortic and cerebral aneurysms: evidence for a common genetic basis in a subset of families. JNeurosurg.56:655-61, 2005.
  17. Kim DH,Haney CL和Van Ginhoven G:脑动脉瘤外科手术剪辑后结局的测量值:分析520例病例。中风。36(4):792-6,2005。
  18. Kim DH,Zhao X. BDNF通过调节caspase受伤后保护神经元。神经关怀。3(1):71-6,2005。
  19. Pannu H*,Kim DH*,King T,Guo D,Shete S,Van Ginhoven G,Chin T,Chang K,Oi Y,Milewicz DM(**作者的贡献平等): Association of MMP2 and MMP9 polymorphisms with intracranial aneurysms. J Neurosurg. 105(3):418-23, 2006.
  20. Chumnanvej S,Dunn I,Kim DH:蛛网膜下腔出血后为期三天的苯妥英钠预防是足够的。神经外科。60(1), 2007.
  21. Krishna V, Kim DH: Ethnic Differences in Risk Factors for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. J Neurosurg. 107(3):522-9, 2007.
  22. Avidan N, Tran-Fadulu VT, Chen JH, Yu RK, Mathew S, Pannu H, Guo DC, Yuan J, Stankiewicz P, Yatsenko SA, Ahn C, Braverman AC, Willing MC, Abuelo D, Kim DH, Shete S,Milewicz DM:一个新颖的基因座,用于映射到15q24-26(TAAD3)的家族性胸部主动脉瘤和解剖:家族性主动脉疾病的特定表型。循环。In press.
  23. Guo DC, Pannu H, Tran-Fadulu VT, Papke C, Yu RK, Avidan N, Divecha D, Scherer S, Estrera A, Safi H, Vick III GW, McConnell V, Marian AJ, Kim DH, Tung PP, Buja LM, Rama CS, Shete S, Milewicz DM: Mutations in genes encoding smooth muscle contractile proteins, ACTA2 and MYH11, cause hyperplastic vasculomyopathy and lead to diffuse and diverse vascular diseases. Nature Genetics. 39:1488-93, 2007.
  24. Santiago-Sim T,Depalma SR,Ju KL,McDonough B,Seidman CE,Seidman JG,Kim DH:大型高加索家族中的全基因组链接绘制了一个新的颅内性动脉瘤的基因座至13q。中风。40 [Suppl 1] S57-S60,2009。
  25. Guo DC,Papke CL,Tran Fadulu V,Regalado ES,Avidan N,Johnson RJ,Kim DH,Pannu H,Willing MC,Sparks E,Pyeritz RE,Singh MN,Dalman RL,Grotta RL,Grotta JC,Marian AJ,Boerwinkle EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,Boerwinkle EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,EA,Grotta JC,Frazier LQ,Lemaire SA,Coselli JS,Estrere AL,Safi HJ,Veeraraghavan S,Munzy DM,Wheeler DA,Willerson JT:平滑肌α-肌动蛋白的突变(ACTA2)引起冠状动脉疾病,中风和Moyamoya疾病,以及Moyamoya疾病,胸部主动脉疾病。Am J. Hum Genet。84(5):617-27,2009。
  26. Tran-Fadulu V,Pannu H,Kim DH,Vick GW 3rd, Lonsford CM, Lafont AL, Boccaladro C, Smart S, Peterson KL, Hain JZ, Willing MC, Coselli JS, LeMaire SA, Ahn C, Byers PH, Milewicz DM: Analysis of multigenerational families with thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections due to TGFBR1 or TGFBR2 mutations. J Med Genet. 46(9):607-13, 2009.
  27. 小病C,Yaping W,Qian H,Yiyan Z,Dong K,Scott W,Qilin C:束缚的脊髓中的星形胶质细胞通过增加骨形态学蛋白的表达来抑制成人OPC的少突胶质细胞。J神经科学。31(16):6053-8, 2011.
  28. Milewicz DM,ØstergaardJr,Ala-Kokko LM,Khan N,Grange DK,Mendoza-Londono R,Bradley TJ,Olney AH,AdèsL,AdèsL,Maher JF,Guo D,Buja LM,Kim LM,Kim DH,Kim DH,Hyland JC,Hyland JC,Hyland JC,De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De De DeNovoacta2突变引起多系统平滑肌功能障碍的新综合征。Am J. Hum Genet。A部分(152A):2437–43,2010。
  29. Cao Q, He Q, Wang, Yaping, Cheng, Xiaoxin, Howard, Russell M., Zhang, Yiping, DeVries, William H., Shields CB, Magnuson DSK, Xu X, Kim D, Whittemore SR: Transplantation of Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor-Expressing Adult Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells Promotes Remyelination and Functional Recovery after Spinal Cord InjuryJ神经科学。30(8):2989-3001,2010。
  30. Li J,Ka B,Zhang A,Kim DH,Ashley W,Nath R,McCutcheon I,Fang B,Murad Ferin:使用新型的腺病毒载体靶向不同类型的人脑膜瘤和神经胶质瘤细胞,该腺病毒载体表达来自HTERT的GFP-TRAIL FUSION蛋白。癌细胞国际。11(1):35,2011。
  31. Li J, Bian K, Kim DH, Ashley WW, Nath R, McCutcheon I, Fang B, Murad F: Targeting different types of human meningioma and glioma cells using a novel adenoviral vector expressing GFP-TRAIL fusion protein from hTERT promoter. Cancer Cell International. 11(35): 2011.
  32. Khursheed F, Rohlffs F, Suzuki S, Kim DH, Ellmore T: Artifact quantification and tractography from 3T MRI after placement of aneurysm clips in subarachnoid hemmorhage patients. BMC Medical Imaging.11(19): 2011.
  33. Chao d,He X,Yang Y,Balboni G,Salvadori S,Kim DH,Xia Y:硫化氢诱导了皮质中Na稳态的破坏。毒理学。128(1):198-208,2012。
  34. He X,Sandhu HK,Yang Y,Hua F,Beiser N,Kim DH,Xia Y:针对低氧/缺血的神经保护:O- opoid回菌介导的细胞/分子事件。细胞和分子生命科学。70(13):2291-303,2013。
  35. Lin Y,Chen Y,Wang Y,Yang J,Zhu V,Cui X,W Yan,Jiang T,Fletcher S,Levine J,Kim DH,Tandon N,Zhu J,Li M:Zip4是用于胶质瘤的新型分子标记。。神经肿瘤学。15(8):1008-16,2013。
  36. He XZ, Yang YL, Zhi F, Moore ML, Kang XZ, Chao DM, Wang R, Balboni G, Salvadori S, Kim DH, Xia Y: δ-Opioid receptor activation modified microRNA expression in the rat kidney under prolonged hypoxia. Plos One. 8(11): 2013.
  37. Savarraj J,Parsha K,Bajgur S,Espino E,Torres G,Chang T,Edwards N,Hergenroeder G,Kim DH,Lee K,Savitz S,Liu Y,Choi HA:使用网络分析后SAH后SAH后进行免疫反应。神经关怀即将到来):2015年。
  38. Santiago-Sim T,Fang X,Hennessy M,Nalbach S,Depalma S,Lee MS,Greenway S,McDonough B,Hergenroeder G,Patek K,Patek K,Colosimo S,Colosimo S,Milewicz D,Milewicz D,Macrae C,Macrae C,Dymecki S,Dymecki S,Seidman C,Seidman C,Seidman C,Seidman C,Seidman C,Seidman C,Seidman JG。Kim DH:突变THSD1作为颅内动脉瘤的原因。新英格兰医学杂志(即将到来):2015.
  39. Gormley WB,Hergenroeder GW,Smith TR,Dasenbrock HH,Kim DH:神经外科实践的差异:使用基于证据的信息学系统来改善质量和安全结果。神经外科杂志(forthcoming):2015
  40. Li, S, Xue, H, Wu JB, Rao, MS, Kim, DH, Deng, W, and Liu, Y: Human iPSC NEUROG2 dual knockin reporter lines generated by the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Stem Cells Dev. In Press. 2015


  1. Kim DH,Mohapatra G,Feuerstein BG:神经胶质瘤中的遗传肿瘤标记。在Berger M,Wilson CB(编辑)Gliomas教科书,1998年。
  2. Kim DH,MacDonald J,Day AL:末端基底分叉动脉瘤的方法。在:Kaye A,Black P(编辑)手术神经外科,1999年。
  3. Kim DH:颅内动脉瘤的病理学。在:Winn RH(ed。)Youmans神经外科,2011年。