
帕克博士获得博士学位在韩国Kyung Hee University的神经科学博士学位的实验室实验室博士学位。在2013年。他的研究生工作主要集中于开发帕金森氏病(PD)的治疗策略(PD),通过在小胶质细胞/星形胶质细胞中调节瞬态受体潜在的香草素1(TRPV1,疼痛受体),以及阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)(AD)(AD),通过抑制神经炎症。

His initial postdoctoral training achieved in the Lab of Dr. M. Maral Mouradian, M.D. at Rutgers University. He focused on elucidating the mechanisms of α-synuclein propagation and on developing the therapeutic strategy for α-synuclein-mediated neurotoxicity in PD. To develop the innovative therapeutic strategy for levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) in PD patients, he examined effective medical management of LID by modulation of the dual κ-agonist/μ-antagonist opioid receptor in macaque monkey PD model.

后来,他在博士的实验室接受培训。E. Richard Stanley, Ph.D. at Albert Einstein College of medicine. He studied the role of microglial colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF-1R) and its ligands in brain development and adult-onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia (ALSP) which is CSF1R-deficiency dementia.

In 2018, he joined the Department of Neurosurgery, in the lab of Dr. Peng R. Chen, M.D. and Dr. Eunhee Kim, Ph.D. to uncover the underlying pathology of brain arteriovenous malformation (bAVM) and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). He contributed to establishing the novel mouse model of bAVM/ICH, and trying to develop the therapeutic strategy for the bAVM and preventive strategy for the ICH.

2022年,他被提升为Vivian L. Smith神经外科系的终身助理助理教授。此外,他正在运行神经胶质生物学实验室,以研究神经胶质在神经系统疾病的微血管侧的作用,包括BAVM,PD,AD和衰老。



Graduate School
Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea
Postdoctoral Fellowship
Postdoctoral Fellowship

Areas of Interest


My research focuses on understanding the pathology of brain arteriovenous malformation (bAVM) and bAVM-induced spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Using our novel mouse model, we are focusing on uncovering the pathology of bAVM development by dissecting the role of endothelial cells, pericytes, and smooth muscle cells in the cerebrovasculature. We are additionally studying the underlying mechanism of ICH in bAVM by dissecting the multicellular neurovascular unit that includes neurons, astrocytes, and microglia as well as cells related to blood vessels formation.



  1. Eun S. Park*,,,,Sehee Kim, Derek C. Yao, Jude P.J. Savarraj, Huimahn Alex Choi, Peng Roc Chen, Eunhee Kim*. Soluble endoglin stimulates inflammatory and angiogenic responses in microglia that are associated with endothelial dysfunction.Int J Mol Sci.22;23(3):1225. 2022.(*Co-corresponding author)
  2. Jude Savarraj,Eun S. Park,Gabriela Copo DeLevati,Sarah Hinds,Diego Morales,Hilda Ahnstedt,Atzhiry Paz,Andres Assing,Andres Assing,Fudong Liu,Shivanki Juneja,Eunhee Kim,Eunhee Kim,Sung-Min Cho,Aaron Gusdon,Aaron Gusdon,Pramod Dash Dash Dash,Pramod Dash,Louise D McCull,HALEX CHOI。脑损伤,内皮损伤和炎症标志物升高并表达COVID-19之后的性别变化。J神经炎症。27; 18(1):277。2021。
  3. 神经病学封面Eun S. Park,,,,Sehee Kim, Shuning Huang, Ji Young Yoo, Jakob Korbelin, Tae Jin Lee, Balveen Kaur, Pramod K. Dash, Peng Roc Chen, Eunhee Kim. Selective endothelial hyperactivation of oncogenic KRAS induces brain arte-riovenous malformations.Ann Neurol。89(5):926-941. 2021.
  4. Margaret Yeh, Yin-Ying Wang, Ji Young Yoo, Christina Oh, Yoshihiro Otani, Jin Muk Kang,Eun S. Park,Eunhee Kim,Sangwoon Chung,Young-Jun Jeon,George A Calin,Balveen Kaur,Zhongming Zhao,Tae Jin Lee。MicroRNA-138通过下调CD44抑制胶质母细胞瘤的增殖。Sci Rep。28;11(1):9219. 2021
  5. Fabrizio Biundo, Violeta Chitu, Gabriel G. L. Shlager,Eun S. Park,,,,Maria E. Gulinello, Kusumika Saha, Harmony C. Ketchum, Christopher Fernandes, Şolen Gökhan, Mark F. Mehler and E. Richard Stanley. Microglial reduction of colony stimulating factor-1 receptor expression is sufficient to confer adult onset leukodystrophy.Glia。69(3):779-791。2021。
  6. Violeta Chitu,Fabrizio Biundo,Gabriel G. Shlager,Eun S. Park,,,,Ping Wang, Deyou Zheng, Maria Gulinello, Solen Gokhan, Harmony Ketchum, Kusumika Saha, Mark F. Mehler and E. R. Stanley. Microglial homeostasis requires balanced CSF-1/CSF-2 receptor signaling.Cell Rep3;30(9):3004-3019. 2020.
  7. Jie Zhang*,Eun S. Park*,,,,Hye-Jin Park, Run Yan, Magda Grudniewska, Stephanie Oh, M. Maral Mouradian. Apoptosis signal regulating kinase 1 deletion mitigates α-synuclein pre-formed fibril propagation in mice.神经biol衰老。85:49-57。2020。(*联合第一作者)
  8. Goichi Beck*,Arun Singh*,Jie Zhang*,Lisa F. Potts,Jong-Min Woo,Eun S. Park,,,,M. Maral Mouradian, and Stella M. Papa. Role of striatal ΔFosB in L-Dopa-induced dyskinesias of parkinsonian non-human primates.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.10;116(37):18664-18672. 2019.
  9. Kyung I. Kim*,Jeong Y. Baek*,Jae Y. Jeong*,Jin H. Nam,Eun S. Park,尤金·博克(Eugene Bok),毫不犹豫,年轻的Cheul Chung和Byung K. Jin。通过纤毛神经营养因子增强多巴胺的功能,对辣椒素的延迟治疗可通过增强多巴胺功能来产生部分运动恢复。Exp Neurobiol.28(2):289-299。2019。
  10. Run Yan, Jie Zhang, Hye-Jin Park,Eun S. Park,Stephanie OH,Haiyan Zheng,Eunsung Junn,Michael Voronkov,Jeffry B. Stock,M。Maral Mouradian。咖啡成分的神经保护作用Eicosanoyl-5-羟基苯丙胺和咖啡因在帕金森氏病小鼠模型和痴呆症的小鼠模型中与Lewy Bodies。Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.18; 115(51):E12053-E12062。2018。
  11. Nora Hagemeyer, Klara-Maria Hanft, Maria-Anna Akriditou, Nicole Unger,Eun S. Park,,,,Richard Stanley, Ori Staszewski, Leda Dimou & Marco Prinz. Microglia contribute to normal myelinogenesis and to oligodendrocyte progenitor maintenance during adulthood.Acta Neuropathol134(3):441-458。2017。
  12. Hye-Jin Park*,Kang-Woo Lee*,Eun S. Park,,,,Stephanie Oh, Run Yan, Jie Zhang, Michael Voronkov, Steven P. Braithwaite, Jeffry B. Stock, M. Maral Mouradian. Dysregulation of Protein Phosphatase 2A in Parkinson Disease and Dementia with Lewy Bodies.Ann Clin Transl Neurol7; 3(10):769-780。2016。
  13. Ga Ram Jeong, Sun-kyoung Im, Yun-Hee Bae,Eun S. Park,,,,byung Kwna Jin, Hyug Moo Kwon, Beom-Joon Lee, Youngmin Bu, Eun-Mi Hur, Byoung Dae Lee. Inflammatory signals induce the expression of tonicity-responsive enhancer binding protein (TonEBP) in microglia.J Neuroimmunol。15, 295 - 296:21 29。2016。
  14. Lisa F. Potts*,Eun S. Park*,,,,Jong-Min Woo, Bhagya L. Dyavar Shetty, Arun Singh, Steven P. Braithwaite, Michael Voronkov, Stella M. Papa, M. Maral Mouradian. Dual k-agonist/ m-antagonist opioid receptor modulation reduces L-dopa induced dyskinesia and corrects dysregulated striatal changes in the non-human primate model of Parkinson’s disease.Ann Neurol。77(6):930-941。2015。(*联合第一作者)
  15. Jin H. Nam*,Eun S. Park*,,,,So-Yoon Won*, Kyoung I. Kim*, Jaeyeong Jeong*, Jeong Y. Baek*, Yu A. Lee*, Eun J. Cho, Minyoung Jin, Young C. Chung, Byoung D. Lee, Sung Hyun Kim, Eung-Gook Kim, Kyunghee Byun, Bonghee Lee, Dong Ho Woo, C. Justin Lee, Sang R. Kim, Eugene Bok, Yoon-Seong Kim, Tae-Beom Ahn, Hyuk Wan Ko, Saurav Brahmachari, Olga Pletinkova, Juan C. Troconso, Valina L. Dawson, Ted M. Dawson, and Byung K. Jin. TRPV1 on astrocytes rescues nigral dopamine neurons in the Parkinson’s disease via CNTF. 138(12):3610-3622. 2015。(*联合第一作者)
  16. Kang-Woo Lee, Jong-Min Woo, Joo-Young Im,Eun S. Park,Liqiang He,Hidenori Ichijo,Eunsung Junn,M。Maral Mouradian。凋亡信号调节激酶1调节A核蛋白转基因小鼠的表型。神经biol衰老。36(1):519-526. 2015.
  17. Eun S. Park,,,,Sang R. Kim,Byung K. Jin。瞬态受体潜在的香草素亚型1通过抑制小胶质细胞的氧化应激,从而有助于中脑多巴胺能神经元生存。brain Res Bull.1;89(3-4):92-96. 2012.
  18. Jin H. Nam*, Keun W. Park*,Eun S. Park*,Yong B. Lee,Han G. Lee,Hyung-Hwan Baik,Yoon-Seong Kim,Maeng,J。Park,Byung K. Jin。白介素13/-4诱导的氧化应激有助于Aβ中海马神经元死亡1-42-treated hippocampusin vivoAntioxid Redox Signal15; 16(12):1369-1383。2012。(*联合第一作者)
  19. Young C. Chung,Sang R. Kim,Ju-Young Park,Eun S. Chung,Keun W. Park,So Y. Won,Eugene Bok,Minyoung Jin,Eun S. Park,Sung-Hwa Yoon,Hyuk W. Ko,Yoon-Seong Kim,Byung K. Jin。氟西汀通过抑制小胶质细胞激活来阻止MPTP诱导的多巴胺能神经元的丧失。Neuropharmacology60(6):963-974。2011。
  20. Changhwan Jang, Jin-Kyu Choi, EunYoung Kim,Eun-Su Park,Wilma Wasco,Joseph D. Buxbaum,Yong-Sun Kim,Eun-Kyoung Choi。calsenilin被泛素 - 头途径降解biochem Biophys Res Commun。11;405(2):180-185. 2011.
  21. Eun S. Chung, Young C. Chung, Eugene Bok, Hyung H. Baik,Eun S. Park,,,,Ju-Young Park, Sung-Hwa Yoon, Byung K. Jin. Fluoxetine prevents LPS-induced degeneration of nigral dopaminergic neurons by inhibiting microglia-mediated oxidative stress.脑部2;1363:143-150. 2010.
  22. Young C. Chung,Hyuk Wan Ko,Eugene Bok,Eun S. Park,Sue Hee Huh,Jin H. Nam,Byung K. Jin。神经炎症对帕金森氏病发病机理的作用。BMB代表43(4):225-232. 2010.
  23. Sang R. Kim, Young C. Chung, Eun S. Chung, Keun W. Park, So-Yoon Won, Eugene Bok,Eun S. Park,,,,byung k. Jin. Roles of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Subtype 1 and Cannabinoid Type 1 Receptors in the Brain: Neuroprotection versus NeurotoxicityMol Neurobiol35(3):245-254. 2007.