Laboratory of Qilin Cao, Ph.D.



Dr. Qilin Cao is an Associate Professor in the Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery and Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Dr. Cao earned his MSc in neurobiology and his MD in clinical medicine from Hunan Medical University. Following his postdoctoral training in University of Freiburg, Germany and University of Louisville, he started as an assistant professor in the Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center at University of Louisville in 2004, where his focus was stem cells and spinal cord injury. He joined the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2008. His research has been consecutively supported by NIH, NSF, TIRR foundation, Memorial Hermann Foundation-Staman Olgivie Fund, Bentsen Stroke Foundation. He has presented invited talks and lectures at international conferences and many academic institutions. Dr. Cao has developed a patent, contributed to a few books, and co-authored many articles that have appeared in Stem cells, the Journal of Neuroscience, Plos Genetics, Plos One, Glia, and Experimental Neurology, among others. He has been serving as a grant reviewer for NIH, DoD, VA and many other agencies and as a manuscript-reviewer for many international journals.


1) Transplantation of human neural progenitor cells to promote functional recovery after spinal cord injury and ischemia stroke.
2) Combinatorial strategies to promote functional remyelination after spinal cord injury.
3) Roles of gliosis in functional recovery after spinal cord injury and ischemia stroke.
4) In vivo reprogramming of reactive astrocytes to attenuate neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury.


麒麟曹, MD Associate Professor
Yiyan Zheng, MD, postdoctoral research associate
Jun Li, MD, Senior Research Associate
Haipeng Xue, Research Associate
Chrystine Gallegos, Undergraduate Student


Office Phone: 713.500.3445


  1. Chang Dong XM, Chen KN, Sloan S, Zhang Y, Cao QL, Barres B and Wu JQ (2015). Comprehensive Identification of Long Non-coding RNAs in Purified Cell Types from the Brain Reveals Functional LncRNA in OPC Fate Determination. PLoS Genet. 11(12):e1005669.
  2. Fan CL,Wang H,Chen D,Cheng XX,Xiong K,Luo XG和Cao QL(2014)。2型星形胶质细胞对背根神经元神经元和神经元过程长度的生存能力的影响。神经再生。res。9:119-128。
  3. Chen KN, Deng SY, Lu HZ, Zheng YY, Yang GD, Kim DH, Cao QL* and Wu JQ* (2013). RNA-Seq characterization of spinal cord injury transcriptome in acute/subacute phases: a resource for understanding the pathology at the systems level. Plus One 8(8):e72567* co-corresponding authors.
  4. Fan CL,Zheng YY,Cheng XX,Qi XB,Bu P,Luo XG,Kim DH和Cao QL(2013)。脊髓损伤后,对表达D15A表达神经胶质限制的星形胶质细胞的移植可改善解剖学和运动恢复。Int J Biol Sci。2013; 9(1):78-93。
  5. Cao QL and Whittrmore SR (2012). Cell transplantation: stem cells and precursor cells. Handb Clin Neurol. 109: 551-61.
  6. Wang YP,Cheng XX,He Q,Kim DH,Whittemore SR和Cao QL(2011)。来自束缚的脊髓的星形胶质细胞通过增加骨形态发生蛋白的表达来抑制成年OPC的少突胶质细胞。J Neurosci 31(16):6053–6058。
  7. Cao QL, He Q, Wang YP, Cheng XX, Howard RM, Zhang YP, DeVries WH, Shields CB, Magnuson DSK, Xu XM, Kim DH and Whittemore SR (2010). Transplantation of CNTF-expressing adult oligodendrocyte precursor cells promotes remyelination and functional recovery after spinal cord injury. J Neurosci 30: 2989-3001.
  8. Zhu Y, Park J, Hu XM, Li H, Cao QL, Feng GS and Qiu MS (2010). Control of oligodendrocyte generation and proliferation by Shp2 protein tyrosine phosphatase. Glia 58: 1407-1414.
  9. Cai J,Zhu Q,Zheng K,Li H,Qi Y,Cao QL,QIU MS(2010年)。NKX6.2和NKX2.2分化的髓鞘少突胶质细胞中的同源域蛋白的共定位。GLIA 58:458-468。
  10. Titsworth WL, Cheng XX, Ke Y, Deng LX, Burckardt KA, Pendleton C, Liu NK, Shao H, Cao QL, and Xu XM (2009). Differential expression of sPLA2 following spinal cord injury and a functional role for sPLA2-IIA in mediating oligodendrocyte death. Glia 57(14):1521-37.