Laboratory of Nitin Tandon, M.D.

OVERVIEWDr. Tandon's Epilepsy Clinic

Nitin Tandon博士lab focuses on the study of cognitive functions using imaging and invasive electrophysiology. Dr. Tandon is particularly interested in higher cognitive functions, including language, memory and executive control. Major research initiatives focus on the understanding of human language using multimodal approach that combines intracranial electroencephalography (icEEG), cortical stimulation, fMRI and tractography. Recent focus has been on developing optimal tools that facilitate high-end analyses of human intracranial EEG data during a variety of cognitive processes, and the development of optimized analytic and representational techniques. Insights into how language is produced, using this approach, promises to provide transformative insights into this core human capacity. Other work performed by Dr. Tandon’s Lab on neural processing during cognitive control and spatial navigation and episodic memory has had substantial impact on the field and on our understanding of normal cognition as well as altered neurophysiology in the epileptic brain.

Nitin Tandon,医学博士是Uthealth McGovern医学院的教授,癫痫手术计划主任是该国最繁忙的癫痫计划之一。在Uthealth期间,Tandon博士进行了三千多种颅骨手术,并在脑图,神经胶质瘤手术和癫痫手术方面开发了许多创新技术。他因其临床工作而被Tirr,患者的选择奖,美国顶级外科医生和休斯顿纳的临床工作认可。他还担任赖斯大学电气和计算机工程系的兼职副教授。Tandon博士已成为ECOG研究的国际领导者,特别关注语言的神经基础。beplay苹果手机能用吗在过去的几年中,他一直保持着NSF和NIH的连续联邦资助研究记录,并且在临床领域和基本神经科学世界中都有近50个同行beplay苹果手机能用吗评审的出版物。他的实验室的最新基本神经科学工作已出现在主要期刊上,包括自然神经科学,脑皮质,神经图像和神经科学杂志。


1) Brain Networks of Noun Generation

Network interactions derived from micro-scale intra-cranial recordings during language processing will be collected using micro ECoG arrays and then used to design innovative biocompatible microchips that can record neural signals, digitize them, and transmit the signals to an in-vitro receiver wirelessly.

3) Mapping human memory with Electrocorticography & Chronometric Stimulation

4)在实时网络调制中探索稀疏性和光谱 - 周期分解,以进行顽固性癫痫
In this project we will develop algorithms to capture the dynamic, frequency dependent connectivity of the brain during and between seizure states using electrocorticography, identifying the optimal parameters for the low-frequency electrical stimulation to modulate the connectivity of the epilepsy network with temporal and spatial precision.

5)自我控制的额 - 基础神经节电路
In this project we study the neural architecture underlying how people are able to control inappropriate urges. Functional MRI and electro-corticography will be used to understand the substrates and timing in the network involved in modulating and stopping action.

6) Representation & Binding of Spatial & Temporal Episodic Memories in Human Hippocampus
The goal of this project is to determine the neural basis of human episodic memory using an innovative combination of high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging and intracranial EEG (iEEG).

Tandon Lab Members


Nitin Tandon,医学博士,教授
Bartlett D. Moore IV, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow
Suganya Karunakaran, Postdoctoral Fellow
Kamin Kim, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow
Eleonora Bartoli博士,博士后研究员
克里斯·康纳(Chris Conner)博士,医学博士,博士后研究员
Cihan Kadipasaoglu, B.S., B.A., Research Assistant
Kiefer Forseth, B.S., Research Assistant
Jessica Johnson, BSN., Research Nurse Coordinator


Office Phone: 713-500-5475


  1. Kadipasaoglu CM,Forseth K,Whaley M,Conner CR,Rollo MJ,Baboyan VG和Tandon N(2015)开发分组的ICEEG来研究认知处理。正面。Psychol。6:1008。doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01008
  2. Kalamangalam GP, Cara L, Tandon N, Slater JD. An interictal EEG spectral metric for temporal lobe epilepsy lateralization. Epilepsy Res. 2014 Sep 16. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25270401
  3. Cole AJ,So NK,Tandon N,Slater JD,Smith MC:判断不是无知。神经病学。2014年8月26日; 83(9):847 [PubMed - in Process] PMID:25156349
  4. So NK,Cole AJ,Tandon N,Slater JD,Smith MC:治疗癫痫的神经刺激:持怀疑态度的观点。神经病学。2014年8月26日; 83(9):847-9。PMID:25156350
  5. Tandon N,Esquenazi Ye。肿瘤癫痫的切除策略:病变切除术是否足够?癫痫2013年12月;54补充9:72-8。
  6. Kadipasaoglu CM,Baboyan VG,Conner CR,Chen G,Saad ZS,Tandon N:基于表面的混合效应对分组的人类电形成学的多级分析。Neuroimage 2014年11月1日;101:215-24,
  7. Conner CR,Chen G,Pieters TA,Tandon N:视觉命名下的平行过程的类别特定空间解离。大脑皮层2014年10月24日(10):2741-50
  8. Watrous AJ, Tandon N, Conner CR, Pieters TA, Ekstrom AD: Frequency specific network dynamics underpin spatiotemporal memory retrieval. Nature Neuroscience 16(3): 349-56, Mar 2013
  9. Swann NC, Tandon N, Pieters TA, Aron AR: Intracranial EEG reveals dissociable roles for dorsal and ventro-lateral prefrontal cortex in preparing to stop action. Cerebral Cortex 2013 Oct 23(10): 2479-88,
  10. Ritaccio A, Brunner P, Crone NE, Gunduz A, Hirsch LJ, Kanwisher N, Litt B, Miller K, Moran D, Parvizi J, Ramsey N, Richner TJ, Tandon N, Williams J, Schalk G. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Advances in Electrocorticography. Epilepsy and Behavior 2013 Nov 29(2): 259-68.