
访问医疗年代tudents (US)

The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery offers in-person rotations for US visiting fourth-year medical students. Interested students must provide information to the departmenthere. Students will submit their CV, USMLE scores, photos and unofficial medical school transcript directly to us. The department will contact you after reviewing your application. Applicants will apply through VSLO for official acceptance on April 1st, 2022 and will be notified by the Medical Student Education Office for University approval.

You may view the full visiting student details and catalog here :Info and Catalog

Full instructions for Visiting-Students USVisiting Student Instructions

If you are a MS4 and interested in receiving information regarding virtual opportunities to interact with our program, please complete the following form:

MS4 Virtual Opportunities

Please note that we currently do not have any virtual rotations scheduled. We will reach out to you as opportunities become available and we appreciate your interest in our program. Please contactIletha Grantshould you have additional questions.