
Resources Available to Center Faculty

Discovery Award Program

One of the main objectives of the Center is to establish pilot seed grant initiatives to bring talented and accomplished basic and physician scientists together in an interdisciplinary manner promoting the generation of translational research that identifies targets for the treatment of chronic lung disease. Projects will be selected based upon the expertise of the team, the quality of preliminary data and the potential for success. Awards are for up to $100,000 per year for three years.

Lung Tissue Bio-Bank

A Lung Tissue Bio-Bank has been established that consists of more than 500 samples from patients with various forms of chronic lung disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), pulmonary hypertension (PH) and other less common chronic lung diseases. The Bio-Bank will offer tissues in block for histology and/or histochemistry, as well as frozen material for DNA, RNA, protein and/or other analyses.

Lung Phenotyping Core

表现型的设施包括尸体剖检和tissue embedding facilities together with microtomes and numerous light and fluorescent microscopes equipped with digital cameras. The phenotyping core is equipped with devices to help assess pulmonary physiology of mice including a Flexivent and pulseoximeter, as well as specialized equipment for the assessment of gene expression including a quantitative real time PCR machine, a spectrophotometer and a quantitative Western blot digital analyzer.

Pulmonary Seminar Series

A lecture series is being established that will serve to bring in internationally renowned seminar speakers to deliver lectures on pulmonary care and/or research. This will allow us to share the successes of our emerging Center with leaders in the field while learning about their important research and clinical care. This will help enhance the intellectual environment for our trainees and all members of the Center, as well as promote opportunities for collaboration.

Center Scholarship

The Center will bring together clinical and scientific team members for enrichment activities, including a journal club to study and discuss scientific literature, periodic research workshops where the investigative teams will present their research progress to peers, and a yearly symposium to showcase the center’s research accomplishments.