Community vaccination events help protect children against COVID-19

By Simone Sonnier, UT Physicians

杰克逊(Jackson)和秋季阿特金森(Atumn Atkinson),医学博士,儿科医生与UT医生,在他的Covid-19疫苗后。(由患者家人提供的照片)

杰克逊(Jackson)和秋季阿特金森(Atumn Atkinson),医学博士,儿科医生与UT医生,在他的Covid-19疫苗后。(由患者家人提供的照片)

11月2日,卫生保健专家和看护人都欢迎Covid-19的历史上的关键时刻 - 辉瑞疫苗的批准的紧急使用授权(EUA),用于5至11岁的儿童。EUAS之前的UT医生在UT医师多专业人士 - 高地和UT医师多专业 - 国际区诊所举办了社区疫苗接种活动。

“ 5至11岁的儿童代表了要免疫的学龄儿童的最后一个类别。”肯尼亚公园,医学博士, pediatrician with UT Physicians. “The mortality and morbidity of this pandemic of nearly two years have forever changed us, as well as taken a toll on the mental health and welfare of our children.”

在这些周末活动中,父母,照顾者甚至UT医生和Uthealth Houston的员工都签署了为孩子接种疫苗。

Yen-Chi Le,博士,UT医生的创新和评估总监Healthcare Transformations Temiatives团队是Heights Clinic的首批公司之一,她的8岁儿子Jackson。


Parks, who helped staff the vaccination event at The Heights clinic, believes that vaccinating this age group is a crucial turning point in the pandemic.



杰克逊接种疫苗后,他感觉很棒。他甚至在任命完整后帮助将贴纸分发给了其他孩子 - 希望和友善从一个孩子到另一个孩子的友善。

年轻的孩子们这两天的重点。But, they were not the only ones able to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. By hosting the events on a Saturday, parents, caregivers, and older children were also able to receive their booster or additional doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.


“The vaccine has been proven to be effective in preventing serious illness, complications, and death,” said Parks. “Although the vaccine is not a 100% guarantee, it vastly improves your odds.”


“Thank you, UT Physicians and everyone who made this day possible. Christmas will be a little sweeter this year since Jackson will be fully vaccinated,” said Le. “I can breathe a little easier.”



