Professional Development

McGovern Medical School at UTHealth encourages Advanced Practice Providers to actively pursue professional development to ensure that knowledge and skills stay relevant and up to date.

heartbeat within a heart

Clinical Care

Working for an academic institution and level one trauma center, APPs will have the opportunity to learn from a diverse patient population and partner with a great interdisciplinary team of physicians to provide the best evidenced based care to our patients.

Advanced Practice Providers at the simulation lab


As Advanced Practice Providers gain experience, they are offered the opportunity to expand their role beyond clinical practice by:

  • Serving as clinical preceptors to APP student learners.
  • Collaborating with the local nursing schools to teach in simulation lab.
  • 为员工提供讲座nurses and oncoming fellows.
  • Presenting poster and podium presentations at national conferences

brain inside headResearch / Quality Improvement

Working for an academic institution, Advanced Practice Providers are encouraged to pursue their interest in clinical research and quality improvement projects. This can be accomplished in collaboration with the physicians or the APP can lead the project.