
Graduate School
从加州大学戴维斯分校的心理学, Davis, California, 2013
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas, 2013-2015

Areas of Interest

Research Interests

Dr. DeMaster’s research broadly examines how brain maturation during childhood contributes to developmental improvements in learning and memory. Using MRI and fMRI techniques, Dr. DeMaster’s research has investigated typical and atypical brain development in pediatric from the ages of 1-18-years.


DeMaster, D.M., Coughlin, C., Ghetti, S.: Retrieval Flexibility and Reinstatement in the Developing Hippocampus. Hippocampus, 26:492–501, 2016.

Ewing‐Cobbs, L., Johnson, C.P., Juranek, J., DeMaster, D., Prasad, M., Duque, G., … Swank, P.R.: Longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging after pediatric traumatic brain injury: Impact of age at injury and time since injury on pathway integrity. Human Brain Mapping. 37(11):3929-3945, 2016.

Engelhardt, L.E., Roe, M.A., Juranek, J., DeMaster, D., Harden, K.P., Tucker-Drob, E.M. and Church, J.A. Children’s Head Motion During fMRI Tasks is Heritable and Stable over Time. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 25:58-68, 2017.

DeMaster, D., Johnson, C.P., Juranek, J., Ewing‐Cobbs, L.: Memory and the hippocampal formation following pediatric traumatic brain injury. Brain and Behavior, 7(12), 2017.

DeMaster, D., Bick, J., Johnson, U., Montroy, J.J., Landry, S., and Duncan, A.F., Nurturing the preterm infant brain: Leveraging neuroplasticity to improve neurobehavioral outcomes, Pediatric Research, 2018.

Watson, C.G., DeMaster, D., Ewing-Cobbs, L. Graph theory analysis of DTI tractography in children with traumatic brain injury. NeuroImage: Clinical. In press.