


Research Interests



Zucker博士的第一线研究包括各种项目,以开发和评beplay苹果手机能用吗估创新的课堂课程和专业发展资源。她对作为前课堂老师的这一研究感兴趣,并且热衷于开发课程,这些课程可用于教育工beplay苹果手机能用吗作者提供多层教学,以根据学生需求来个性化教学。Zucker目前指挥了一项随机控制试验,该试验比较了两种版本的学术语言课程的功效,称为“发展者”(R305A190065)。In this study, Zucker and colleagues examine teacher’s response to these curricula to provide adaptive professional development supports based on teachers’ need. Zucker directed this and other curricular studies funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) on a reading intervention (Reading Rules,R305A180094)以及一个称为教学的家庭参与课程(R305A150319)。她还参与其他CLI项目examine and scale-up evidence-based curriculum, coaching, and professional development approaches.

Her second area of research focuses on empowering families to support their child’s learning at home. For example, in a current study funded by the National Science Foundation (1811356), Zucker is experimentally manipulating approaches aimed at sparking an early interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) for pre-kindergarten children. These approaches include supports from a local children’s museum where Zucker has established a productive research-practitioner-partnership with informal education experts.

Third, Dr. Zucker works on projects to develop and validate new measures, such as an IES-funded study to develop a Systematic Assessment of Book Reading (SABR)。她还担任德克萨斯幼儿园入学评估的作者(TX-KEA)开发了一组广泛使用的筛选和进度监控措施,以识别需要其他学习支持的学生。

最后,扎克致力于指导和培训子孙后代的教育研究人员。beplay苹果手机能用吗她指导当前的IES博士后研究培训计划(beplay苹果手机能用吗R324B200018) that provides extensive research training to postdoctoral fellows who develop their own lines of research. This training focuses on leading rigorous and relevant research within research-practice-partnerships focused on preschool and early elementary children with or at risk for disabilities.


Publication Information

Merz,E.C.,T.A.Villiers,J。和学校准备研究联盟。beplay苹果手机能用吗在社会经济上处于弱势学龄前儿童中的认知能力和情感知识的育儿预测指标。Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 132,14-31,2015。

Merz,E.C.,Landry,S.H.,Zucker,T.A.,Barnes,M.A.,Assel,M.,Taylor,H.B。等。育儿的预测因素延迟抑制在社会经济上处于弱势的学龄前儿童。婴儿和儿童发育, 2015. doi: 10.1002/icd.1946

Solari,E。J.,Zucker,T。A.,Landry,S。H.和Williams,J。M.全面的培训与减少培训的相对效果,这些培训对服务西班牙语的英语学习者的培训老师。早期教育和发展, 1-17, 2016. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2016.1158610

扎克(T.A.),威廉姆斯(J. M.),贝尔(E. R.Kindergarteners’ Science and Engineering Knowledge.幼儿研究季刊beplay苹果手机能用吗,36,345-357,2016。doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2015.12.018

Barnes,M.A.,Klein,A.,Swank,P.,Starkey,P.,McCandliss,B.,Flynn,K.,Zucker,T.,Huang,C-H。,Fall,A-M和Roberts,G。低表现学龄前儿童的数学和注意力的教程干预措施。教育有效性研究杂志,9beplay苹果手机能用吗, 577-606, 2016.

A.Crawford,A.Theory into Practice,1-10,2016doi: 10.1080/00405841.2016.1241945

Landry, S. H., Zucker, T. A., Williams, J. M., Merz, E. C., & Guttentag, C. L. Improving School Readiness of High-risk Preschoolers: Combining High Quality Instructional Strategies with Responsive Training for Teachers and Parents.幼儿研究季刊beplay苹果手机能用吗,38-51,2017。org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2016.12.001


Cabell,S。Q.,Zucker,T。A.,Decoster,J.,Melo,C.,Forston,L。,&Hamre,B。B. Kindergarten互动书籍阅读以及儿童语言和扫盲发展:课堂组织:主持人。早期的教育与发展,30(1),1-18,2019。

Cabell,S。Q.,Zucker,T。A.,Decoster,J。&Landry,S。H.父母文本消息计划对幼儿园前扫盲开发的影响。American Educational Research Association (AERA) Open,5(1), 2019.

Zucker, T. A., Carlo, M. C., Landry, S. H., Masood, S., Williams, J., & Bhavsar, V. Developing Talkers: Iterative Design and Pilot Testing of a Tiered Academic Language Curriculum for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten.教育有效性研究杂志beplay苹果手机能用吗,12,274-306,2019。https://doi.org/10.1080/19345747.2018.1519623


Deshmuhk, R., S. Zucker, T.A., Tambyraja, S., R., Pentimonti, J. M., Bowles, R. P., & Justice, L. M. Teachers’ use of questions during shared book reading: Relations to child responses.幼儿研究季刊,49beplay苹果手机能用吗, 59-86, 2019.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2019.05.006

Knight, D. S., Landry, S., Zucker, T. A., Merz, E. C., Guttentag, C. L., & Taylor, H. B. Cost‐Effectiveness of Early Childhood Interventions to Enhance Preschool: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Head Start Centers Enrolling Historically Underserved Populations.Journal of Policy Analysis and Management,2019年,https://doi.org/10.1002/pam.22145

蒙特罗(J. J.。幼儿研究季刊beplay苹果手机能用吗,49,188-201,2019。

Denton, C., Montroy, J., Zucker, T.A., Cannon, G. Designing an Intervention in Reading and Self-Regulation for Students with Significant Reading Difficulties, Including Dyslexia.Learning Disability Quarterly,2020年(印刷中)。doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/073194871989479

Montroy, J. M., Zucker, T. A., Assel, M., Landry, S. H., Anthony, J., Williams, J., Hsu, H., Crawford, A., Johnson, U., Carlo, M., & Taylor, H. The Texas Kindergarten Entry Assessment: Development, Psychometrics, and Scale-Up of a Comprehensive Screener.早期的教育和发展,online first,31,,701-738,2020。DOI:10.1080/10409289.2020.1726700


Assel, M., Williams, J.M., Foster, M., Hyatt, H. , Landry, S. H., Bhavsar, V., Zucker, T., Crawford, A., Montroy, J.M. Validation of a Math Progress Monitoring Measure for Pre-kindergarten Students.Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment,2020年(印刷中)。

扎克(T. A.The Reading Teacher,2020年(印刷中)。

Zucker,T。A.,Cabell,S。Q.,Oh,Y。X.提出问题只是第一步:使用向上和向下的脚手架。The Reading Teacher,2020年(印刷中)。

扎克(T. A.共同教学:分层的语言和扫盲干预与主要的教师和多元化家庭的影响,幼儿研究季刊beplay苹果手机能用吗,2020 (in press)



德克萨斯州阅读协会,2008- 2010年


International Reading Association (IRA), 2005-present

扫盲研究协会(LRbeplay苹果手机能用吗A),2006- 2011年

美国教育研究协会(AERA),2006- beplay苹果手机能用吗2011年

Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading (SSSR), 2007-present


Member, Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC), 2010-present

Providing Opportunities for Women in Education Research (POWER) group, Steering Committee Member, 2016-present