Our Fellows

Fellowship Class 2021-2022

Fellow Fellow Information
Jacob Jeffers, MD
Specialty: Brain Injury Medicine
Residency: University of Colorado

Why Brain Injury Medicine?After having a family member suffer from a severe TBI, I realized the role providers can play in empowering both patients as well as their family members in regaining functionality and purpose in life. This led to my passion in helping other people rebuild their lives after brain injury as these providers did for my family member.

Why this program?It was a program that came up multiple times in discussion with mentors I had during residency. It is well rounded and the ability to work with many of the leaders in the field is an incredible opportunity.

Plans after fellowship:I plan to pursue a position at an academic medical center because I enjoy working with medical students and residents.

Hobbies:Spending time with my family and our dog, Smokey. Fishing, hiking, and playing hockey.

Sonia Thakur, MD
Specialty: Spinal Cord Injury
Residency: University of Rochester
Why Spinal Cord Injury?I completed my PM&R residency at University of Rochester, New York! I am passionate about spinal cord injury and wished to get more SCI specific training, particularly with ventilator management and spasticity. Hence the fellowship program at UT Houston was the perfect choice!

Hobbies:Drinking coffee and brewing espresso are what I enjoy the most ! I relax by listening to K pop and binge watching Netflix. Now, thanks to the Houston weather I have taken up running again.

Madeline Dicks, DO
Specialty: Spinal Cord Injury
Residency: PM&R, UTHealth San Antonio Long School of Medicine
Why this Spinal Cord Injury Program?I chose to complete my SCI fellowship at UT because I wanted a program that offered comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care in multiple different health environments. I particularly enjoy helping patients regain independence through the companionship that is achieved through sports participation.