


认知钝化是一种精神疲劳的一种形式,可能会影响集中度,专注,注意力,生产力以及情感健康和心理健康。认知乏味并不是什么新鲜事物 - 您可能已经注意到了一个不眠之夜,感觉不舒服或压力很大的认知钝化的许多特征。在当前的时代精神的背景下,认知钝的不寻常的是普遍存在的认知钝。作为精神卫生保健提供者,我们在过去一年中看到和听到的更多信息。


Symptoms of cognitive dulling include burnout and feeling overwhelmed, difficulty making decisions, feeling more irritable, difficulty with concentration and focus, loss of productivity, and virtual fatigue. It impacts how we work, relate to others, spend our free time, and regulate our emotions. We may notice something feels off, but may not know exactly what it is. Particularly kids may lack the words to express their experiences of cognitive dulling.


  1. 自我照顾,自我照顾,自我保健:这可以包括anything you do to keep yourself healthy – physically, mentally, and emotionally – and should be individualized to what you need to take best care of yourself. Practicing healthy habits (e.g., good sleep hygiene, balanced diet, staying hydrated), reducing the number of decisions you have to make, engaging in a hobby, playing with your kids or pets, exercising, practicing mindful meditation, implementing relaxation techniques, or going on a vacation or staycation are some examples. It is important to integrate some self-care practices into your daily routine.
  2. Check in with yourself: Know your limits and be kind to yourself when you reach them. It is okay to say “no.” It is better to turn an opportunity down than to commit to it and not be able to give it your all.
  3. Manage stress in at least one area of your life: Being able to control stress in one area can help us feel better able to handle and manage the stress in other areas of our lives. Approach stress management one step at a time.
  4. Take pressure off perfection: “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.” Strive to do your best and take the pressure off of yourself to do everything perfect. Perfection is aspirational, not mandated.
  5. 寻求帮助:是与朋友还是亲人交谈或寻求专业支持,在需要时寻求帮助。支持可以大大改善我们的心理健康。如果您或亲人感到不知所措,经历艰难的时期或经历精神健康危机,危机文本线(741741的文字以达到危机辅导员)和国家自杀预防生命线(1-800-27324/7全天可用)。精神病学和行为科学系还提供住院和门诊服务:https://med.uth.edu/pshichiatry/patient-care/。请记住,每个人都可以从治疗中受益。

Written by: Jennifer Bahrman, PhD

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