
Your Investment in Mental Health

Your generous support of Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at McGovern Medical School is an important investment in people and their good mental health. With your financial or in-kind support, you become our partner in supporting mental health treatment for children, adolescents and adults, in educating the future leaders in mental healthcare, providing opportunities for expanded community outreach and in conducting innovative research to understand how to better identify mental illness and to treat the disease that affects one in five people. The quality of life for you, your family, and our community are dependent upon a mentally healthy community.

Ways to Give

Make a gift by credit card or check

To make a gift by credit card, please visit our secure online giving page. Through our online system, you can make one-time gifts to UTHealth or pledge installments in the amount, frequency, and duration you choose.

Give Now

Gifts by check (payable to UTHealth) should be sent to:
Office of Development
PO Box 1321
Houston, TX 77251-1321

Please include the purpose of your gift in the memo line.


If you have any questions, please contactMary