Project ECHO: Child Psychiatry for the Primary Care Provider

我们的儿童心理学hiatry for the Primary Care Provider ECHO, part of our CPAN Program provides opportunities for psychiatric consultations, access to didactic information, and support identifying resources for patients experiencing mental health challenges. We know more than 1.4 million children in Texas are estimated to have a diagnosable mental, behavioral or developmental disorder, and often there are significant wait times to access psychiatric care. This ECHO provides monthly resources for physicians to staff cases and receive up to date information and support on current psychiatric practices. This program is free to primary care providers enrolled in ourCPAN program.


Project Echo: CPPCP Zeroing in on Teen Suicide
When: Feb. 9, 2021 at 12 p.m.

*Join us for six sessions to help address patients who battle with present depressions, suicidal ideation, and non-suicidal self injury. More information on registration, session topics, and CMEs coming soon!

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