
肖恩·罗斯收到了他的医学物理学博士学位the University of Chicago in 2018 and completed his diagnostic imaging physics residency at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020. He joined the imaging physics team at UTHealth McGovern Medical School in early 2021. At the University of Chicago, his research focused on the optimization of iterative image reconstruction algorithms in breast CT and digital breast tomosynthesis. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, his research focus shifted to quality and workflow improvement in Radiology, with a primary focus on CT. His current research interests include (1) the development, validation, and application of an automated repeat/reject analysis algorithm for CT using readily available DICOM metadata, (2) comparing workflows and identifying inefficiencies in CT guided interventions, (3) investigating CT usage data from multiple institutions to identify and compare common practices for distributing specialized CT exams (e.g. CT perfusion) across a fleet of scanners, and (4) CT protocol optimization. Sean is also an active member of the AAPM, currently serving on the Diagnostic Demand and Supply Working Group and the Medical Physics 3.0 Smart Expansion Subcommittee.



Research Information


NIH F31 EB023076,“基于任务的数字乳房收购参数的优化
Tomosynsis,” Sean D. Rose,P.I。,8/12/2016-6/9/2018





  1. Aggrawal H. O., Andersen M. S., Rose S., and Sidky E. Y. A convex reconstruction model for X-ray tomographic imaging with uncertain flat-fields. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging. 4:17-31, 2018. PMCID: PMC6101264
  2. Zhang Z.,Rose S.,YE J.,Perkins A.TOF-PET数据。IEEE生物医学工程交易。65:936-946,2018。PMCID:PMC5912805
  3. Rose S., Reiser I., Sidky E. Y., and Pan X. Imaging of fiber-like structures in digital breast tomosynthesis. Journal of Medical Imaging. 6:031404, 2018. PMCID: PMC6328371
  4. Szczykutowicz T.和Rose S.首次查看:CT中的重复速率。放射学管理。41:29-35,2019。
  5. Rose S.,Viggiano B.,Bour R.,Bartels C.和SzczykutowiczT。一项关于CT 60,000名患者的浪费扫描的多机构研究。美国roentgenology杂志。215:1123-1129,2020。
  6. Knott EA, Rose SD, Wagner MG, Lee FT Jr, Radtke J, Anderson DR, Zlevor AM, Lubner MG, Hinshaw JL, Szczykutowicz TP. CT Fluoroscopy for ImageGuided Procedures: Physician Radiation Dose During Full-Rotation and Partial- 4 Angle CT Scanning. J Vasc Interv Radiol. Jan 4:S1051-0443(20)31022-8. 2021. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33414069.
  7. Viggiano B.,Rose S.和Szczykutowicz T.P.对比剂给药对CT中水等效直径的影响。医学物理 - 接受
  8. Rose S.,Viggiano B.,Bour R.,Bartels C.,Kanne J.和SzczykutowiczT。在放射学中应用新的CT质量指标:CT肺血管造影重复率如何在机构之间进行比较。美国放射学院杂志 - 接受



  1. Szczykutowicz T.,Rose S.和Viggiano B.用于断层扫描重复速率/拒绝率捕获的设备。美国专利申请号16/403857。
    Filed May 6, 2019.


  1. Rose S., Viggiano B., and Szczykutowicz T. A method for automated repeat/reject rate analysis in CT. AAPM Annual Conference, 2019.
  2. Rose S., Viggiano B., and Szczykutowicz T. Repeated/rejected events in CT: A study quantifying their frequency and impact on patient dose. Annual Meeting of the RSNA, 2019.

Scientific Exhibits

  1. Rose S.,Reiser I.,Sidky E. Y.和Pan X.数字乳腺层状合成中纤维的方向依赖性可视化:圆形源轨迹的优势。IEEE核科学研讨会和医学成像会议,2018年。
  2. Zhang Z., Rose S., Ye J., Perkins A. E., Chen B., Sidky E. Y., Kao C.M., Tung C.H., and Pan X. Algorithm enabled TOF-PET imaging with reduced scan time. SPIE Medical Imaging: Physics of Medical Imaging, 2018.
  3. Lipford M.,Rose S.和Ranallo F.在MTF上改变视野(重建视野)的影响。AAPM年度会议,2019年。
  4. Rose S.,Lipford M.和Ranallo F.Pitch依赖性敏感性和剂量效率CT的依赖性。AAPM年度会议,2019年。
  5. Rose S., Viggiano B., and Szczykutowicz T. An Automated InformaticsBased Repeat/Reject Rate Algorithm for CT. Annual Meeting of the RSNA, 2019.
  6. Rose S.,Lipford M.,Stabo N.,Bartels C.,Lubner M.,SzczykutowiczT。在创伤环境中用于CT的金属伪像减少算法:它们需要太长吗?AAPM年度会议,2020年。
  7. Rose S.,Ruyle J.和Szczykutowicz T. CT数中基于参数尺寸的变化。AAPM年度会议,2020年 - 被选为蓝色丝带成像雌二指。
  8. Rose S., Viggiano B., and Szczykutowicz T. Identification of poorly performing CT protocols via comparison of CT repeat rates across five institutions. Annual Meeting of the RSNA, 2020.
  9. Rose S.,Lubner M.,Hartung M.,Kim D.,Avey G.和SzczykutowiczT。基于深度学习的CT重建算法:它们与迭代重建以及在临床实践中应用的考虑以及在临床实践中的应用有何不同。RSNA年度会议,2020年。