Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Helping restore and reshape the human body.


We are located in the heart of Texas Medical Center, and provide reconstructive and cosmetic surgical services to patients in the greater Houston area.

马修·格雷夫(Matthew R. Greives),医学博士
Division Director

Matthew Greives

Plastic Surgery Faculty

德克萨斯大学卫生科学中心,休斯敦,塑料和重建手术部门致力于在恢复和重塑人体方面卓越的患者护理。我们位于世界上最大的医学综合体德克萨斯医学中心的中心,我们为医学领域的领导者提供了多学科的综合方法。我们所有的教职员工均由美国整形外科委员会符合资格的董事会认证或董事会,以确保质量最高和勤奋。该部门致力于履行UTHEADY的使命:教育健康科学专业人员,发现和翻译生物医学和社会科学的进步,并为临床护理和公共卫生中的最佳实践建模。我们致力于培训下一代整形外科医生,并提供悠久的成就plastic surgery residency. We also teach students from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, the seventh largest medical school in the U.S. The field of plastic surgery truly encompasses head-to-toe, and our core faculty have specific expertise in each of these areas and operate at the following hospitals:


  • Uthealth的主要教学医院纪念Hermann-TMC医院是该国最繁忙的I级创伤中心。
  • 林登·约翰逊(Lyndon B.
  • Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital – 310 bed quarternary care women and children’s hospital located in the Texas Medical Center

Reconstructive Surgery:This involves restoration of form and function throughout the body. This may include repairing a defect that trauma or tumors may have inflicted, reconstructing a breast after mastectomy, reattachment of limbs and digits, putting back together the bones of a face, or gender affirming surgeries.

Microsurgery:这涉及到使用显微镜或放大glasses (loupes) to sew blood vessels and nerves together, allowing the surgeon to bring tissue from one part of the body to another. The sutures used are 1/3 the size of a human hair and these techniques require specialized training and expertise.

颅面和小儿整形手术:This includes treatment of anomalies of the face or head as well as other congenital diseases in children. This may range from craniosynostosis (premature fusion of skull bones), cleft lip and palate, jaw surgery, facial reanimation, vascular anomalies (including hemangiomas), and congenital nevi. The Texas Cleft-Craniofacial clinic is the longest-running collaborative cleft clinic in Houston, with 13 specialties offering coordinated expertise.

Hand surgery:This includes treatment of both acute and chronic problems such as injuries (soft tissue, tendon, and bone) in the hand, carpal tunnel surgery, brachial plexus repair, arthritis of joints in the hand and wrist, and congenital hand anomalies.

Breast surgery:This may include all forms of breast reconstruction, from implants and tissue expanders to using your own tissue (free tissue transfer). This also includes breast reduction or symmetry procedures. Finishing procedures may include nipple reconstruction or tattooing.

Cosmetic (or Aesthetic) procedures:这包括隆胸或隆胸(Mastopexy),吸脂,面部提升,眉毛抬起,隆鼻术,眼睑手术和腹部成形术。此外,还提供了多种辅助程序,例如肉毒杆菌毒素,填充剂,激光和皮肤化。

Our Specialties Include:

Breast Reconstruction
Hand Reconstruction
Aesthetics Cosmetic: Chief Resident Clinic
Pediatric Cleft Program
Transgender “Gender Affirmation Program”
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction- MIST
Vascular anomalies

By choosing a plastic surgeon who is certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc., you can be assured that the doctor has graduated from an accredited medical school and has completed at least five years of additional training as a resident surgeon in a program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Medical Education or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. This includes a minimum of five years of residency training in all areas of surgery, including at least two years devoted entirely to plastic surgery. Certification is a voluntary process a surgeon seeks after this training. To become certified, the doctor then must pass comprehensive written and oral exams. The certification process is designed to assure the public that a certified medical specialist has successfully completed an approved educational program and an evaluation, including an examination process designed to assess the knowledge, experience and skills requisite to the provision of high quality patient care in that specialty.

The American Board of Plastic Surgery
American Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association