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New UTHealth Houston academic psychiatric hospital opens next month in partnership with state

Exterior photo of the new academic psychiatric hospital, part of the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center at UTHealth Houston. (Photo by Rogelio Castro)
The 240,000 square-foot new academic psychiatric hospital, part of the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center at UTHealth Houston, includes 264 new inpatient beds. (Photo by Rogelio Castro)
医学博士Giuseppe Colasurdo的照片。
President of UTHealth Houston Giuseppe Colasurdo, MD, at the ribbon-cutting event on Feb. 2, 2022. (Photo by Rogelio Castro)
Photo of the courtyard at the new academic psychiatric hospital, part of the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center at UTHealth Houston. (Photo by Robert Seale)
新的学术精神病医院的庭院,位于休斯敦Uthealth的John S. Dunn行为科学中心。(罗伯特·西尔(Robert Seale)照片)

一项新的学术精神病院,of the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center, will combine the most advanced patient care, research, and education when it opens next month at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston) in partnership with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and the Texas Medical Center.


The 253,000 square-foot facility, which includes 264 new inpatient beds, was funded by the 85thTexas Legislative Session in 2017. The first years of the hospital’s operational funding were approved by the 87th立法机关在2021年。医院建筑有the name of the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center in gratitude for a generous gift from the Dunn Foundation to bolster the university’s behavioral health initiatives and address significant gaps in mental health care services.

“We are truly grateful to our state leaders and legislators, our partners at HHSC, and the Dunn Foundation for their shared vision and transformative investment in behavioral health,” said UTHealth Houston President Giuseppe Colasurdo, MD. “This center is an integral part of our collaborative, comprehensive effort to ensure that everyone in our community has access to the very best in mental health services.

新的学术精神病医院和附近的Uthealth Houston Harris County Psychiatric Center建立了Uthealth Houston行为科学校园和该国最大的学术精神病医院,拥有538张病床。

“Increasing access to mental and behavioral health care has long been a priority for Governor Abbott,” said Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott. “The State of Texas is proud to invest in resources, like the new UTHealth Houston Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center, that will ensure Texans receive the best care available and help us better address mental and behavioral health challenges.”

作为与HHSC合同的一部分,额外的床将使休斯顿的Uthealth Houston可以接触到一个更大的地区,服务于29个连续的县从休斯敦散布。这是25年内在该州建造的第一家公立精神病医院。

德克萨斯州HHSC说:“这种新的最先进的设施是对社区的急需投资,它将对我们为患有严重精神疾病的最脆弱的德克萨斯人提供护理的能力产生持久的影响。”执行专员Cecile Erwin Young。


“这种新的学术精神科设施将有助于我们扩大我们为社区服务的努力,并通过利用尖端的研究,患者护理和围绕心理健康的教育来减轻重大精神疾病的痛苦,” PAT Jair Soares,PAT,PATbeplay苹果手机能用吗R. Rutherford,小休斯敦麦戈文医学院精神病学主席,新医院执行主任。

“这个新设施将使我们能够通过为那些在医院里需要更多时间在医院的患者提供比典型的急性护理逗留的患者来创建更完整的护理,”史蒂芬·格拉泽(Stephen Glazier医院。“我们还将与当地的心理卫生局,哈里斯中心合作,通过他们最近开设的新支持的住房单位为我们的连续体提供住房组成部分。通过提供完整而综合的护理,我们希望为患者带来更好的结果。”

助理教授Alia Warner博士领导的两项小型,最近发表的研究的结果;以及斯科特·莱恩(Scott Lane)博士,教授兼副主席,在休斯顿Uthealth Houstonbeplay苹果手机能用吗的McGovern医学院精神病学和行为科学系教授兼副主席,透露,在踩踏的环境中,更长的时间为精神病患者的精选患者持续下去,导致了替代的情况。较低的医院再入院率和定罪后至少有一次犯罪后的可能性较低。

The new facility, built by Vaughn Construction, includes support space for staff and student education and research, and a multi-use therapy mall. The architecture, interior design and landscape architecture was designed by Perkins&Will to promote a healing atmosphere.



A large space on the fourth level for inpatient and outpatient services for people suffering from treatment-resistant behavioral health disorders has been designed with natural light and a Galveston scene mural.

One wing of the new building contains space for teaching and training new clinicians including doctors, nurses, therapists, and researchers.

“新医院大楼可改善我们社区获得住院的精神病医疗服务,” Faillace精神病学和行为科学系副教授Lokesh Shahani医学博士Lokesh Shahani说。“它为我们提供了一个机会,可以开发创新和个性化的照顾精神疾病的人的方式。”

Special Appreciation

德克萨斯州议会大厦和全州的许多人都在确保建筑基金的作用中,包括SB 1的作者和赞助商,参议员简·尼尔森(Jane Nelson)和医学博士众议员约翰·泽瓦斯(John Zerwas),现任大学卫生事务副总理德克萨斯州系统,州长州长格雷格·雅培(Greg Abbott),州长丹·帕特里克(Dan Patrick)和前众议院议长乔·施特劳斯(Joe Straus)。监督健康和人类服务计划的预算谈判的前医学博士查尔斯·施沃特纳(Charles Schwertner)和前众议员莎拉·戴维斯(Sarah Davis)领导了各自会议厅的努力,以确保包括资金。哈里斯县代表团的其他成员在支持他们的支持下。

The new building was also a recommended project by two interim committees before the session. After a long study, tours and briefings, the Houston project was recommended for this behavioral health funding by the Senate Interim Committee on Health and Human Services, led by Sen. Schwertner and vice chaired by Sen. Lois Kolkhorst; and the House Select Committee on Mental Health, which was led by Rep. Four Price and included local Houston mental health champions Rep. Garnet Coleman and Rep. Senfronia Thompson.

In addition to statewide leadership from Gov. Abbott, Lieutenant Gov. Dan Patrick, and Speaker Dade Phelan, legislators who were key to operational funding of these beds during the 87thLegislature were SB 1 and HB 2 author/sponsor Sen. Nelson and Rep. Greg Bonnen, MD. Additionally, the chief budget negotiators for the health and human service programs in conference committee were Sen. Lois Kolkhorst and Rep. Giovanni Capriglione assisted by Rep. Ann Johnson, a member of the House Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee.

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