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News from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Stories from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)

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Photo of Beverly Moore. (Courtesy photo)
Beverly Moore. (Courtesy photo)

编者注:为了庆祝妇女历史月(3月1日至3月31日),休斯敦乌西顿(Uthealth Houston)邀请了我们社区的杰出成员。

Beverly Moore has a unique background for an information technology professional – at her core she’s a writer.


信息技术安全副总裁兼首席信息安全官Moore说:“ IT安全主要在后台运作,但对大学的任务至关重要。”“患者信任休斯顿Uthealth提供的护理,我的团队是他们的护理团队的一部分。临床医生是护理人员,我们是他们数据的看护人。我对此充满热情。”

在她的职位上,摩尔领导了四个IT安全团队 - 安全运营,身份和访问管理,风险管理咨询和合规;和学校的安全支持。外围beplay

“Our job is to ensure the university’s data and information is protected. We help manage risk for the organization, but to do that well, we must work with our community,” Moore said. “I can’t think of a better word than ‘partnership’ to describe what we do. In many organizations, IT security is viewed as the office of ‘no,’ but we take a consultative approach and work with our business sponsors and IT professionals to find reasonable and secure solutions.”



摩尔就读于著名的Debakey High School从事卫生专业。她还通过高中和大学担任护理助理,但发现她的写作能力比有机化学更有才华。她以优异的成绩获得了休斯顿大学 - 唐敦大学的专业写作学位。经过几次德克萨斯医学中心实习,她被聘为研究与学术事务办公室的编辑,主要为研究创新杂志制作校园研究目录和内容。beplay苹果手机能用吗

Moore’s journey into IT started with a broken computer in 1996. By happenstance, Moore had a conversation with the woman working on her machine. The Help Desk was looking to hire someone to put printed training manuals online. As a writer, Moore had some of the skills. She applied and was hired as a client support analyst for the IT Help Desk. She upskilled and became an IT trainer as well.





这种心态导致她在2008年担任IT安全性高级信息安全分析师的晋升。摩尔蓬勃发展,升任经理,高级经理,首席安全官ad interim, and then to her current post as Associate Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer since May 2020.

“I found myself creating processes to fill gaps in our security program, learning skills I needed to excel, and taking the opportunities to stretch and grow. I’ve remained inquisitive and open to feedback.”

Moore has attained several security certifications, including Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).


摩尔说,她感谢她在询问时提供帮助的同龄人,以及在旅途中提供机会的领导人。包括Barbara Legate,Bill Sun,Amar Yousif,Rick Miller,Kevin Dillon等。

“我没有问题是工蜂,我从来没有aspired or saw myself in leadership,” she said. “You don’t get to places like this by yourself. You have to have people who support you, lift you up, and are willing to take a chance on you. When you get your chance, shoot your shot. Luck is a combination of preparedness and opportunity, and when opportunity presents itself, grab it and don’t let go.”

Even in an executive leadership role, Moore said she’s still learning new skills.

“The need for learning doesn’t stop once you get to this level; I’m still learning,” she said. “I’m very excited that at this point in my career I am mentoring others. I’ve learned that you can be a mentor and a mentee in the same body and space. Admittedly, I’ve learned as much from my mentees as they have from me: generational differences; the way they think and work, and how they use technology-- is different. It’s important to have those relationships.”

For a long period, Moore was the only woman in IT Security, but she has worked to hire qualified women into a department that is more diverse and inclusive of people with unique skillsets. Currently, nearly a quarter of the IT security team are women.



“UTHealth Houston is an amazing organization. With three missions, there is always something fascinating going on,” she said. “In IT security, no day is the same. We get to work with a community of innovative researchers, educators, clinicians, faculty, staff, and students. In the midst of it all, our job is to protect our data, enable the business and promote a positive security culture. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the UTHealth Houston community."

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