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Photo of the UTHealth mobile stroke unit. (Photo by UTHealth)

中风患者接受溶栓药物such as tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) faster, more often, and recovered significantly better when treated via a mobile stroke unit (MSU) compared to standard management by Emergency Medical Services (EMS), according to researchers with The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) and Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center (TMC).

The research was presented today at the American Heart Association’s International Stroke Conference.

“Receiving tPA within the first hour after the onset of stroke symptoms is critical to improving a patient’s outcome. Because the MSU is able to bring stroke treatment to the patient rather than awaiting arrival to the Emergency Department, we were able to treat one-third of patients within that time frame compared to only 3% of those receiving standard management” said James Grotta, MD, director of stroke research at the Clinical Institute for Research and Innovation at Memorial Hermann-TMC, director of the Houston Mobile Stroke Unit Consortium, a neurologist with the Memorial Hermann Medical Group, and corresponding author of the study. “We also were able to treat 97% of eligible patients transported by a MSU, compared to 80% brought to the emergency department by ambulance.”




In 2014, McGovern Medical School at UTHealth was the first in the nation to launch a mobile stroke unit, a specially equipped ambulance for diagnosing and treating stroke rapidly before hospital arrival. The UTHealth mobile stroke unit team, in partnership with Memorial Hermann and other local hospitals, is able to quickly provide anischemic stroke患有TPA的患者。



“尽管移动中风单元已经开始出现在美国整个美国,但没有研究表明,他们实际上为更好的患者结果做出了贡献,” UTHealth公共卫生学院生物统计学副教授,高级作家Jose-Migubeplay苹果手机能用吗el Yamal博士说。研究。“最佳MSU研究是美国第一项研究,该研究表明,流动性中风单元能够在中风症状发作后的'黄金小时'早期治疗缺血性中风患者,这意味着患者的残疾较少。与标准的紧急医疗服务相比,我们发现有10%的人患有MSU的残疾人。重要的是,这些结果在种族和性别群体之间是一致的。如果移动中风单元被更广泛地采用,这可能会通过改变院前护理的实践对公共卫生产生重大影响,从而使中风和更好的患者结局的治疗更早地治疗。”

Uthealth公共卫生学院担任数据协调中心的最佳MSU试验中心,与McGovern医学院,Memorial Hermann和七个不同的地点合作进行了试验。这项研究beplay苹果手机能用吗是与休斯顿,贝莱尔和西大学消防部门合作进行的,并参与休斯敦所有中风中心。

该研究的合着者隶属于Uthealth公共卫生学院,包括Suja Rajan博士;Asha P. Jacob,医学博士;Mengxi Wang,博士;Noopur Singh,MPH;和迈克尔·冈萨雷斯(Michael Gonzalez),MPH。McGovern医学院的合着者包括Stephanie A. Parker,MHA,BSN,RN,Uthealth Mobile Stroke部门主任;妮可·冈萨雷斯(Nicole Gonzales),医学博士;医学博士大卫·佩尔塞(David Persse);RN的Patti Bratina;詹姆斯·麦卡锡(James McCarthy),医学博士,执行副总裁兼首席医师执行纪念馆Hermann Health System; Nicole Rangel-Gutierrez, NP; Edgar Lechuga, RN; Jonathan Stephenson, RN; Kenny Phan, RTR, CT Yvette Sanders; Elizabeth Noser, MD; and Ritvij Bowry, MD.



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