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Kymberle Sterling的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗旨在扭转数十年的烟草营销,以少数民族,青年针对

Photo of Kymberle Sterling, DrPH, MPH
通过研究,Kymbeplay苹果手机能用吗berle Sterling,DRPH,MPH正在寻找与烟草营销努力作斗争的方法,以使其产品对青少年有吸引力,以及在少数民族社区内销售某些产品的目标努力。

Kymberle Sterling, DrPH, MPH, has spent her career combating the tobacco industry’s efforts to attract new smokers.

Sterling is something of an anti-marketer, looking for ways to fight tobacco’s marketing efforts to make their products attractive to teens as well as its targeted efforts to sell certain products within minority communities, including African American, Hispanic, and LGTBQ+.

She is a tenured associate professor at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston) School of Public Health-Dallas, a public health behavioral scientist, and a tobacco-related health disparities researcher. Sterling is also the first African American woman to be awarded tenure at the school.

“我骄傲我的研究团队正在进行的工作beplay苹果手机能用吗ing,” Sterling said. “We’ve learned how the industry is promoting its products to these communities and how youth and young adults in those communities perceive these products. We use our research findings to develop communication tools to help young people resist tobacco advertising when they are exposed to it.”

Sterling said she loves research because it allows her to be both analytical and creative.

“对我来说,这是解决问题,创造力和帮助某人的能力之间的完美婚姻。斯特林说:“它探讨了我在地球上的目标 - 帮助人们。”




While earning her Master of Public Health at Tulane, Sterling met a foundational mentor who steered her into research, Bettina M. Beech, DrPH, MPH, who had earned her doctorate at UTHealth School of Public Health.


Beech’s mentorship also guided Sterling to the Houston campus of the School of Public Health, where she earned her DrPH in Community Health Sciences.

“Dr. Beech was the only African American instructor I had at Tulane. Seeing someone who looked like me as a professor was so inspirational. She told me about her journey as a doctoral student in Houston, and I wanted to try it out,” Sterling said.

斯特林(Sterling)通过研究项目与Alfred McAlister博士,名誉教授在公共卫生学院的研究项目中帮助战斗烟草的热情。beplay苹果手机能用吗该项目包括开发德克萨斯州烟草预防计划的部分,这是一项通过与烟草业的和解,于2000年代初在2000年代初期资助的全州倡议。它为儿童创建了预防烟草计划,包括学校课程和公共服务运动。



Both products are popular within the African American community.

“The industry developed specific marketing campaigns aimed at minoritized communities,” she said. “It’s interesting to study. The tobacco industry documents show how the industry would study groups of people, learn about their culture, norms, and beliefs, and systematically normalize the use of tobacco products as a part of the groups’ practices.”

Knowing that makes the work Sterling does more rewarding.


Sterling said she feels it’s her duty to not only practice good science, but to help train and motivate the next generation of professionals.

“I’ve been so blessed to have strong female role models in my life who have molded me,” she said. “The most meaningful experiences inside and outside of the classroom have been those where someone has taken the time to share their story with me or taken the time to give me the advice to help me better myself. Those interactions have more often than not happened with women, and more often than not, they happened with women of color. If I can pour into someone the way my role models have poured into me, then I’m moving in the right direction.”

Sterling said she is especially honored to mentor people of color working to enter public health.


Sterling was a part of the team from the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy (IDEA) Committee at the School of Public Health, who applied for a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to enhance diversity efforts at the school.


“I always wanted to work with and help young people,” she said. “Early on, I wanted to be a pediatrician, but I never imagined the impact I could make conducting public health research. I’m so proud of my team’s research and its impact on people’s lives.”

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