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新学术精神病医院的外观照片,位于休斯敦Uthealth的John S. Dunn行为科学中心的一部分。(Rogelio Castro的照片)
240,000平方英尺的新学术精神病医院是休斯敦Uthealth的John S. Dunn行为科学中心的一部分,其中包括264张新的住院床。(Rogelio Castro的照片)
Photo of Giuseppe Colasurdo, MD.
President of UTHealth Houston Giuseppe Colasurdo, MD, at the ribbon-cutting event on Feb. 2, 2022. (Photo by Rogelio Castro)
新学术精神病医院的庭院照片,这是休斯顿Uthealth的John S. Dunn行为科学中心的一部分。(罗伯特·西尔(Robert Seale)的照片)
The courtyard at the new academic psychiatric hospital, part of the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center at UTHealth Houston. (Photo by Robert Seale)

新的学术精神病医院,约翰·邓恩行为科学中心的一部分,将在下个月在休斯敦的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Uthealth Houston)开放时,将结合最先进的患者护理,研究和教育。beplay苹果手机能用吗在德克萨斯州卫生与公共服务委员会(HHSC)和德克萨斯州医疗中心。

A ribbon-cutting was held today. Patient services will begin in March.

253,000平方英尺的设施包括264张新的住院床,由85thTexas Legislative Session in 2017. The first years of the hospital’s operational funding were approved by the 87thLegislature in 2021. The hospital building carries the name of the John S. Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center in gratitude for a generous gift from the Dunn Foundation to bolster the university’s behavioral health initiatives and address significant gaps in mental health care services.

“我们非常感谢我们的州领导人和立法者,HHSC的合作伙伴以及邓恩基金会在行为健康方面的共同愿景和变革性投资,” Uthealth Houston Houston总裁Giuseppe Colasurdo,医学博士。“该中心是我们合作,全面努力的组成部分,以确保我们社区中的每个人都能获得最佳的心理健康服务。

The new academic psychiatric hospital and the nearby UTHealth Houston Harris County Psychiatric Center combine to create the UTHealth Houston Behavioral Sciences Campus and the largest academic psychiatric hospital in the country with 538 beds.

德克萨斯州第一夫人塞西莉亚·雅培(Cecilia Abbott)说:“长期以来,雅培州长的精神和行为保健机会越来越多,”德克萨斯州第一夫人塞西莉亚·雅培(Cecilia Abbott)说。“得克萨斯州很荣幸能投资于新的乌索顿休斯顿邓恩行为科学中心,这将确保德克萨斯人获得最佳护理,并帮助我们更好地应对心理和行为健康挑战。”

The additional beds will allow UTHealth Houston to reach out to a larger region as part of its contract with HHSC, serving 29 contiguous counties spreading out from Houston. It is the first public psychiatric hospital to be built in the state in 25 years.

“This new state-of-the-art facility is a much-needed investment in the community and it will have a long-lasting impact in our ability to provide care for the most vulnerable Texans living with serious mental illness,” said Texas HHSC Executive Commissioner Cecile Erwin Young.

The facility accommodates multiple patient populations and levels of treatment with access to medication management, group and individual therapy, and educational and life skills training.

“这将有助于新的学术精神设施us expand our efforts to serve our community and alleviate suffering from major mental illnesses by leveraging cutting-edge research, patient care, and education around mental health,” said Jair Soares, MD, PhD, the Pat R. Rutherford, Jr. Chair In Psychiatry at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston and executive director of the new hospital.

“这个新设施将使我们能够为那些在医院需要更多时间在医院的患者提供比典型的急性护理逗留的患者提供更完整的护理,”史蒂芬·格拉泽(Stephen Glazier医院。“我们还将与当地的心理卫生局Harris Center合作,以通过他们最近开设的新支持的住房单位为我们的连续体提供住房部分。通过提供完整而综合的护理,我们希望为患者取得更好的结果。”

Results of two small, recently published studies led by Alia Warner, PhD, assistant professor; and Scott Lane, PhD, professor and vice chair for research in the Faillace Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston, revealed that longer stays for select first or early onset of psychosis patients in a step-down setting resulted in lower hospital readmission rates and a lower likelihood of conviction of at least one crime post-discharge.

由Vaughn Construction建造的新设施包括为员工以及学生教育和研究的支持空间,以及多用途疗法购物中心。beplay苹果手机能用吗建筑,室内设计和景观建筑是由珀金斯(Perkins&Will)设计的,以促进治愈的氛围。

Two internal courtyards allow access to the outdoors with walking paths, seating areas, and gardens. Wall-sized murals, which include photographs of Greater Houston and Texas landmarks and landscapes, were commission specifically for the hospital. The cafeteria includes a wall of inspirational sayings about nutrition.

Natural light from large windows, noise-reducing materials, and lighting were designed to lower stress. Each unit also has a group room used for therapy sessions, art and music therapy, and recreation and relaxing. Rooms include chalkboards for a creative outlet for patients.



“The new hospital building improves access to inpatient psychiatric care for our community,” said Lokesh Shahani, MD, MPH, associate professor in the Faillace Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and chief medical officer of the new hospital. “It provides us an opportunity to develop innovative and personalized ways of caring for individuals suffering with mental illness.”


Many people at the Texas State Capitol and across the state were instrumental in securing the construction funds, including the author and sponsor of SB 1, Sen. Jane Nelson and Rep. John Zerwas, MD, now executive vice chancellor of Health Affairs for The University of Texas System, and state leaders Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and former House Speaker Joe Straus. Sen. Charles Schwertner, MD, and former Rep. Sarah Davis, who oversaw budget negotiations for health and human service programs, led the effort in their respective chambers to make sure funding was included. Other members of the Harris County delegation were vocal in their support.

新大楼也是会议前两个临时委员会推荐的项目。经过长时间的研究,参观和简报,参议院临时卫生与公共服务委员会推荐了休斯敦项目,由参议员施威尔纳(Schwertner)领导,由参议员路易斯·科尔克霍斯特(Lois Kolkhorst)主持;众议院心理健康委员会由众议员四个价格领导,其中包括休斯顿地方精神卫生冠军众议员加内特·科尔曼(Garnet Coleman)和众议员森弗朗尼亚·汤普森(Senfronia Thompson)。

除了州长雅培州州长,州长丹·帕特里克(Dan Patrick)和议长达德·菲兰(Dade Phelan)之外th立法机关是SB 1和HB 2作者/赞助商纳尔逊参议员和众议员格雷格·邦纳(Greg Bonnen),医学博士。此外,会议委员会卫生和公共服务计划的首席预算谈判者是参议员路易斯·科尔科斯特(Lois Kolkhorst)和众议员乔瓦尼·卡普里格里奥(Giovanni Capriglione),由众议院健康与公共服务拨款小组委员会成员Ann Johnson协助。


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